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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Love it! Nice one Karen. It's also good to use as toilet paper in a pinch.
  2. Same to you Karen. Happy Easter. And to everyone else who isn't a Muslim, or a Democrat. Sorry Abdul,.. But you can't serve two masters.
  3. And how come PETA hasn't complained about the cruel and unusual treatment of gerbils to the queer community before? Take a guess why. Nothing but freaks and lunatics between them both.
  4. How disgusting! Their whole world just revolves around this sort of revolting display of abnormal behavior. But take heart, for this type of sickness only affects roughly three percent of the population, and is not as common as the liberal media, or themselves, would have you think.
  5. "A viscous white liquid, sweet, slightly astringent taste." That sounds like a woman's normal discharge to me. And how would they know how it taste? That's what I'd like to know.
  6. I must say, Stone Cold, is not a very reassuring name for a doctor. But even so, I would come to see you rather than some of the quacks that I have seen before. Dr. Cold,.. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it. It's sort of like that semi-famous knife maker who signs his hand made knifes with his name. "Loveless" And there is also much speculation over the years, that Jack the Ripper was a doctor as well. However, his bedside manners weren't the best. Even so, your definitely in good company my friend. "Doctor Stone Cold will see you now ma'am". ??? Even the reserved parking sign by your clinic has a picture of your avatar on it. A nice touch, but a dead give away, if ever there was one.
  7. That poor girl could be attractive. But as her doctor I would prescribe, a couple of chocolate shakes, coupled with a nice greasy pizza twice a day, or until her ribs no longer protrude so noticeably.
  8. I honest and truly sometimes wondered if some of them weren't just twelve years old.
  9. I had another friend while I was still working, who told me, that there used to be a really nice park with a stone bridge and fountains that people use to go to for years. And then the Blacks started coming with their spray cans and graffiti, and started littering the place up with their trash, and blasting their mind numbing, heavy bass, Hip Hop and Rap. He said to me that you wouldn't believe what they did to that place. I reminded him of where I grew up. Well, there's a happy ending to what he had told me, because the then new mayor, who grew up near that very park, first got rid of the infestation, and then once again turned it into a charming park for civilized people to enjoy once more. That is what you have to do, first get rid of the infestation. Then the world can be restored once again.
  10. I had a friend who was the manager of Bob's Steak House who told me that when he was in New Orleans once, a bunch of PETA scum had gathered there right under his hotel window and were spouting their usual nonsense, while he kept leaning over the balcony and spitting on them. He was a good guy, who was a lot of fun to be around.
  11. They're nothing but scum. Liberalism is the enemy of every country they infest. On a side note, PETA had tried to get squeaky toys that many dogs like to play with banned, because they claim that they sound like little animals suffering in the throws of death. I'd like to make them squeak someday. Lunatics! That's what the liberal media has turned the microphones over to. Just imagine how much nicer this world would be without Liberals, Muslims, and Blacks.
  12. If you look closely, the one on the left looks like he could be Obama's nephew. And the one on the right bares a striking resemblance to Idi Amin. He actually looks like he could eat you alive. Imagine that little fat fucker jumping out of a bush at you! Pretty damn scary I'd say. Now normally, I would much rather watch some cute Hungarian girls perform their charming cultural dances. But you've got to admit, this is definitely eye catching as well.
  13. Here's a little sing along song for ya. Personally, I could never wrap my mind around fat girls, or my arms either for that matter.
  14. A toast to the old guard here on this miserable board.
  15. You've got me laughing yet again pardner. I'm much obliged for that. It's good to know that I'm not the only one here with a warped sense of humor.
  16. What are we to do with him? The poor bastard just can't handle it like he used to.
  17. It's a mystery for now. I don't see any girl stuff, do you? Since there are two guys and it's 22:00 and there is no overnight bags in the guest room.... It just makes me wonder.... any thoughts? Could be the names of the two dudes. We got lesbians in others so maybe RLC threw a couple fags into the mix. How Funny! RLC: Here ya go fellas, here's a couple of faggots for you.
  18. Wee wee,.. My friend Foamy owns that bank. That's what's been keeping California afloat for all these years. But he charges exorbitant interest; something around 46%, as I hear. So don't be too surprised if in the near future California should change it's name to, Califoamia.
  19. I like that movie Casa Blanca. In fact I own it. And as a matter of coincidence the condominium that I now live in is called Casa Blanca. It means White House. We're getting closer. ;)
  20. I remember my mother sometimes singing this song. She had a pretty good voice actually. However, many, as well as myself, believe that John Gary sings this best. By the way, I gave the uploader of this song a piece of my mind, saying to him,.. "How could you take such a beautiful song and then distract the listener by inserting a load of crap that doesn't have a thing to do with it?" I said to him,.. "At the very least you could have had some beautiful shots of the Irish countryside." Well, He was very polite and told me that he was catching a lot of flack for doing that, but those old movie scenes of Bogart held a deep personal meaning to him. Anyway, since he was so nice, I told him that I was sorry for being so hard on him, and in the end we became friends.
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