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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Some of you folks are much more knowledgeable about the VA than I am. But from what I have observed here in the US, it's the Democrats that don't seem to give a fuck about the veterans. And they have shown nothing but contempt towards the military now for years, but are all to willing to take credit for certain incidents at times such as the killing of Bin Laden. I have nothing but contempt for this political party for reasons that would fill up this page. But I say, God bless you noble and brave men who have allowed just by virtue of your being there so many others to be able to sleep at night with peace of mind. My government, with the Democrats pulling the strings, always manages to find ways of wasting millions upon millions of dollars, but can't seem to find a direct way of showing their gratitude to those people who have severed in our arm forces. The whole thing stinks, and I will never forgive this betrayal on their part.
  2. You people are sick. And just what kind of dribble are you going to tell her? No doubt the same pathetic nonsense that she's heard a hundred times by now. I could see where she would have nothing but laughable contempt for someone so desperate in their fawning over her. "Oh Leora, Your so beautiful." "Oh Leora, I think you and Paul are nice couple." "Oh Leora, I wish you were mine, your so beautiful." "Oh Leora, I have a bent dick too." (That one might actually work) And of course you would be stupid enough to wait for her to respond to you, which would never happen. Leora may have responded to some in the past. But they showed some maturity, and some semblance of intelligence. In short, they didn't come across as some drooling dog in heat.
  3. Yes, However, his attorney was not able to convince the jury that his bouts with schizophrenia were either sincere, or severe enough in his past actions to sway the jury. From what little I know of the case, it seems that there were deliberate attempts by Routh and his attorney to fake certain conditions, and it was found out about. Just something that some radio host had mentioned a short while back. Other than that, I really don't know much about it, except Routh, up till that day hadn't made a practice to go around and shoot certain people in the back before.
  4. I heard that the military had stripped Routh of the honor of calling himself a Marine. In my mind, He was never a true Marine. A person like that wouldn't know what honor is. To turn on your own like that. To betray the trust of a fellow soldier, or Marine, is truly despicable!
  5. I know exactly what you mean. Look at that piece of shit that walked into that movie theater in Aurora Colorado, and killed indiscriminately, including kids. And then look at how many years have gone by, and the cocksucker still hasn't gone to trial. I think his defense attorney is hoping that all of the surviving victims, or their families, will die first from old age, before he goes through with his little dog and pony show. Makes me sick! I don't know how those victim's families can endure this kind of torment. I feel so sorry for them. And that fucking clown with his orange spiked hair! Pathetic, weak, glutton for attention, punk! I've got nothing but contempt for our so called judicial system. Just a sorry ass excuse for everyone to get paid or make a living upon the grief and anxiety of the victim's surviving families. If someone is found guilty, and if they give him a twenty year sentence, it doesn't mean shit! It's merely stated that way to pacify the ignorant public, as you then come to find out that he's let out after only serving eight years. It's a black hearted joke! Nothing more than that. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Hurt one of my own, and I'll show you what justice looks like.
  6. Rub-a-dub-dub, Leora in the tub. I must say StnCld, you are very good at posting pics and vids. For the longest time it seemed to be a dying art. But you have brought it back again.
  7. Well, I am proud to be living here in Texas. The jury did not find that punk Routh insane, but instead found him guilty of capital murder for killing both Chris Kyle, and Chad Littlefield. But I did not realize until recently that Routh had shot them both in the back. Littlefield's father said in court that Routh was an American disgrace. I hope they gut that fucker good in prison.
  8. I hadn't looked at it that way before,.. but yeah, thanks. You miserable, meddling, mother fuckers.
  9. I almost never bother to venture out that way anymore. Somehow I've just grown less and less intrigued by them all. Which I think is a good thing.
  10. How funny,.. "Inhale the herb's from the Squirrel's kitchen". I needed that just now. Thanks. I tip my hat to some of the good people here.
  11. Or you could just do an old Ray Charles tune. "Hit the Road Mo",.. and don't you come back no mo no mo no mo no mo."
  12. You know, I often wondered if back in his time if Mohammed wasn't addressed by others in a more friendly, less formal way. Why, I could almost see the people on the streets greeting him as he made his way through the little villages at times. You know, perhaps just a simple,.. "Hello Mo." Or,.. "Good to see you Mo, how's the wife and kid?" Or,.. "Hey Mo, Next time you see him, give my regards to Gabriel for me, will ya." Or,.. "Hey Mo, would you like to try some of my figs? They're pickled in camel piss, so you can enjoy them year round."
  13. I greatly admire Winston Churchill. Thank you for that Van. Where are these great men now? The cowards may think it so, but dare not speak it. As water replenishes the body, the Truth replenishes the soul. ~Just me and my shadow.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgF-PRY96Is I was so fucking out of it when this was spinning around one night. It's funny how you can recall the very thoughts that were in your head back then, as it's been that long since I heard this song. It's not one of my favorites, but the friends were there, in what seems like a hundred years ago now.
  15. Ah poor Detroit. It went from Motown to No Mo town.
  16. Once again, StoneCold has captured the moment splendidly.
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