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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. So does this ease some of the conspiracy theorists' claims? Or are we still talking about hidden from view liaisons and trysts to die for that subscribers never get to see?...
  2. That has always been the case. She used to sleep with the light on in the living room when Paul was in the bedroom and only creep into the bed with him at dawn, so you are right on the money. It may not be the only factor but it's certainly a relevant one.
  3. No doubt nipped in the bud by RLC who operate quite differently from that other lot unfortunately
  4. Two obviously highly intelligent women enjoying one another's company and it helps that both are sensual in every way for good measure. This all looks pretty natural to me so why force it? Clearly Masha was over the moon about having Nelly come to stay, a totally different kind of personality to Jane or others, someone who exudes a love of life and is a breath of fresh air. Hope these two have fun together for a while yet and don't do anything that's too staged, which would not become either of them.
  5. So much for your conspiracy theory! No internet to Leora's apartment. Sounds plausible, though possibly by choice if we wish to speculate on her motives. Leora living without the internet is unconscionable somehow! Off to the library it is!
  6. You can get her pictures right now on the free cams at Masha's place, should Nelly do anything remotely erotic over there. Just a heads up for anyone who's not aware where Nelly is right now
  7. Be careful with where and what you post, though. Or you may suffer the same fate as a few other poor contributors. Enjoy your new-found freedom!
  8. That's two new acronyms we now all know! VMT.....
  9. Heaven forbid, I was under the impression this room was for Johnny to be as coarse and filthy as he wished, along with Raul as a sparring partner. Now we are back to square one.....What was the point? The Leora General Chat Topic will now revert to the Johnny and Raul chat room under a different name.....Nothing personal towards Johnny or Raul, but what a fiasco !! I'm astounded. Clearly these two are saying to one another 'this place isn't big enough for both of us!'
  10. Aaah, thanks! Yes my user name was changed from Bubbleobill to Bubbleobillo when my old user name could not be accessed due to password memory loss a few years ago and Bubbleobill was a kind of novelty ice cream sold in Australia at one stage, and it still could be for all I know. If I forget the password again it'll need to be Bubbleobilloo I guess!
  11. That's a new one on me! If only I'd known! (Helps if you know what 'screen copy' means, of course!
  12. Thanks Hope! You're a champion! Tested positive!!!
  13. Can watch the video if you're patient as it's very slow, but unable to download it unless there's some trick I don't know about. Download attempts keeps going to a new advertising page every time.
  14. The clarity is superb and not sure what equipment you have that shows in the bottom right corner, but it looks pretty special to my untrained eye. These videos you've posted are eagerly lapped up by us starving dogs! Bravo! We haven't seen too much since the Czech move so this is really appreciated by all of us, I'm sure.
  15. Nelly and Bogdan have always entertained guests for days at a time in their own place (owned by rlc no doubt) so this is merely continuing the tradition. But their couch was theirs to share and may not be as simple now they are the sharers of the apartment and not the main tenants. Let's see how it pans out
  16. Leora wouldn't make a very good espionage agent! Living incognito under an assumed name and then giving a real name to a barista, who could have no way of knowing if it's a real name or not, is a real worry if she wants to cover her tracks. Which perhaps she doesn't! No mata hari, this one. Just a femme fatale. Clues left everywhere!
  17. Obviously being a technophobe myself dos was a nightmare for me too. But I've known a few who hated it when Windows came in and they could no longer lord it over everyone else and withhold their knowledge for personal gain or approval!
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