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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Perfectly alright with me! It is a small price to pay for something that's freely provided and not for commercial gain. No issues whatsoever and anyone who has issues must be seen as having ulterior motives for not wanting the big lettering. It's only at the start, isn't it?
  2. Pretty sure it was posted to help promote that website rather than a genuine member wanting to help out other members. This is becoming increasingly transparent. No other reason for a newbie to join now and post immediately!
  3. Those Hotscopes promoters and proxy members never give up, do they!
  4. True enough. But there are still some free cams, though I can hardly blame him for ignoring those, some if not all of which are not a shadow on the ones Hope and others loved so much. The few free ones left are just a circus really. Let's hope some more apartments with decent couples come online in the not too distant future. I'm sure then Hope will give them his support if they are anything like the ones we've seen taken away from us in Russia.
  5. I agree. Torrent is way beyond my feeble technical brain. As far as I'm concerned that's for the boffins and it's not possible that I would understand it. Rod's thing is a little messy and I'm not entirely sure that I'll get anything coming my way, although I tried to follow his instructions as best I was able. But thanks to all the posters for all their brilliant efforts and generosity. I always try to like everything that's posted. But if it's not mab or something simple I would not try it, as it would tie me up in knots.
  6. I think something has been lost in translation here. You need to follow the steps and wait for a PM from Rod as no links will be posted as he explained.
  7. Yes we are going to miss Hope as much as any of his photographic and video subjects as his generosity and alertness knew no bounds. Maybe he can let us know he's still around and coming to terms with this shocking development we are all dealing with in our own individual ways.
  8. I suspect like most of us Hope has a broken heart. He's pining for so many of his favourite subjects who aren't able to pose any more. Or even act natural.
  9. What is 'periscope' when it's at home? Is this something we should automatically know about?!
  10. I'm sure she was as Leora wants as many people as possible to see her and I reckon if it was sometimes given to her fans for nothing she'd not mind as long as her audience was vast. I think knowing many are watching and dedicated fans at that enables her to gain maximum satisfaction from her bating. Now that's been taken away from her entirely she must be bereft.
  11. Prompted (or shamed) into issuing an apology. No precise explanation, just a vague statement that their safety and comfort is a priority. Does not rule out further participation, sure, but where will they be living in the meantime? It would be nice to get a clearer picture, even if providing such information hurts their business. Whatever the reason, you'd think they could offer a little more to go on than this and also an explanation, not just an admission, that it is late notice and why it took so long. If they are right and the welfare of the occupants is being properly taken care of, which we'll only know if some of these displaced tenants elect to come on the forum and tell us, even if it means joining and leaving once they've told us, then we should be reassured. Hoping for the best for all the tenants, especially our favourites and hoping they will be able to participate again in one form or another.
  12. Really interesting to read. Perhaps the RLC people got cold feet and pulled the pin in case they were next to be unmasked?...
  13. One of her best! It's a wonder she doesn't hurt her head on the iron front of the day bed. Gets right into it, doesn't she! When the coast is clear, especially!
  14. One thing I think is clear and that is that RLC don't appreciate how much interest their members took in the human beings in some of the apartments, one way or another becoming attached to them, rather than viewing them as mere sex objects, which may well be how the minds at RLC work. The apartments that are still there are mostly filled with performing seals and from the 'Popular Scenes' displays there's plenty going on, but many of us, I'd suggest, saw quite a few of those who've had their apartments closed down as more than flesh pressed upon flesh, but people; people we liked watching going about their lives and certainly when satisfying their urges when the mood took them. RLC can't manufacture this in a day. It took months for our attachment to some of these people to grow and now it's like they've all been taken away in a massive catastrophe like a natural disaster or a major plane crash. We're not robots and neither are the tenants. If we can see just some of the more popular ones in new places it would be immensely appreciated. More of the others who we are still able to see I, for one, can well do without.
  15. They don't any more? I have been really missing out! Those keys worked magnificently!
  16. Thanks! I will download it and it may allow me to see some of the many videos l saved but could never watch, only a very small minority l should add. Thanks again I had no problems seeing either of them with the always reliable mab doing the job, but this is the first time I've heard of VLC so curious to known what those letters stand for in case I see them again. Is it something I will need to know from now on?
  17. I had no problems seeing either of them with the always reliable mab doing the job, but this is the first time I've heard of VLC so curious to known what those letters stand for in case I see them again. Is it something I will need to know from now on?
  18. I downloaded this video but got the message 'unsupported video codec' which does not usually happen with links posted on here via mab. Is there any reason why this happened this time? I am using an android phone. Will it play on my laptop if I transfer the file I've saved to there? It was a big file but it definitely completed its download
  19. I'm sure that Leora will be aware that those free cams have gone now, therefore limiting her audience for those exhibitionist moments she thrives on. I really think that despite the premium and paid subscribers still being loyal to her the vastly reduced numbers watching her now, due to the rlc change of heart, has demotivated her from bating as frequently. It could be her own form of protest at losing so many pairs of eyes, which she may feel is a major factor in helping her to get off. Over the next few months let's see if this is indeed the case.
  20. A very long walk. Off a very deep pier! But don't take the dog. Even thought the barking is irritating Leora would never be the same without her.
  21. Those who choose not to provide mab links (which last a couple of days at least) I am beginning to view with suspicion, as some recent ones led to things other than a direct download like mab does and has options giving two alternatives,to allow or block, or simply sends a series of other extraneous links and cannot be closed either way. Why not use the clean mab when it's far more efficient and doesn't arouse suspicion? When a site is banned in the UK there has to be a good reason for it. Can't help feeling that anyone who chooses NOT to use mab has other reasons for choosing those other providers and making money could be one of those. Mab has been our friend for a long time and I much prefer to stay loyal to old friends rather than opt for an unknown supplier!
  22. Yes, she looks like a schoolgirl trying to come of age. I agree. A picture of naievity, but you only go through adolescence once!
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