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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Back in the good old days you never heard such phrases as 'Political Correctness', that the media so often likes to banter around. And even when some conservative might use that phrase, all while trying to point out the silliness of it all, it nonetheless gives credence or life to it's ridiculous existence. It's like a bad rash that won't go away! If you want to hit back at these devils, you have to learn not to play into their game. For example: The minute some liberal commentator mentions the phrase 'Political Correctness', just say instead for all the people listening, by that, don't you mean political contrivance? And isn't that just a part of this 'Liberal Hypocrisy?' Put them on the defensive for once, instead of always just playing into their hands. The more one uses the phase 'Liberal Hypocrisy' the more it will begin to stick, and the more others who are fed up with this type of nonsense with the left, will begin to stop feeling guilty about seeing things for the way that they really are, or for them speaking the truth. Anyone with even half a brain, knows that this phrase, Political Correctness' is nothing other than a contrivance cooked up by some pencil neck elitist to stifle, or bully others into accepting this form of gag or cowardice in not being able to speak the truth about things anymore. There is nothing correct about something being political. Being political means that it is there to serve an agenda, one way or the other. It has nothing to do with common decency, or in being polite, though liberals are usually the rudest and most intolerant people on earth. Invite a conservative to speak on a college campus, and just see how they behave towards them. That again, is just another example of this liberal hypocrisy of theirs.
  2. Fred to Barney: "Yeah, Lets go around back where we can't see them."
  3. This is bazaar. Peebles says,.. "What the fuck."
  4. You nailed it Ozi. They are sissy's. The mere sight of a gun makes them wet their pants.
  5. Forget the wine and the candy. A nice candle lit dinner for two ought to have this bitch squirming for sure.
  6. Boston is an extremely liberal town. So even if this asshole gets the death penalty, it won't happen for at least twenty five to thirty years from now; that is if the liberals don't abolish the death penalty there in the meantime. That's what saved Charles Manson for all these years at the tax payers expense. And did you know that the night stalker, Richard Ramirez, first moved to California from Texas, before he began his savage raping and murdering out there. So you see, he wasn't as dumb as he looked. Also, it was the towns people that actually caught him, and who wanted to kill him right there in the street. But the liberal injustice system prevailed instead, and he has had quite a successful time there in prison, writing letters to admiring women, and signing autographs, and giving interviews. He eventually got married there too, and enjoys the conjugal duties of a loving husband, until he finally died there of natural causes. Meanwhile that cocksucker with the orange hair that shot and killed all those people there in that Colorado movie theater hasn't even gone to trial yet, after all these years! So if your one of the surviving victims of that massacre, or a surviving family member, the joke is on you, if you expect to see any real justice come out of that little dog and pony show. That is, if you haven't died from old age in the meantime.
  7. A lot of cops are psychotic. You should have seen how they behaved in Detroit back in the sixties, especially after the 1967 riot. No one had little cell-phone cameras with them back then, and there wasn't any shop surveillance cameras either. They could be brutal. Just when it had been shown that the liars in Ferguson had made up the entire situation there, this guy had to go and give Al Sharpton another reason to spout off. Wow, A hundred thousand dollars for this footage! With that kind of seed money that black guy could set himself up as a major drug distributor in South Carolina, if he applies himself well to his trade. That, or he could open up a chop shop for carjackers. Either way, it's a real opportunity for him.
  8. Oh, And I love what you said Karen. It made me laugh, and I needed that just now.
  9. I really feel badly for Ozi. Sounds like Australia is really fucked up now. Such a shame. When all the other countries turned their backs on Americans, or showed an ugly face towards them after the second world war, the Australian people remained friendly towards us. It was one of the very few countries in the world that you could travel to and actually feel welcomed there.
  10. It's a good thing Clinton didn't reach out his hand to shake it. "Ah So,.. Mr. president, I'd like to introduce you to my little friend."
