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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Not the best I've seen, but it's short at least.
  2. I wanted to post some amazing Boogie Woogie dancers, the vids are too long.
  3. Thank you Kaleidoscopepoeg, as I do sort of like him. To me it's between him and Ted Cruz. They're both staunch conservatives and will give you sniveling liberals some real reasons to cry.
  4. For some of the older people here. You might remember in the classroom where they would have this collective picture of all the past presidents, with their portraits sitting side by side and all encased in these little ovals. But now, if it still exist, there will be an interruption in this procession by a blackened silhouette? A mere shadow, like a bad negative from a picture instead. http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8677/16440445039_51816db1b5_m.jpg The Squirrel tried to teach me how to post a picture. But I guess I'm a poor student. But if you click it, it won't bite you. My computer is HIV free. No disgusting viruses or germs here.
  5. Your right. Obama doesn't care about anyone, or anything, except himself, and his Muslim brothers of course. That much he does care about. Perhaps it should have been called 'Caliphate Care' instead.
  6. Obama is a bald face liar, that much we now know. Much of what he has written in his books has been proven to be complete fabrications, and never actually happened. Then of course he went on to lie to the American people about pretty much everything, including Obama Care. And as far as Obama Care goes, he repeated this lie over and over again more than twenty five times about how you can keep your same health care insurance if you like, and how you can keep your same doctor and hospital if you like. All of which was once again just one big lie. And we who knew better, as we watched the Pied Piper crowd all chanting and clamoring around Mr. Hope and Change, are now hoping for a change that will once again restore this great country to what it once was before so many Democrats have done all that they could to dismantle it. And just what the fuck kind of name is Barrack Hussein Obama anyway? That alone should have put most thinking people's guard up right from the start.
  7. I can't help it, I'm just an old romantic. It's strange the way he died so suddenly. His publicist and agent said that it was an accident. Supposedly a gun fell off a wall and discharged, shooting him in the head. But more likely he was on top of some guys wife just grinding away when her husband came home unexpectedly. For a while there he was bigger than Bing Crosby, and his records are sought out by collectors.
  8. What a classless brood they are. Not my kind of people. Did you ever notice though how so many of them are all non descript, one is just the same as the other. Like I said,.. Classless. I think that they all have their own special congregation where they have all been blacktised. "I blacktise you in the name of ignorance and stupidity."
  9. You've got that right! The real Americans didn't win anything from this imposter! And he sure as hell is not an American president!
  10. Oh, I'd have to have me some of them thar dancing girls and ladies of the night. The place wouldn't be no fun otherwise. And maybe one of them thar out of tune piana's just to liven things up a bit. Yep pardner, that, along with the sound of silver dollars dropping all over the place would be very gratifyin to me. But as you know, a place like that takes two to manage, because there's bound to be some unhappy customers and ya need someone thar to watch yer back. So what'll say, how's bout fifty fifty, and we can drink a toast to lady luck, and our good fortune.
  11. You little stinker you. ;)
  12. The way that neck tie is choking him, he is as red as a tomato. Just one big blubbering oaf. It's amazing how all the worlds misfits are just basking in the sun, and just soaking up all the limelight. Most decent minded people would have just gone away after their shameful scandal. But I guess it's like someone once said to me years ago,.. "It's hard to keep a good thief down."
  13. Just hit them with a "Non-Compliance" fine. And gently remind them that this board is controlled by Local 69 union of the un-fair trades commission. Or better yet, just hit them. ;)
  14. I once left a little story having to do with this song being played at some club that drew me in, and of certain things that took place shortly after I left, when I went to Chicago with this girl back in 1969. Unfortunately I deleted it some time ago. But the song still lives on. And so do I.
  15. Duane Eddie! Peter Gunn! The guys and I used to play that song good and loud as we fortified ourselves with this stuff I called "Ghost Water", just before we'd head out. And we threw a party for one of the guys, Al Baron, when he finally got back from Vietnam. And with a wry smile on his face, the very first thing he said to me was.. "Have got any more of that Ghost Water?" That stuff I concocted was pretty tough, just like us. A lot memories tied to that one. Thank you Rubberball! PS. I'm playing it now, good and loud!
  16. The Old Webster Dictionary: GAY (a.) The quality of being light hearted or joyful. A popular expression often used in books and plays. ______________________________________________________________________________________ The New Webster Dictionary: GAY? (a.) The sick and revolting quality of a man having a deep desire to have another man shove his cock up his ass. (b.) A male cocksucker. (c.) The quality of being strange or peculiar, or of being seen as queer in nature. Editors Note; What the hell any of this has to do with being light hearted or joyful is really baffling to me!
  17. For my friend, Mr, Squirrel. Way to go Squirrel, you show them! Your flying high now.
  18. I agree. You can't buy a pair of shoes without first trying them on.
  19. And if you've seen the Deadwood series like Foamy and I have, then you know that in the real west it was very popular and even customary to call someone that you didn't like, 'a cunt'. Apparently to them back then, it was the lowest thing that you could call a person, and even to this day it carry's with it some pretty heavy connotations. Still, when you think back to the old westerns you've watched when you were a kid, it's pretty hard to imagine Randolph Scott or Roy Rogers calling someone a cunt. Randolph Scott whilst leaning up against the bar talking to a mean cowpoke: "I hear you bin lookin fer me, cunt." "Well now that you found me, I'm calling you out, you stinkin cunt." I mean, what would our mothers have thought, while in the kitchen and overhearing this coming out of the television back then in the fifties and sixties? It just wouldn't have seemed right. And no amount of explanations would have sufficed! "Aw Ma, That's just being historically accurate for the times, they don't mean anything by it." CLICK:.. Off it would go. No more Randolph Scott, or Hop a Long Cassidy, or Roy Rogers, or Lone Ranger, or anything! Finito!
  20. I never watch the throne show, but just like you Foamy, I bought the Deadwood series. As you know, that guy that owned the Gem was making between three to six thousand dollars a night back then. But I read where he was stabbed to death in another state, and died pretty much broke. Even so, If I lived back then I'd have to open up a saloon, you know with gambling and whores, and everything, so I could rake in the big dough too. But I don't know what I would call my saloon? Any suggestions? I though at first maybe, "Bush Wacked Saloon",.. but I'm not really sure. It might scare some of the patrons off. Maybe, "The Five Aces Saloon" That sounds kinda nice.
  21. Nothing helps out a weak script, or campy dialog better than a good close up of a female's crotch. And I read somewhere that on MTV they focus a lot on the male crotch shot in order to satisfy their homosexual audience, along with numerous other sissy's and misfits that migrate there.
  22. While I haven't watched South Park in years, I did see that episode, and it was pretty funny. They had that buffoon Al Gore down pat.
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