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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Kinko and Nora are in the kitchen,.. There's your chance Kinko, now just throw her over the table and start pounding her! Geez, If you've been watching them in the kitchen, even the dog is showing more initiative than Kinko when it comes to Nora.
  2. If Paul doesn't catch on quick, she won't just be running her hands through her hair, she'll be pulling it out!
  3. That means I'm not a half bad kind of guy. Thank you.
  4. Well, I understood the exclamation mark, but unfortunately nothing else.
  5. I was just kidding,.. But I'm pretty sure you know that I wasn't serious. At least I hope so.
  6. Leora is very busy typing away in the kitchen. Who knows she may even be flirting or corresponding with some guy on the internet. Or some Russian version of 'Back Page' or something. I don't speak Russian, but it's fair to say that the conversation on her part would be,.. "Just tell me that your dick doesn't look like a horseshoe, and that you know how to care for a woman, and I'll be very interested in meeting you." Leora answering an ad in the Russian 'Back Page' under the heading of: HAVE DICK, WILL TRAVEL.
  7. Was it one of those nasty places where Oriental girls walk on top of you naked?
  8. I have just paid my dues and taken the sacred vows. Someone please tell me how long it will take to see 'paid member' under my profile? And tell the warden (Administrator) that I'm ready to go clean. Well, a little clean. Also, as I've said before elsewhere,.. I highly suggest that others follow suit. Think about it, it's almost like being made in the mafia. People will just respect you more, and be less prone to criticize you when you post your crummy comments.
  9. I just paid my $10.00, and taken the sacred vows,.. so how long before I have the privilege and the distinction of seeing paid member under my profile? I highly suggest that others follow suit. Think about it, it's almost like being made in the mafia. People will just respect you more, and be less prone to criticize you for your crummy comments.
  10. And I was thinking of your personal preference sir,.. You were after all very particular in your selection.
  11. "Oh Shadow, may I call you Shadow Leora? I want so much to tear those little panties off and lay a crushing fuck upon you, and your delightful little body." Paul would have been all bent out of shape over it all,.. LOL. I could just see him now,.. "IT'S ME YOU MOTHER FUCKER,.. I'M PAUL!
  12. I promise you that would never happen!!! But just think about how mad he would have gotten,.. I would have loved it!
  13. Oh that's a shame, as I even got myself a Russian book on Poetry, and was hoping or looking forward to a long distance correspondence with her.
  14. How funny,.. Fresh out I'm sorry to say, would you consider ordering it? It would only take an eternity to arrive here. But sometimes the car business did have it's good moments. For the most part there were a great bunch of guys there that I worked with.
  15. Yes, And I was the glad recipient of one of Shadow's mysterious messages. I felt honored in some strange way.
  16. That's a funny thought, but Paul doesn't have that in him.
  17. Well, to answer your question Pepe, after I moved to Texas I managed a restaurant for four years, then sold cars for more than thirty two years. Mostly Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep.
  18. Paul cheating?,.. You mean there is another girl as naïve as Leora out there? More likely she may have caught him looking at women on the internet. And Leora, as conceited as she is, would get pretty jealous over that.
  19. I agree with you as far as not being a good idea to get her pregnant. But there are other ways to prevent that, and I myself never much like wearing rubbers. Could be that one of them has an infection or decease. I don't know. But when he does finally get around to doing the poor girl, it always seems so staged and passionless. You know what I mean, the bullshit music, the Karma Sultra, position number 182, or the almost irritating Tantric sex, ever so slow. Nothing at all psychological in the way of her feeling like she is being taken. This is just my opinion of course,.. But just once I'd like to see him take her by surprise,.. Just once I'd like to see him throw her over the kitchen table and just bang away at her. For him it seems like sex is more of an obligation, than anything else.
  20. Right now, while Paul is away, would be a perfect time for Leora to lay down on the couch and finger herself. I would prefer to see that at this point, rather than watch another boring episode with her and Paul.
  21. Yes, he is married, and yes he will fuck her once or twice a year, maybe even three times, but the truth is I don't think he is really into girls all that much. At least that's my assessment over it all.
  22. Tbg150, You mean your not versed in German? For shame! Obama ist hobin squishy kunt.
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