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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. oh yessss,it's long time im waiting this moment,the negative karma or negative reputation system was always very bad idea, everybody rate everybody and i don't like that
  2. this is what i said,you need serious help,you desesperate me,i have problem just with you on this forum,just you;don't try fight me with other members, and yes you right i talk only with members superior at 15 years old but im sorry for you,you are not in this category so pls stop talk to me
  3. you can be disagree,i have no problem with that,everybody have the liberty to give his personnal vision and opinion,this is the vision i have about the forum. personaly i need more than a kiss for start to be really exciting about this appartment, a large part of members in my opinion continue watching this appartment and hope see lesbians action between kk,this is the reality,if i was 15 years old maybe just a kiss can exciting me but on my age now i need really more,ok i go in porn sites euromike
  4. before give the lessons to the other members here,go check all the posts and pics you have posted here around two years ago (porn pics......), if someone need get a life on this forum,it's you and don't miss go see a psychiatrist
  5. i answer you just to your first insult to me,it's better for you to stop talking with me,i can write 2 pages just on your stupid ass if you want
  6. thanks euromike for your bullshit like always,how many time you have not kissing a girl ! i understand better your reaction now of boy of 15 years old
  7. you guys make me laught when i read the posts sorry,this all circus for just one kiss ! relax 2 mn guys seriously, when i will see some pussy touch between kami/kristy,maybe i will start thinking something can happen later but not just for a kiss, one kiss and the guys turn crazy here,just ridiculous
  8. what software you use for recording 12 hours like that ? the quality video is very important for me when i recording something, with ocam the quality video is good but not very good too and the files are too big(but it's free),if you have better software,i take,i not expert in this category
  9. it's sure that was not the big love between rita and nora during the last summer before rita leaving but now nora stay in backstage,it's a little bit more different this time, that's probably why rita have accepted to return here
  10. i use the software"ocam" and when i want zoom,i select just my area,rarely i recording all the full screen because the video is too slow if i do that,my computer is too old,i need buy new one for recording in full screen mode
  11. i don't think new girl will come soon for now,we need first see what girl will leave before here, look like elisa have decided stay for another month,vika can leave the 1st june if she want stay just 2 months here and for rita she can leave the 1st june too if she want stay just one month here,there is many possibility
  12. yes,i don't understand why rita have accepted to return here,she have nothing to propose exept control all her move during the shower and go in the corner in bedroom for we see nothing,she have excatly the same comportment she had the last summer,for her this appartment is just an hotel,nothing more,i really hope she will not stay 3 months here,let see new girls faster
  13. for my part,when the moment will come for renew or not my suscription ,this couple will stay in the part of my brain for take my decision! personaly it's not a problem if boyfriend come here for visiting the girls but seriously not that joke like that,im angry to rlc team and this very bad job
  14. ce qui est sûr,c'est qu'il dort quelque part ailleurs quand il dort pas ici,çà m'etonnerait pas que ce soit nora qui l'heberge vu que c'est elle qui gère l'appartment,on le sera jamais mais je serais aucunement surpris de çà.rlc sait qu'il parasite l'appartement et que personnes l'aime ici donc la solution de l'hebergement à l'exterieur est très plosible à mes yeux après ce n'est que mon avis
  15. je pense que rlc lui a trouvé un logement temporaire à l'exterieur vu la foudre des membres envers lui et il continuera à venir de temps en temps ici jusqu'à ce que vika parte et donc lui avec
  16. yes i know but it's not easy,this couple make me just angry,they are just freeloaders here,take the money of rlc members for go in the trip for free and doing nothing here. i can't wait when they will leave in 11 days or in one month and 11 days,i hope it's the first option
  17. vika/bf just back home,both look happy after have fucked during all the days outside during this trip, now both are readdy for return in sex hibernation here !
  18. ah bon vraiment,j'ai rien suivi de ces derrniers jours mais si c'est vrai et bien çà me met encore plus la rage car tout çà c'est fait avec notre argent !
  19. elle est ou vika? je parie qu'elle est partie rejoindre son mec pour se faire baiser loin des cameras
  20. c'est bien vrai,c'est pour çà que je la regarde de moins en moins car oui voir une fille picolée comme çà tout les jours c'est de l'alcoolisme et j'ai pas envie de voir çà surtout chez un fille,je prefererais qu'elle parte personnellement car c'est un bien triste spectale auquel on assiste derrière notre écran !
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