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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. more far the cams are and more we loose on cameras quality,we will see very bad with this cam 10 in bedroom,it's my first impression, i'm just a little dissapointed to have again only 2 cams in bedroom,the dasha'bedroom have 4 cameras and it's standard appartment,not many logic for me
  2. wtf,this camera 10 in bedroom is really to far to the bed(only two cams in bedroom),same with the two cameras in living room,too far to the couch, the only good point i see for now it's this camera in sauna.one good camera in bathroom and one good in bedroom, last point it's again premium appartment,how many time rlc have not add a standard appartment? maybe more than one year now
  3. i really hope this guy will not stay here long time,i don't like his attitude and it's bad fucker too,max 5 mn and it's all over
  4. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    i think vv have choose to present and test alot of couples in this period and we will see these couples regulary for party later
  5. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    yeah,just checking the archive videos of this morning and what a nice present i see in archives with gerda and kent,super hot color sex with fantastic view on her ass and pussy and long sex,best sex ever i have seen on vv for now
  6. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    maybe petra moving in sofia for have some action but i'm no more interesting by petra
  7. car elle est pas heureuse ici et ce depuis le debut,elle est trop fragile cette fille pour vivre sous les cameras,c'est mieux pour eux qu'ils restent pas ici dans ce traquenard
  8. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    it's ok,i have not understand good
  9. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    yes,sofia is a disaster,watching solo couple and a guy all the journey on this couch is totally uninteresting, vv is interesting when there is minimum 2 couples live together and doing regular party and have visiting of guests ,sofia is totally fail
  10. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    personaly i like sonia/ivo,maybe i have read bad a post from the other day,i hope they stay here but it's better if they have permanently a couple for live here too with them,it's more interesting for watching
  11. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    i don't remember who have say the other day (maybe micvoyeur) sonia/ivo will leave soon,is it true?
  12. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    she's cute,i imagine in some days in tver katya/ruslan and this guest couple that's can be great, their names are kent and gerda
  13. yeah bullshit,i have send tweets to vv for they kick out this fucking guy,do it too
  14. and now tatoo guy do all for hiding with the cover,what a shit this guy
  15. clivebb

    Tver - Split 4

    finaly,i hope jacqueline will leave too,this girl is useless here
  16. encore heureux que c'est nora qui s'occupe du ménage et prépare les chambres,elle est payé par rlc à rien faire en ce moment, elle se casse pas la tête aussi,je suis sûr que c'est nora qui a fait revenir tout les anciennes participantes que l'on a en ce moment vu que c'est elle qui gère l'appart
  17. clivebb

    Tula - Split 1

    oui, c'est bien katya mais ils sont restés que pour le week-end,ils sont déjà partis,*si tu veux t'abonner et avoir accès au archives tu es obligé de prendre la formule à 40 $ pour 1 mois ou 74 $ pour 3 mois,voilà
  18. si c'est encore un come-back genre milana comme tu le dit corbo,faudrait arrêter le delire serieux, rlc s'emmerde vraiment pas en ce moment,je me rappelle leur message du debut de l'année,on vous reserve beaucoup de surprise pour cette nouvelle année et bien leur surprise au final c'est que des éternels come-back,on a eu que vanessa/thomas en nouvelles personnes,je compte pas aneska/karel car pour moi c'est un big fail ce couple bref rlc s'enfonçe de plus en plus mois après mois,il pourrait faire venir la plus belle fille du monde bientôt que je me réabonnerais même pas tellement rlc me déçois en ce moment
  19. the difference for me it's zoya and leora have integrate the concept(doing reallife) but kami and kristy no they are just freeloader for me in this appartment. when you keep the panty all the time for masturbate or during the sex,there is big problem ! only two time sex for kami on 6 months here with panty on and no sex for kristy,now both go outside for have the intimity with boyfriends,it's not called reallife for me when you search to hiding like that,it's called hidemyfakelife. kami/kristy come here just for doing an act of presence,their true reallife are outside this appartment,it's very clear for me now
  20. comme la dernière fois quand elle était là avec layla,elle rigole comme une ado de 15 ans devant le film apparement elle en a pas tiré grand profit,du teasing encore et toujours pour amuser la galerie,voilà ce que j'en pense et ilona serait vierge que çà me surprendrait pas du tout,gamine sur gamine dans cet appart 80% du temps
  21. tatoo guy in voro need leave now,he's no more interesting by blondy,she's sad now
  22. hard sex with anna/alex with some anal,amazing
  23. i have writing to support today for why katya/ruslan have left,they have answer me they was just guest visit for the week-end but they had alot of positive feedback from the members and there is good chance they will return later
  24. one month left for me and i come back for a long moment with the free cams,this joke have during too long time now specialy in this girls/girls appartments
  25. kristy need take example on zoya,she's the best for the masturbation and she not hiding,this is the difference with this teasing girls
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