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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. And I also misspelled the word, 'precedent'. Oh well,.. It's still the truth when it comes to them.
  2. A president like Harry Truman would have swept this country clean of them. But he was a real man, and a true American. Knowing what I know of Truman, he would have nothing to do with the Democrat party of today. Back then, we didn't allow treasonous scum to become citizens. Yeah,.. I could just see these Muslim's now, saying the "Pledge of Allegiance", while being sworn in as American citizens. Mother Fuckers!
  3. Dearborn Michigan used to be a very nice place. That is before the Muslims took over.
  4. Ted Cruz,.. This is one good man. Listen to how the liberal Democrats state, that none of these RIGHTS, are absolute. Get the picture. Traitors to the American people, and to this countries founding Constitution. The reason why the Democrats want to set a president in banning 'certain weapons', is so that it will establish congresses' authority to later include 'All' weapons. That is how the filthy Democrats operate. They will strip you of your Constitutional rights, one by one, step by step. They have no respect for either the Constitution, or for your personal freedoms. Period!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyvtNNX7mIY John Roberts is a coward and a fraud!
  6. If your old enough to remember this song when it was still fresh and new; then your probably old enough to remember phone booths, and where a phone call only cost a dime. However, if you knew the knack you could get the phone call to connect with just a penny. You simply drop the penny in and at the same time hit the coin return with the palm of your hand. Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you end up with a sore hand before you get your call to go through.
  7. Here's another one that goes back to those days. David Blue. Someone who wrote a number of songs that others have made famous. But only a few seemed to ever hear of him. He was different. And he takes a little getting used to, but then he begins to stick to you.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8aPnm6lIWY Here's another one with those kids singing in the background. They have good voices.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L80CQpY9Yys Listen to those adorable children singing in the background. They made little bell sounds at times which is so charming in this song.
  10. I have a lot of Leonard Cohen's music. I've liked him ever since I was eighteen. 1969
  11. How funny. Somehow swallowing a head of lettuce isn't quite the same thing I suppose. And I could just see someone trying to teach his snake to sit, or roll over. ???
  12. I don't really know where to stick this, but I know enough not to ask someone. Anyway,.. There was an old German Shepard that started chasing rabbits around and before long discovered that he was lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having his lunch. The old German Shepard thinks, "Oh, oh, I'm in some deep shit now!" Noticing some old bones on the ground near by, he immediately settles down and begins to chew on them with his back to the approaching cat. And just as the panther was about to leap, the old German Shepard exclaims loudly,.. "Boy, that was one delicious panther, I wonder if there are any more of them around?" Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him, and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!", says the panther, "That was close!" "That old German Shepard nearly had me!" Meanwhile, A squirrel who was watching this whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So off he goes. The squirrel soon catches up with the panther and spills the beans, and strikes a deal for himself with the panther. The young panther is furious at having been made a fool of, and says, "Here squirrel, hop on my back and just you see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!" Now the old German Shepard sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending that he hasn't seen them yet. And just when they got close enough to hear, the old German Shepard says,.. "Now where is that squirrel?" "I sent him off an hour ago to bring me back another panther." Moral of this story,.. Don't mess around with the old dogs, for age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery. As bullshit and brilliance only comes with age and experience. (Not one of my own, but I thought that my old friend Mr. Foamy would get a kick out of it all the same.)
  13. Well we've got a couple of crows in the White House. And yes, America will fall from within if we don't finally shoo them away.
  14. Yes, I couldn't agree more. It's just not a happy world anymore. It seems that so many countries now are mired down with internal struggles, event to hold onto their own identities.
  15. I just heard on the Lou Dobbs News program that Netanyahu may lose his position in the upcoming elections in Israel. And that the Obama administration has been donating huge amounts of money in trying to influence his demise. Netanyahu is a conservative Jew, and therefor is an enemy to our Muslim president. Netanyahu is trying to protect his people and his country from allowing Iran to have a nuclear bomb in ten years, which is what this bullshit negotiations between Obama and the head carpet merchant there in Iran is all about. If it is signed off on, this treaty will allow Iran to have the bomb in ten years. That's that kind of monster we now have inhabiting the White House. He said he wanted to fundamentally transform, (destroy) America. And he has shown himself to be the most covert, and dangerous enemy this country has ever had to face before. He also wants to control the content of the internet, so like with all dictators, you will not be allowed to speak or view the opinions of others in the future. So, If your in favor of the second amendment, or are in other ways a conservative, you will not be allowed to blog or post your opinions. They call this latest attack upon your freedoms, "Net-Neutrality". Liberals are evil, and do not believe in tolerance, or in personal freedoms. And while they may live here in this country, they most certainly are not real Americans.
  16. Please excuse the crotch shots. As your fitness counselor I wouldn't want it to distract you from your Zen moments. Although, personally, I'm more into Zing than Zen, but that's just me.
  17. Okay, You twisted my arm, so just grab a cup of coffee and think healthy thoughts. Hell, I'm working up a sweat just sitting here.
  18. For a few friends of mine who are health conscious.
  19. Yes, but many of the Democrats didn't bother to attend. And some criticized him harshly afterwards. They're the liberal fuckers that don't have a clue as to the dangers of Iran getting a nuclear bomb, which is exactly what they intend to do.
  20. Nothing but scum! I did notice that only Ted Cruz, on the Republican side had the courage to call Obama after his extremist speech, "Nothing but an apologist for the Islamic radicals."
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