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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. One is putting on a show. Quite a nice show, I'll admit. The other is acting naturally and carrying on with her daily life which includes a lot of things we like to see. Lana has a fabulous body, can't deny it. Leora has a fabulous body and mind. Maybe one day Lana will seem more than one dimensional, with a fascinating personality and brain, but until that day comes Leora can sleep soundly.
  2. These were excellent and I'm so glad to see something featuring one of the other girls, rather than Angie all the time. These were very much appreciated.
  3. For me most come up immediately, but a few just refuse to come up and I don't wait more than a few minutes before moving on to the next page. There must be a reason why about one in ten don't appear when all the others do. So, valid point. Not that we should be unhappy as the other photos are always magnificent and we thank Just Man for his amazing efforts!
  4. When he's gone Leora can relax and take her own sweet time to do anything that pleases her, no rush to squeeze something in before he gets back, so it will be a matter of when she feels ready, not when we feel ready!
  5. The currently 'bottomless' Leora may well be back in business now and ready to show us something for the first time since last weekend.
  6. I can't see the appeal of seeing someone smoking, whether it be from a cigarette, a cigar or a pipe of any kind. What is it exactly that is attractive about seeing someone smoking? I always think it's ugly to watch, when one has no choice.
  7. Them's fighting words! HA HA Can't help laughing though at the comment.
  8. You can say that again! Very cynical and blatant exploitation of the customers.
  9. You guys could be in for a big surprise if Leora gets all these messages! And an even bigger one if she responds! Humour crosses oceans, but sometimes doesn't travel too comfortably.
  10. Yeah, know what you mean. A pet rabbit is not so bad if, like Anabel and Efim's, the creature can roam around free like any other domestic pet. This is less agreeable
  11. Not sure if this was in the manufacturers' instruction manual...or maybe it was? Leora has always been resourceful and able to use her imagination.
  12. From power-dressing to power-lifting in one easy move......this girl is so adaptable!
  13. Should have known the weights were for her and not for him!
  14. That's more to the point. Shame she has such respect for someone like this and yet was reading Stephen Hawking so often. Selective intelligence.
  15. Yes plenty of speculation and conjecture here from those with vivid imaginations, but often it's more likely to be the mundane than the profane.
  16. The scent on the pillow from the last time they were active lingered, no matter how many times Leora tried to 'rearrange the cushions' Eva knows which one had her going wild last time and soon finds it for a reprise. It's almost as if she can anticipate another frolic from her mistress any time soon and just doesn't bother waiting for it to happen. If it's a pillow Leora has had between her legs when getting off I'm sure Eva can soon find the pillow and relive the moment!
  17. Thank God! Incidentally I thought the word polluted was an excellent choice to describe their activities here
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