  11. Wow! That's devastating! How funny!
  12. The Senate up till only recently had always been ruled by the Democrats. So, if the Republican majority can finally realize just why they were after so many years voted in, maybe we can have some sanity restored to this country once again. We'll see. It will be their last chance to save this country, because if they do nothing about this sort of desecration of our values and principles now, they will never see a Republican majority again. And I'm sorry to see Australia, a once great country filled with terrific people, now suffering from this same disease and insanity that the United States has been steadily dying from. It's called liberalism, and it is destructive and dangerous to the very fabric of our once great society. Even the Catholic church has turned it's back on God, and has been showing a tolerance towards those very things that goes against it's own doctrine and in what most people are opposed to. And there have been other denominations that have made a move towards legitimizing Homosexual marriage. People are now starting to pull away from organize religion, since the church no longer cares about their doctrine, but only in trying to branch out for a greater number of the younger patrons, as the older ones are now dying away. To them it's nothing more than a business. Maybe they will even start to advertise on MTV soon. I wouldn't put it past them. But it's all back-firing on them now. And I for one don't need them to tell me how to pray. Someone else showed me how over two thousand years ago. And I will remember that, always. The decline in morals, or in common decency is due to the liberal media and to our current pop culture. People now think it's cool to cheat, to lie, to steal,.. You name it! Because these liberals are way too smug and arrogant to hold to the unfaltering words that God's son had once spoken so many years ago. A lot of people seem to forget this. But He once said, "Your either with me, or you are against me". He wasn't ambivalent at all in the things that He had said when it came to the Truth. From the desecration of the flag, to a crucifix placed in a bowl of urine, Liberals are no one to trust or to believe in, ever!
  13. Attack of the Ants When I was nineteen and still living in Michigan, my friend Joe and I, used to go into the country with our 22. rifles and of course 12 gauge shotguns to do a little target practice. I was a pretty good shot with a rifle back then. And I would tie up with some string some bottles to a branch of a tree, and then get about hundred yards away or so to shoot at them. I liked using bottles because you didn't have to wait until you were back close to the target to see where the bullets had landed. Though later on, at another time, I started to use Bic pens instead. Well, after a while these ants started to bite my leg. And it wasn't until I got up close to all the broken glass on the ground that I saw this huge ant hill. They were big ants, all scampering around excitedly. (Much like Fergusson) It's amazing how they were able to know that it was I who was messing up their little projects with all those broken shards of glass. Even with those tiny little brains they attacked me, and not my friend Joe, who wasn't doing any shooting just then, but just watched. I think when it comes to ants, you have to gather up collectively all their little brains until it makes for one big brain somehow. They just seem to work that way. So, even from a pretty good distance away those little bastards started to bite me. Apparently they sent out a message through their little antenna, "Go get that fucker,.. he's messing up everything!" Well, I then retaliated and declared war on them, just like Chareston Heston did in that movie "The Naked Jungle". So I loaded up my shotgun with slugs and began blasting away at their mound. And I know that I must have grazed the queen's ass, because almost immediately they wanted a truce! But I wasn't ready to sign any peace treaties with them yet, as I also had with me about twenty Cheery Bombs that day, as I proceeded to send horrifying shock waves throughout their nurseries, (My version of Shock and Awe), which was very entertaining and proved to be very effective as well. I gave those little bastards some real post traumatic stress for sure that day. Well, after having secured the victory that day, Joe and I both left shortly after. But it was a lot of fun. And I've got to tell you, the Cheery Bombs back in those days (1970) were a lot more powerful than what they produce nowadays. I'll bet the survivors talked about that battle for a long time to come. Serves them right! Can't you just see their little antennas twitching away feverishly during the heat of the battle. Something along the lines of,.. "What the fuck is this!" "We surrender, we surrender!" ___________________________________________________________________ From ants to elephants,.. What can I say. I'm referring to the day that I almost ran over an elephant, or crashed into it more precisely. And that along with everything else concerning myself, or my past, is one hundred percent true! No exaggerations, and no elaborations, but as Walter Cronkite use to say,.. "And that's the way it was". Period!
  14. Well, summer is fast approaching, and I just saw this big, fat, annoying fly that I've got to kill. I hate those fuckers almost as much as I hate mosquitoes.
  15. No juvenile displays here, just a first rate cellist.
  16. Of course we pay attention to you. Now what were you saying?
  17. Yeah, I suppose it was my fault. But he started it with his stupid purging video. And Karen,.. Don't you ever, not now, or in the future, ever eat no tape worm! They are not your friends, and they make lousy pets.
  18. You know Foamy, they actually used to sell tape worms to help people lose weight. Can you imagine, a fucking three foot worm living inside of you. "Here worm, look at what I've got for you. That's right, it's a nice greasy pizza just like you like it."
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