[quote author=MrBox
:wtf: jpierre2121 spend (425 Tokens) --> ~85€ :screwy: ... Whey the hell did someone spend so much money to a show? ??? ... Especially when it is so poorly done. :lmao:
oops,bad edit
thanks corbo for the personnal attack you have send me in PM today,i'm not in any clan and i have the liberty to give my like for who i want,
you have make the choice to remove me in your contact after 3 years for this history of blue,i have thinking you was more intelligent of that so bye.
we take the same direction with efim/gf like the other time they was here,
sex on the couch,TV all the night and probably sleeping on the couch all the journey,probably nothing action in bedroom
i know i was here with diana but that can give some epic sex session if efim return here with new gf,i'm ok for that because
the cameras positions is better and more closer to the bed in zoya appart and i imagine the nice view we could have on her sweet little pussy and ass :) , in nelly appartment we see nothing,cameras too far away,i know i'm a perv ;D but with efim/gf i'm just interesting watching these two fucking
maybe rlc have change the plan at the last moment and rlc will kick out lev very soon and efim/gf will be the replacement of zoya/lev appart,i hope that.
if i was rlc this is what i will doing for get more suscribers
very strange what's happen in nelly appart in this moment
i don't think that,all the message to her was good,not personnal attack and if guys do attack she can bann the guys,
cam4 was my first cam sites and i think it's the site where there is the most asshole and troll,i prefer mfc or cb personaly.
she just need go out for do something urgent i think,we will see if she come back tonight
many cams models do the same show and the same topic all the time but maybe sabrina will join the show with her today :)
she have braodcast only two times for the moment
i don't have problem for see her broadcast,i don't think that will during long time but for the moment i enjoy the view on cam4,
after we are all differents and we have not the same expectation,i prefer see her broadcast than see this lev sitting all the journey on his ipad
one think is sure with blue hair now,more guys are interesting by her for good or bad reason,
her camera is now many time in the most popular cam with the 5 preview thumbnails under the principal video
agree with kalevi and gelsgel,for me the cameras quality and positions stay the eternal problem for this appartment ,that's kill a big part of the fun for watching.
apparently nelly/bogdan leaving tomorrow with suitcase,i don't know why but i have the intuition they will go visiting masha/sasha in italy
like dasha/demid have made some weeks ago...
j'arrête le debat ici corbo car on sera jamais d'accord mais çà aura eu le merite d'être animer,tu pourra au moins lui donner ce credit à blue d'avoir susciter de nombreuses reactions.
au fait ta salope masha prend un bain ;D
yes,probably the new girlfriend he have found and he look drunk again,
poor zoya why she stay with this asshole,time for rlc remove this appartment and present efim/gf here
probably some vacation like the other time and looks efim/gf will sit here for this period,
i just hope efim/gf will not sleeping all the journey on the couch like the other time,
efim/gf have apparently the role of eternal guests only,
pls rlc give them an rlc appartment