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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. this night,she was readdy for more until guitar guest go taking shower during one hour! there is intimity problem in this appartment,that's why i think they have not many choice to go on balcony,i'm sure we will see soon something interesting with this brunet guest because his boyfriend is very active with the sex,it's not problem for him to fuck on cameras,it's just a question of time and circumstance in my opinion
  2. yes,me too,i think dasha/demid will stay here a long moment (2-3 years),this appartment was always interesting just by the guests and that's continue like that
  3. last night,dasha and girl guest have returned around 5 am this morning and hot action started on the couch in kitchen but the guitar guest had the bad idea to comming for take a shower and he have take a shower during around one hour ! and finally the guests have go on balcony,by the fault of guitar guest we have missed good action for sure. i like this brunet guest,she's very cute,i hope she will take shower soon here maybe today if we are lucky this sunday
  4. pls dasha can you leave for one hour,the guests are super hot is the moment but can do nothing because dasha is here
  5. oui mais apparement ce nétait qu'un passage rapide histoire de prendre une douche et hop déjà en vadrouille ailleurs
  6. i understand better now why you are more intellignent than TBG,congratulations to your parents for have made a good squirrel baby like you je comprend mieux pourquoi tu es plus intellignent que TBG,felicitations à tes parents pour avoir eu un bon bébé écureuil comme toi
  7. i hope we will see some action tonight with the guests but if dasha stay all the night again on her laptop in kitchen,that will be hard for see something
  8. personaly i have not see her kitty because she have always keep her panties during the act,i will watch that another time later for be sure of that
  9. very intelligent answer by a mod !,take example on squirrel,he is 1000 times more intellignent than you and your old ass
  10. for that,yes i agree,the mods do great job with the cp posters and spammers but i'm just not agree with all and i say that here. pour çà oui les mods font du bon travail pour enlever tous les spamms et autres mais je suis pas d'accord avec tout et je le dis ici
  11. it's sure you are the god on this forum and you have always reasons by the statut you have here ! it's strange when some members start tell the verity about euromike and his comportment,some mods always come back and it's more simple for you give me direclly a warning like what you have made with me in my old account,you have the good position for say that, give me another warning on this account if you want,it's not because you are mod here,you have the liberty to critical the opinions of cc members and say it's all bullshit,you have not understand your job here,i have never understand why you are mod here,have a good day.
  12. à la base j'avais pas pris un abonnement pour voir cet appartement mais il est arrivé juste après donc çà fesait plaisir de voir un nouveau couple et après plus d'un mois et bien c'est la deception qui l'emporte car beaucoup trop souvent absent,j'espere que çà va pas être toujours comme çà mais là je vais faire une pause avec ce couple car c'est déjà très lassant au bout de 1 mois seulement,dommage mais on verra avec le temps. et il y a aussi les cameras de la chambre qui restent souvent bloquer en mode switch à cause de la télé donc çà aussi c'est très chiant à force
  13. c'est sûr que les voir absent tout les week-end,çà devient vraiment chiant,je sens que je vais vite zapper cet appartement malgrer que j'aime bien vanessa
  14. and what is the rapport with rlc !!! this is the good example with what i have said yesterday about you, this style of pics have not the place on the forum but you have not again understand that, you know rlc is not a porn site
  15. your pussy is here and waiting you,so let see your french capacity if you are really an euro personn like your username
  16. so what you have to tell me euromike? and for change the role a little,try speak french, many french members do the effort to speak english but i don't see many us members make the effort to speak french
  17. yes i know but when i read some of his posts,that's make me too angry and i can't resist to respond for tell the verity and stop the war with someone have not very open spirit and prefer answer by the insults,it's not simple,it's him today have attack me when i have give my opinion about the kiss between kk last night,i just want make my life on the forum here with normal and interesting personns and not an agressive member like him
  18. ok but you have see only one face of euromike when he have posted all the pics recently during this last months(it's ok), but me i was here before and i have see the other face of euromike during his first weeks and months here,with what he say now and what he said around 2 years ago,it's just two different worlds, this is what i don't like this all lessons he give to other members now,that make me laughting when i have see what he have doing before. example,he say many time,go in porn sites or voyeur-villa because rlc is not a porn site and around 2 years ago,he have spend his time here for posted many many porn pics ! so search the contradiction ! i don't like that
  19. i have a very long history with you,explain all will be too long and my english is too bad for explain good so i prefer stop here with you
  20. ok,we will see but in my opinion during this last years,many time euromike have step out the line (insult.....) and nothing was doing with him,just an observation
  21. if kris66 think that about the personality of euromike,he have the liberty to say that like me i have said to euromike before, i know euromike is your big friend here but with the statut you have now on the forum,you have not to take position like that and defend euromike like that,my opinion,after it's not a big secret here,euromike have the mods protection here it's not new
  22. you can't stop just 2 minutes ! thanks ,everybody know what you think about me and what i think about you so you want continue again 2 years like that ! so you know make your life on the forum and i make my life on the forum too,add me in your ignore list,it's more simple or stop talk with me
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