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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Some good ones there that takes me back. Thanks Rubberball.
  2. Oh yeah,.. It's gray alright. This January I will turn 65. A mere youngster to ole Rubberball though. But I see that he still has a little bounce in his steps.
  3. You know, I meant to ask Ozi this question ages ago when he first appeared on CC. But things just sort of got away from me at the time. But would his wife's name by any chance happen to be Harriet? ???
  4. I'm glad you liked it. And I know what you mean, as I have had lots of days like that. Fucking bastards! :poke:
  5. I once left a post about this that I later deleted. It seems that my post sometimes are like the footprints left on a sandy shoreline, to where the waves then lap up and wash away. But there was this other time where Rick Bobinac and Larry Vitti, and Jim Horian all thought that it would be great fun to go to this house where these young religious zealots would perform a 'Born Again' service. I didn't want to go, but the laughing persuasion of mainly Rick Bobinac, (A fun guy at times) talked me into it. Well there were a number of young people there including a couple of pretty cute girls. But the loud mouth in charge, a young man who fancied himself as the next Jimmy Jones, tried to take control over the situation and wanted me, can you imagine, to go into this darken closet with him. Oh I could see through the open door how at the back of this black hole there was a little shrine of sorts with some romantic candles that were lit. And frankly, had he been one of those cute girls there, I would have had no real problem with that at all. But I told him rather angrily,.. "Hell no!" "I'm not crawling into that little closet with you!" And that as far as being born again goes, I told him that once was enough for me! Well the guys all got a kick out of this, including one of the girls there who giggled and smiled over it all. But who knows? Had I been of a weaker disposition, he might have gotten me to drink the Kool Aide later on, or move down to Guyana with him during his little crusade. A real fucking weirdo by all accounts. "Hey Woody, Would you like some delicious strawberry strychnine Kool Aide?" "I made it specially for you." "Why yes maggot, I think I would." "Ooooooo I don't feel so good,.." :puke:
  6. One of my briefest stays within a church, was back in my hoodlum days. A friend, Larry Phelin, and his wife to be, Cathy, (Really pretty) were getting married at night in this church, and they really wanted me to come. Well, as busy as my agenda was back then, myself and some of the guys did show up and stood at the back of this darken church (It was only lit with candles, which I heartedly approved of).. Anyway, just at the moment when the priest was about to ask them those important 'I will questions'. They noticed the priest being slightly distracted looking back at us shadowy fellows, which caused both Larry and Cathy to then turned around and smiled at me. I then nodded cordially as I lit a cigarette off of one of those pretty candles near by. You know the ones that are in those colorful little glass jars, and then we left. Total elapse time,.. I would put it at around four minutes thirty seconds, or perhaps even less. And earlier on, during those important 'I will questions',.. I was tempted to say when it was Larry's turn to answer,.. "If he won't, I will." But I didn't. I mean, after all, it was a church. :smoke:
  7. While I don't subscribe to any orthodox religion, and have only gone to a church maybe five or six times in my life, which not counting my baptism would have been mostly for weddings and funerals. However I do want to state for the record that I do believe in God, and in His Blessed Son Jesus. I have my reasons. I mention this now, only because I wouldn't want Him to think that I was somehow ashamed to state this openly, even though when it comes to my beliefs I am for the most part very private and quiet about it all. As I've said before, I'm not interested in recruiting others, and neither is that me over there peddling Bibles on the street corner. Besides, I think that sort of thing does more to chase people away when it comes to believing in Him. I know that it makes me squirm at times whenever someone is trying to hurl their great revelations upon me. I even scared a couple of obnoxious Mormons away. You know those guys that travel in pairs with their white shirts and black leather shoulder bands. They came knocking upon my door four or five months ago, and while I tried to be polite at first, they took an assuming role and acted like they themselves was my only hope of salvation. I think their ears are still ringing with my roaring response to them. "Fuck you, and your outer darkness, you self-righteous cocksuckers!" "I don't lean into a couple of liars to hear the truth!" Well, they didn't stick around very long at all, which is a good thing, as I was about to tell them what I thought of their prophet Joseph Smith, and of the Mormon's Mountain Meadow Massacre. I think their now learning to become more selective in their search for 'soft targets' concerning this sort of thing.
  8. https://youtu.be/nXoX-HO9U5U Here's my real gift to TBG. And to all my good friends here.
  9. Ah, to be a young man again. My face would cling to her like a barnacle upon a ships hull. And we would joyfully sail away together into the salty abyss.
