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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. They used to call that era The Gay Nineties, before the queers hijacked that word.
  2. Egads! What a terrible thing it would be if some of those bigger planets were to take the place of our moon. For one thing it would be too bright at night, you would have to have some pretty thick shades if you ever wanted to get some sleep. And think about the ocean. Whew! The gravitational pull from Jupiter or Saturn wouldn't just cause the ocean to recede a little at ebb tide. Instead, it would pile up the water like a mountain, miles high, and then when the planet would go slinking away a bit to the other side of the earth. KA-SPLASH! That mountain of water would slam into our coastal sea side retreats. It also wouldn't be very good for boats or shipping either. Shipping cost would be staggering! Good ole moon. Makes me want to sing,.. "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
  3. This is for you moon. We still like you right where you are.
  4. I still like the old man in the moon. I saw another video that I almost posted where these meteorites were hitting the moon, one in particular was very big and the explosion could be seen with the naked eye. Poor moon. It sure has taken a lot of shots over the past few billion years. And I just think that these meteorites need to stop picking on it. It's been a pretty good friend to us here on earth, and I wouldn't want to see it pack up its bags and leave our little neighborhood.
  5. Well actually, we have a small version of the Anti-Christ right now in office. But your right, it would be a disaster. But don't you just know that the Clintons are grooming their daughter Chelsea for that position in the future. But she'll have to wait because you have to be at least thirty five years old in order to run for the office of the president. Whereas you can be a virtual child, an immature dupe that's as dumb as a rock in order to as MTV puts it, "Rock the Vote" for the candidate. Pretty asinine if you ask me. But then that was the Democrats doing back in the sixties. I'm pretty sure they would have liked to have lowered the age to around thirteen or so, if they could have. Just think of it,.. Then the Democrats could have a naked Britney Spears, with the flag stuck up her ass sing the national anthem at their victory celebration.
  6. He's the weak brother to George W. Bush. He is the one that the Democrats are hoping to see get elected if their own she-wolf, Hillary, doesn't. Because he is like watered down whisky, and won't do anything much to actually correct our problems, or to change this country back. I'm not a big sports fan, but the way that I see it is you can't just sit on the football once it's finally in your hands, but if you really do give a damn about this country, then you have to start to march it on back down the field to where so many of the idiotic policies of the Democrats over the past forty or so years are once again reversed. And that takes guts, and he won't do that.
  7. How right you are Karen. And I can't help but wonder if Hillary maybe forgot some other pieces of furniture there, aside from the ones that they already managed to steal from the White House. So perhaps she just needs to complete the set. You know, whenever I think of great women, such as Jean Kirkpatrick, or Margaret Thatcher, I want to throw up whenever I hear Hillary's name being bantered about by the Democrats. I mean,.. Have you ever heard this bitch laugh? It's like something out of a horror show. However, I suppose it's a given that she will at least get the Dyke vote though. Can't you just see them all in a line getting ready to vote, with their seething man hating rage building up inside, and their bull like nostrils flaring out with hot steam, as they get ready to throw the lever down.
  8. I believe Karen wrote an erotic child's story called, "Fifty Shades of Crayola" Pretty steamy too, as I hear. Good luck to you Karen, I wish you all the best.
  9. Well here's one for you that I once posted for my illustrious friend, Mr. Squirrel. Hope you like it.
  10. https://youtu.be/I0ImYisqBqc You've got to be pretty damn stupid to think that being black is somehow cool. Aw,.. Aren't they cute. Just look at them, all standing and squatting around in their little boy tennis shoes looking so mean,.. so tough.
  11. It's an absolute disgrace! And where the schools fail, you have to wonder where their parents were during all this time? How can anyone who isn't a complete moron themselves ever let their kids grow up being so ignorant? And as a post note: Can you imagine going to school for say five hours a day, (accounting for their lunch time and play time in gym), and over a stretch of twelve years, and still being so stupid that you don't even know how many letters make up our alphabet! One idiot in one video said 46! That tells me that that person couldn't even recite the alphabet. How pathetic!
  12. One thing for sure, you could never trust or rely upon this president, or his administration to tell you the truth concerning Iran's potential threat to Israel, or to us. The question is, what happens after they should hit New York or some other major city. Do we finally wise up and annihilate them all for the sake of the world, or do we show how tolerant and liberal we have become in understanding the root causes of what could have possibly driven them to do this. Kind of like we do with some of the most vile criminals we now have serving in our prison system. Perhaps if we forgive them, and let them know that we know that they didn't really mean to hurt or kill so many of us they will become our friends. Isn't that how the liberals here think? Fools that they are.
  13. I have to say, when I read all these wonderful post here by so many of our notable commentators, it makes me proud to be counted among them. Every one of them hit the ball right out of the park.
  14. Well it won't happen with this Muslim monkey in office, but if Iran wants a nuclear bomb that badly, I think we ought to give them one, or two. Or better yet, make it a hydrogen bomb. More bang for the buck. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and what a delightful message that would send to the world.
  15. https://youtu.be/aSZ84u8A4ak This song will get you thinking about those sweeter, better days gone by.
  16. The funny thing is, probably every one of these imbeciles will be accepted into some college or other, just so long as their foolish parents are willing to throw a lot of money at them. What a racket! Now you know why conservative, or responsible parents, put their kids in private schools anymore.
  17. It is amazing just how stupid so many of them really are.
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