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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Fair enough, but she gave us something we've never seen before and may never see again. By all accounts I think she's a lovely, lovely girl
  2. We don't know. She packed some clothes into a suitcase, but not all of them. Maybe a short trip? I doubt she'd leave so soon, not now that 99% of us love her!
  3. Doorbell rang - it was a neighbour telling them to turn the music down haha. Rebecca said sorry in English and ran to Lola to tell her
  4. Thanks kitek, I wonder where they are going? Would be interesting to see if there are any large events in Barca tomorrow to which they might have got an invite. I expect things will go back to normal now, although of course I hope not, at least not completely normal
  5. new members - you will not receive anything by begging. There are too many fake accounts by staff of RLC who want people to share videos with them, and then they ban them! The only way to receive pictures and videos is to become a part of the community, prove your worth, and then you will be trusted. Until then, nobody will share with you because the risk is too great!
  6. Kitek I love you man Although the events of the night seemed quite unnatural, this translation makes the events seem a little more 'real.' They had previously discussed that Megan had not had an orgasm, and so maybe with the sexually charged atmosphere of that evening, they just thought "what better time? If not now, then never!"
  7. I have some experience with both drugs. It's true that coke doesn't make you horny, but it makes you confident. I noticed on several times after the girls came out from the bathroom, especially Anna, she was dancing just a little more enthusiastically than before The second night, I don't think it was coke, I think MDMA. That does make you horny, or to be more accurate it makes you more tactile, wanting to touch and feel everything, and wanting to be touched And from there it is a natural progression...
  8. Megan, because it was so unexpected. Belle was the most active, but she had only been around a short while and we hadn't really been able to get a feel for her yet. Most people thought that Megan was dull, if beautiful, so it was the biggest shock to see her let loose like that
  9. Yes it's time for bed for me too. Between the heatwave in England this week and the girls parties I have only slept for about 8 hours total since Monday. Tomorrow I hope the girls will take the party back to Barca 1 and Dima will take the first flight back to Russia Good night all
  10. You know, this is possible. In Rebecca's room I can hear the same music as is playing in the living room. Either it is loud enough to be heard down the hall and through the door, or it is playing through her laptop speakers
  11. He is trying to get the party started but the girls are not really interested, apart from Anna and Polya. I actually think Polya would never touch him, I know many don't like her but she seems to have a steady boyfriend and I have a lot of respect for her. Of course, i may be wrong... I expect he will bang Anna, but I expect all the girls will want to sleep in their own beds tonight, so either they will have to take the sofa, balcony, or Barca 1
  12. I like how Megan and Rebecca are just getting on with chores and hanging out together, as if 20 hours ago Rebecca did not have her tongue in Megan's pussy
  13. It was translated by kitek from a conversation the girls were having. If I remember correctly, Irma is from Kazakhstan
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