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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Liberal woman admits that she is a stupid shit. They should all be that honest.
  2. Yeah, I see some countries are advancing. While our student populous is still learning how to recite the alphabet and count to ten.
  3. LOL ;D ! And not all of them human either.
  4. Well I'm sure the fuckers are only concerned about the pictures and vids anyway. So no permanent damage done.
  5. I want to thank both Foamy T. Squirrel, and TBG, not just for keeping the town streets here clean of miscreants and lay-a-bouts, but for frankly being such good friends as well. During the past two or more years, we have been through a lot together. And Foamy can be very elusive at times, very mysterious. In fact, there was a time way back when he just seemed to have vanished into thin air. No one could find neither hide nor hair of him. And frankly I was a bit alarmed by this and sent out an all points bulletin, with this much maligned description. Asking, "Have you seen this furry creature,.. possibly flattened out in the street with tire marks now etched across his back?" It was very worrisome there for a while. But as it turns out, he was merely walled off in a motel room for a few days performing a threesome with some old acquaintances of his, Natasha and Boris. Do you remember Foamy? But that was before your current alias now. Same menacing Squirrel, but with a more subdued aire about him. Anyways, I for one am sure glad that you are still here among us.
  6. Right on my friend. As God knows the truth of it, I was going to say that very same thing! It never ceases to comfort me, just how much we have in common.
  7. And NOW Between then, and now,.. Tell me, Is your heart breaking yet? She's wearing one of those remote microphones,.. so you can hear her bark.
  8. Compared to the ruckus and the noise that Efim used to rein down upon them, this would seem like the sound of a gentle rain falling upon the roof. I Like this girl. She is very sweet.
  9. A wise old fool once told me that sticks and stones may break his bones, but words would never hurt him. So with sticks and stones I broke his bones and never said one word to him.
  10. What happened? What happened to those once great and noble people, both here and in Great Britain. Those people who through their courage and defiance had so often caused my heart to swell up, and my eyes to become moistened from proud, loving tears, and true admiration. What happened to this fucking world anymore where people no longer have any sense of ethics or scruples and who now think it is fashionable to spit upon the flags that once draped over the coffins of some of the most honorable people you could have ever have met. Even Tom Brokaw called them, "The Greatest Generation". My doctor,.. Doctor Fumblebaum, (Actually, that's not his real name, but all else is true.) Well, he just doesn't understand me. He couldn't understand when he told me once,.. "Your a heart attack just waiting to happen". And it puzzled him why I should have smiled over this. I told him,.. "Look doc, I'm nobody's fool,.. But if Death should come knocking upon my door, I would welcome it with a warm kiss." No, I won't miss this world much,.. Not anymore.
  11. Another one from the great lady.
  12. I always like Vera Lynn. She is one gracious lady, with a lot of class. And just look at the tramps and the trash we have now. They can't sing, so they have to strip and grab their crotches while their tongues flap out of their mouths just like some dog in heat. I don't go to a whore house to hear good music, and I wouldn't give you a nickel for the whole lot of them!
  13. "Aw come to me my little babushka". Iz makes mad passionate loooove to you." My favorite line from "Doctor Zhivago"
  14. Yeah,.. I sort of touched upon that in my little spoof about Leora moving on board the owner of RLC's own personal yacht. But you've got it right. It's all lumped together in the sizzling "Uranium Package"
  15. Another bulls eye Karen. Your kind of like Annie Oakley, you don't miss much. ;) Now watch, as his attorney cooks up a 'Post Traumatic Track Syndrome'. Or what will soon become known as the "Choo Choo defense". "Ah yezer yer honor,.. Dats where ya gets sort of hypnotized by just staring at all dem tracks just commin at ya. And dey don't stop,.. Oh no siree! Dey jes keeps a commin. And da only remedy for dis is to just pour yerself a stiff one, and to then try to divert your attention off of dem dare tracks by racin over dem as fast as ya can while looking at porn videos on yer smart phone." "And I want ya ta know judge, dat my client does apologize for any disruptions that he may have caused to some people's families over dis." "He is very, very, very, sorry, yer honor. Why just look at him thar, I think he's about to burst open with another flood of them thar tears again, just like he showed to me prior to us commin here." The Judge: "You can do that?' Attorney: "Do what Judge?" The Judge: "Look at porn videos on your smart phone." The Attorney: "Sure Judge, I do it all da time."
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