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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Yes I remember hearing about that which seems very strange if she is his or Zoya's sister. Their relationship is very apparent of them being close though. Maybe one day she will have to much to drink and surprise everybody and show us something. What would really stink though is if she did and by some very slight chance nobody witnessed it LOL. That would really be bad wouldn't it LOL.
  2. You internet detectives are amazing!! Thanks for the info opunc!
  3. Does the redhead always leave her bra on? She has some nice juggs on her!
  4. There you go, that's what he was talking about! Good post, thanks!!
  5. Like that will ever happen! Good thought though rodent :)
  6. To be honest with you, I just wonder if her breasts would look as good as we think they would or does she think they might not appeal to us. I totally agree with you though, she could at least remove her bra with her shirt on like 95% of all the other women do on RLC. You're right, it sure seems like it would be uncomfortable to sleep in that bra!
  7. My friend told me that when they were in the bedroom earlier she squirted. I didn't know she was a squirter!!
  8. I like the shit out of Beatriz!! I would walk hand in hand with her any day with my head up high! She is cute as a button, has a great attitude, loves to have fun, and I love her body!! I would date her if she lived in my neck of the woods, and wasn't already taken!
  9. Thanks Mikey, that's actually the browser that I chose to use! I just don't understand how or why they can't do something to keep from compromising what websites you can or cannot view. Oh well, thanks again for the response.
  10. For me personally, I agree with bobbyjoe 100%. I feel like a change over would keep the site fresh and lively. I never view Leora's apartment because I see MORE than ENOUGH of her in the pictures thread on CC. If that girl passes gas somebody is going to snap at least 4 or 5 pictures of it! Because of all the same ole pics of her day after day it has turned me off to her. Don't get me wrong here everybody, I think she is a pretty girl with a nice body but quite frankly if she left tomorrow it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all. Dasha & Demid are a total bore and also need to be replaced as well as Maya & Step in my opinion. RLC is very boring and these long time couples don't do anything to keep it fresh!! I believe there shouldn't be any time limit per say as long as the tenants keep it fresh and lively. Just my opinion folks.
  11. I absolutely love my iPhone! What I don't understand is why Apple can't or won't update the flash player version so I can view RLC without downloading some other browser! Is it a security thing or something else that prevents them from updating it to current standards? Any iPhone guru's out there that can explain it to me to where I can understand it? Thanks for any and all comments!!
  12. I sent them an email, just waiting for response. Maybe they will know something I don't! I agree, love my Mac!!
  13. It must be musty and needs some airing out!
  14. No I haven't, was going to see if any of you had an idea first. Thanks for the reply tho!!
  15. Is there something I might be missing as to why there is no video playing on my Mac? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  16. At least you get to watch something! I just paid for the 3 day trial to see what all the fuss was about and nothing even plays for me!! Total waste of money, I can't get anything to play, it sucks LOL.
  17. And forks work a damn sight better I might add. I've tried using those sticks but I spill or drop more food then goes into my mouth LOL. Sushi is some good stuff though, that and fish tacos!! Yummo
  18. Looks like Nora is making sushi, yummy yummy yummy I love sushi in my tummy and I feel like having some!
  19. Point well taken! I believe she became more viewer friendly because RLC was struggling and they needed something to happen to bring in more customers! I agree that we should think more and type less, and when we do type it should be more positive. I know I have been guilty of coming down on tenants and I'm trying to reverse my actions with that. Let's face it, positive promotes positive and negative promotes negative!
  20. I wouldn't say weird because she has acknowledged the viewing audience before and I believe she appreciates us as much as we appreciate her!
  21. What would you guys like to see Nora do for a final sendoff for all her fans? Me personally, I would like to see her totally naked on the couch with her legs spread and her assortment of toys beside her with her using every one of them until she cremes all over the couch on the free cams, and then when she is done for her to look at the cam to the right of the TV and blow us all a kiss! I know this probably will never happen but a guy can dream can't he!!
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