  10. It's not easy. But there are certain words at times that sort of stand out throughout all of this static like banter, such as, "You stupid squishy cunt!" And things of that nature, and then your mind just sort of goes into a decoding sequence and starts to fill in the blank spaces. It's sort of like introducing frog DNA in order to fill in the gaps. And the results sometimes can be just as terrifying. :yikes:
  11. By the way, has anyone heard from Van lately? I hope he's alright. I have been a little worried about him at times. But hopefully he's just been preoccupied for the moment in some frantic hand to hand combat with one of those Isis cocksuckers over there in Piccadilly Circus somewhere. Anyway,.. To you van, wherever you are. :hi:
  12. Not to the same extent concerning this. But yes, I will concede that there are some white trash out there as well. I think it's based upon a lack of intelligence and a lack of moral upbringing. And please don't launch into your tired protestations against religion. One doesn't have to be religious to know the difference between right and wrong.
  13. Yeah,.. Someone is stirring up the ole shit pot it seems. :stirthepot:
  14. The kid's name was Vincent Fazetta, but everyone, including his parents called him Toto. He lived just down the street from me, and I remember his father would on occasion chase him around and around this tree out in front of their house with a razor strap. Anyway, his father was a carpenter and had all this expensive equipment such as band saws and such in his garage, along with about six inches of saw dust on the floor. Well, in retaliation one day, Toto burn down his garage. And I heard years later through an aunt who still lived on the east side of Detroit, that they had to put poor Toto in a special facility, as no one it seemed could control him. I do remember Toto being a bit of a fire bug back then. So I guess there was a little bit of Nero in poor Toto. One things for sure, you wouldn't want him for your emperor.
  15. http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/a9/52/3b/detroit-institute-of.jpg The Detroit Institute of Art. Where but for a brief moment in time my illustrious mess did reside.
  16. During the 'July Fun Fest' back in Detroit in 1967. The blacks were all scampering around carrying the latest thing, (Color TVs). Some even got shot during this looting spree. But what always amazed me was the fact that the Detroit Art museum was just a mile or so away. And back then there was virtually no security to speak of at all, as those were the civil years, before that lunatic took a hammer to the Pieta in 1972. You would have thought that perhaps a Homer was worth a hell of a lot more than a Sylvania 16 inch color TV. But I guess that wasn't the case somehow. In fact, the security back in those days was next to none, and rather than steal a painting, I actually stuck one of my own there on one of the walls as a lark. It was meant as a joke in the modern art section. It was a small painting with a cheap frame attached that I had managed to sneak into the museum and stuck it to the wall with a glob of masking tape attached on the backside. But unfortunately, it didn't receive much acclaim and was removed a short time thereafter. That, or perhaps the person who goes around dusting off the pictures might have inadvertently knocked this glowing abstract to the floor. :-\
  17. When I was six years old, I actually knew a kid that got this for Christmas.
  18. And here's a little present for TBG. http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/voiceofthevalley.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/d/0d/d0d8d136-42ff-11e2-92cd-001a4bcf6878/50c6386994289.image.jpg No peeking now.
  19. His ego's involved, sure, but I also think he is just fed up with the way things are anymore in this country. And it probably baffles him why no one is bothering to address certain things.
  20. Are you trying to start a fight? Maybe poke fun at someone who is fed-up with all of this political correctness nonsense? Yes, either Trump, or Ted Cruz will do just fine with me. Now lets stay friends, and not provoke an argument. As I'm tired of all the bickering and fighting. And I'm wise enough to know that I will never be able to change your views about certain things, as I also know that I too will never change from the views and opinions that I hold as well. And with respect to my good friend Foamy,.. I think that Ted Cruz is a stand up guy with a lot of guts and brains. And Trump as we all know has an enormous ego. But that's a good thing since his name and reputation means everything to him. And so, he won't want to be looked upon as a failure or disappoint those to whom he has promised certain things. The establishment Republicans don't like him simply because he doesn't want to play ball with them when it comes to actually trying to change this country back to when the people here could still be proud of it. In this he wants to enforce the borders, create jobs, and strengthen the military. He also hates that nonsense of political correctness, which is nothing more than a political contrivance. A means in which to intimidate and make others too afraid to even speak their own minds, or even state that which they know to be true. He refuses to take their money or have them pull the strings. That in of itself show's that he too has guts, and isn't interested in the presidency just for the sake of the prestige alone. I don't think that either one of them are just two more, "Go along to get along" type of guys. Especially not now as this country has become seriously weakened by faulty thinking and incompetence.
  21. I once left a story having to do with myself and this song once a long time ago. But now that's just so much rain on the roof. Even so,.. this is to all those that I still think well of here.
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