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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I'm losing a couple of ounces just watching this.
  2. Yeah these videos are a bit long. So just pour yourself a cup of coffee and relax. And try not to spill the coffee all over yourself. They are a French troupe that caused an internet sensation some time ago. The blonde girl in the blue shorts is the actual leader of this troupe, and at times you will hear her call out the steps in French. Please note, not a one of them has an ugly tattoo, or tramp stamp. Just very sexy girls exercising and having fun. Some of these videos can get very saucy with amazing crotch shots. But I just love this bath routine with the towels, so I settled for this one instead. Also, they have different segments, such as, 'Warm Up' and Cool Down, and Dance'. And their routines in the dance section can be very alluring as well.
  3. They're like little babies. They have to go run and tell daddy. What a contrast, between the guys I once knew, and just the way we were back then. And now to have to endure these thumb sucking sissy's, is a bit too much for me anymore.
  4. Society today is overly ridiculous when it comes to coddling children. If you have ever read the accounts of the pioneers back in the eighteen hundreds, their children had to face many things that could very well either take their own lives or that of their parents at any time. Not to mention the dangers from attacks from Indians or robbers. And yet these children didn't go bonkers or turn out screwed up. What I am saying here, is that kids have the capacity to take the hardships of reality in life far better than people today give them credit for. And yes, I happen to care about kids very much. So, I'm not saying that we shouldn't do some things to help shelter them from these horrible things. But this nonsense about not taking score in a baseball, or soccer game that they may be playing in, because we wouldn't want to upset little Johnny by letting him know that his team stunk that day, only goes to show you how weak and timid their liberal parents really are instead. The fucking kids can take the truth, even if their screwed up parents can't. And yet, these same liberals make no bones over trying to scare these kids half out of their wits about their bogus "Global Warming" scam, so that they will be programmed to become good little Democrats in the future. Do any of you remember that old child's story about the little chicken that went running around, frantically yelling out, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Only to be shown in the end by the other animals in the farm yard, that he was nuts. The story was called, "Chicken Little." I think this story must have given Al Gore nightmares when he was little. He still suffers from the effects of it.
  5. What I don't understand, is the fact that on submarines they have the ability to convert sea water into drinkable water, so why can't they do the same inland? But then again, after California adds their usual inflated tax on it, ten dollars a bottle water wouldn't help much anyway. And just imagine peoples water bills. A three hundred dollar bath or a hundred and fifty dollar shower means that a lot of people there will start to stink pretty bad. Well, excluding my friend Foamy and a few others I suppose, most of them already do anyway. And you will be able to spot the tourist right away by the way they all hold their noses when talking to the natives there. Native Californian: "Your not from around here I see." Tourist: "Doh, I ben heer for a cupple daz, but cant stay dong." "I fine it har ta breed."
  6. Sure,.. Just like the manufacturers of Gibson guitar did because they didn't donate to the Socialist Democrat party. An American icon that many here can be proud of, and they got attacked by this corrupt, lying, piece of shit! Fuck that two-bit Chicago punk! He means absolutely nothing to me.
  7. From what I hear, the traitor spent some five years helping the Taliban, then when he returned he received two hundred thousand dollars in back pay. Hopefully, at least with a dishonorable discharge he will lose his benefits from the country that he hates so much. Obama, knowing how well he had served the Taliban wanted to make a hero out of him. Damn near pinned a medal on the bastard. Of course I hate them both, for pretty much the same reasons.
  8. I heard a conservative speaker on a conservative radio show say, that Obama had just released some top secret information having to do with Israel's nuclear program. He said, that Obama most likely did this to get back at Netanyahu for giving that speech and for mentioning to the people of his own country, that there was an outside country that was trying to undermine his own election there, during the time when he was seeking his re-election. Obama is not someone to trust or count upon for his support, unless you happen to be a Muslim terrorist of course. For them he will smile and wiggle those big ears of his. But what a disgrace upon this country he has shown himself to be. For even the leaders of other countries know better than to trust him now.
  9. And Karen is right on the money about Obama's actions. He promised to be transparent, and from day one I saw right through him.
  10. Thank you. I am honored by your support. Here's my version of a 'Fireside Chat', while calmly talking to the great American people about the good things that lay ahead, as I then casually lean forward to toss in a copy of the Koran into the fireplace, and then gently stoke the flames up a little bit.
  11. It's hard to argue with anything that some of the smartest people here on this board have recently posted. And as far as those who commit a serious crime, let alone someone who has raped 17 girls to start with as Ozi had mentioned. My solution just happens to coincide with the views of TBG. Should I be surprised by this? Fuck No! Oh, if only I were younger and were sitting on a mountain of money, I would throw my hat into the ring. And even if I didn't get elected, I would at least have the microphone and the ears of the long forgotten real Americans for a while. I'd give the kind of speeches that would ignite a sleeping giant, and that would give all these ridiculous liberals some bed wetting nightmares for sure.
  12. I'll answer your question Karen, though I know you already know this. Obama would do nothing! He would try to act high and mighty with empty words that even he doesn't really believe in. For he is a liar, first and last, and has no moral core to him. And as you and I and some others here already know, he doesn't give a damn about America, so why would he do anything else but duck and cover. Remember what his cunt wife said, in that she was never proud of this country until her husband got elected. If you listen carefully to what people say at times, they will usually show you their true intentions. And think about this. If you were to send in a resume' in order to be selected as the new chief executive officer of a major corporation. The board would want to do an extensive search into your background and your personality, aside from what you might be able to offer professionally. They would want someone who is well balanced, and who is morally ethical in his private and professional life, so as to prevent a major scandal from occurring that might reflect upon that company negatively. But when it comes to the Democrat party, they couldn't care less. And only the Democrat party could have embraced someone as un-American as Obama apparently was and is, as has been shown in the twenty years of him going to, and listening to, that America hater, Jeremiah Wright, as well as with many of the other Anti American friends he has kept close to over the past thirty or so years. The New Democrat party. The party of deceit and betrayal to the founding principals of this very country.
  13. This is a man with courage and brains. He's not interested in the usual political maneuvering as to when is the best time to announce his candidacy, but instead just came straight out and said the kind of things so many of us true Americans have waited so long to hear. It is well worth listening to.
  14. I am rather fluent in vulgarity when I care to show off. But most of the time, amongst civil individuals, or when in polite society, I am usually quite decent as a rule. A most respectable fucker, if ever there was one.
  15. And let me just add,.. Fuck you! From one who doesn't care to debate with a vegetable.
  16. They're good for making milk shakes too.
  17. You mean ole blue gummer himself. I'll bet he can't wait until his term is over with, so he can slip off those stiff hard dress shoes and put on his size 15 Nike tennis shoes. Who knows, maybe he'll even shoot a few hoops with some of his old time Chicago nigger friends.
  18. And as far as our Black Muslim president goes.. If I could have known what was coming I would have planted a scarecrow on the White House lawn.
  19. She is a sweet girl. Though I don't watch any of these people much anymore, that has always sort of shown through with her.
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