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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. I thought we put a stop to this? So tedious and annoying.
  2. Sounds highly plausible! Look too young to be his parents anyway and if they were we'd have seen them visit before this, but we have never seen any in-laws visit this couple. Probably advised them not to come by to avoid embarrassment.
  3. Totally agree, but I don't think it's a Russian thing, really. I've seen it in Australia and in Asia, though tattoos are I think actually banned in Japan, which may be a bit extreme, even if you find them not to your taste. Same with breast augmentation and implants etc. Can't see the value or virtue of those at all. Size is not everything, after all. Some of those look terrible and so false, which of course they are. Breast surgery and various other forms of plastic surgery is prevalent in Asia, especially in Korea and Thailand etc so that is definitely not a Russian thing. It's also common in the USA of course. Some of the tenants of RLC seem to splurge half of their earnings on surgery, or so it seems sometimes. Thankfully we have Leora, Eva, Jane, Adeline, Martina, Lana and several others who show no signs of wanting to join this unfortunate club. Youthful rebellious independence? That might be expressed more through piercings, perhaps, which are also only occasionally attractive, but mostly add no value to the owner. Yet some 'customers' seem to admire false breasts, large breasts, fake or otherwise, and some love tattoos. Each to their own.
  4. One strange thing about this apartment, the free room at least, is that smoking seems to be permitted, whereas all the time I've been watching camcaps and RLC I've only really seen the vaping or whatever going on and anyone smoking seems to have retreated to the balconies out of sight to do so. Either we've had tenants who elect to smoke elsewhere or most are non smokers. Here it seems to be accepted and I wonder if it's because there's so few rooms to choose from and there's little choice. I did read that Eva smokes a bit but never seen her doing so in the free room. Does anyone know the story here?
  5. Lucky Pepe that you're not a betting man!!! Solo won at a canter!
  6. Blocking the guest room door was a sure indication of who has been annoying Leora the most lately and it sure isn't any of us! LOL "When I say I'm busy I mean busy!"
  7. Yes I think we'd better not be too hasty here. It would be completely out of character for her to aim her rancour at all the members, rather than an anonymous individual as she's got more sense than that. Better to let it go as it may well not have been aimed at forum members. Of course we may never know.
  8. Perhaps, but we've seen a lot of real life when Leora is home alone too and I think she's going to ride this one out and not go into panic mode. I think we should not rule out surprises or sudden changes of course and what we saw as contrived yesterday is not necessarily something that will go on happening as Leora is too smart to become a mere puppet or entertainer, knowing that she has her fans who will watch her going about her daily life, waiting for special moments which will arise from time to time. If you expect a routine of any kind forget it as even her hobbies and housework have no set pattern. There's nothing predictable in her life and we should be always ready to watch and hope. I'm not as gloomy as some and not as angry either. I'm going to wait patiently and don't believe we're going to see shows put on all the time for our benefit. It will be spontaneity and a natural approach as Leora is a very natural woman.
  9. Surprising, but also interesting that we were able to see them leaving rather than the apartment going down for maintenance and reappearing later. Very sudden, but you have to wonder if they did it spontaneously and never even informed RLC about their intentions. Usually with those on vacation we see them leaving and saying goodbye, but not couples, from what I recall at least.
  10. Up to a point, perhaps, but Nelly needs variety too and even with regular action and no little attention, even she tends to appreciate her own handiwork, as it were. Highly sexed as both of them are, Nelly still looks for something on her own and I'm sure other than him not being there 24/7 she's perfectly happy with his efforts, but left alone there's still plenty of temptation and inclination to get horizontal on her own. So possibly, even if we're only talking hypothetically anyway, Leora might be the same, as she's so diverse in her needs. It's something we'll never find out, as I can't see Nelly letting Bogdan go, or vice versa! Sasha? Pass.
  11. Hope it all goes well for you later. Leora has not had much freedom lately so there may not be much happening before you come round afterwards. Stay strong.
  12. Well, that's one theory! Then a bicycle ride to work it off, hopefully!
  13. There'll be more later. There MUST be! Just a matter of when, not if.
  14. It looked pretty obvious that when she went to the bathroom sooner or later she'd be unable to resist the temptation as she was looking very toey sitting on the couch and was desperate to get off, literally. Only the concern of the dog barking probably slowed her down in starting her bate as prolonging the preliminaries might put the dog off the scent! If only!
  15. Not a lot in it for Leora, was there? A short lick of the clit and then a quick attempt at penetration before his relief became more urgent, not hers. Hopefully Leora will still be looking for something for herself, later and we'll be able to share that even if we have to wait a little while for the opportunity to present itself and for her to get in the zone again.
  16. Wishing you all the best and hang in there mate! Hope the operation sorts it for you.
  17. Not the most passionate of couples though they seem happy enough as far as it goes. But the dynamics between them are almost detachment rather than excitement and sexual tension which you'd expect in people in this situation. We'll never know what they'd be like if there were no cameras present, but that applies to most of the apartments, perhaps Nelly and Bogdan aside.
  18. At least what you're writing is a lot easier to understand than some of the translated words of others, which make no sense whatsoever most of the time. Better off reading them in the original Italian or French for all the sense it makes when translated into 'English'
  19. I lost the picture too so now I know it wasn't my own internet connection that was responsible.
  20. More amused than enthused, it appears. Not unhappy about it, just non-committal and not exactly excited by it all. Just amused, which is a good description I think.
  21. Closest you get to being a Frenchman is munching on a Freddo Frog!
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