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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. That incredible brief shot of Eva the dog could go viral! Clearly Eva doesn't miss much and maybe she hasn't been neutered after all! Looked like she was getting off with a cushion more easily than her mistress!
  2. Is it possible that they were both watching themselves on the live feed, he on his phone and she on her laptop? It seemed odd that either of them was doing something unrelated during these two most recent videos. It's the way of the world these days, I realise, when walking down the street and crossing the road which requires attention does not seem to interfere with phone time, but in this case I thought perhaps they were both watching themselves in action, especially him when he pulls out and sits on the bed with his condom still on as he looks at his phone, perhaps admiring himself? Could it be vanity, rather than a lack of focus, during what should be the most intimate and memorable moments spent together?
  3. It may be temporary or intermittent. May pay to keep checking back from time to time
  4. Clearly, however, most of these guests of Nelly and Bogdan are uninhibited, unlike some of the permanent tenants of other apartments, so it seems to work, going back to the Efim days and others since. Apart from some sheet covering now and then I don't think they're too shy about being within earshot or sight of their hosts as the guests seems just as relaxed about sex as Nelly and Bogdan are themselves, so it seems that they must share similar openness about expressing themselves sexually. Another apartment sounds quite drastic just for this purpose.
  5. They really ARE the strangest of couples. He always has a condom on from the very start; there's no oral foreplay or build-up to what is essentially robotic coupling. Odd that neither wants to pleasure the other orally or manually, before getting down to it. She looks like a shy young bride at times, while he seems somewhat mechanical. I'm sure they're a very nice couple but they do need to think outside the square from time to time and to become more inventive, if not more adventurous; and not just for our sake, but for their own.
  6. Hopefully we'll be seeing further episodes in this series as they explore more and more together on weekends at Nelly's!
  7. The beautiful videos and photos posted by Howard a matter of a few hours ago amply demonstrate that none of us are being forgotten by Leora, even when her opportunities are limited. I must have missed this live event, perhaps expecting nothing would be happening around that time, but we should all know by now that with Leora it's only a matter of time before she's ready to release her cork and she certainly looked up for it this time and couldn't wait to get into her full stride (as it were) schoolgirl fantasies aside.
  8. For Leora, it's the only way. She cannot abide the dark. He may struggle with the light, so he has to choose between sharing the couch in the artificial light or sleeping alone in the bedroom. I don't think she cares either way where he sleeps, as long as she has the light on.
  9. You're not kidding! Why is it only slow in Asia, though? I'd have thought it depended on the country's internet speed which varies from one country to another?...
  10. How did the dog keep quiet during this episode? Usually that's a dead giveaway. Even locked out of the GR Eva can get pretty excitable when Leora begins to moan and throw herself about. And the vapours usually don't escape the dog most of the time, even from another room. I thought it was a little more subdued than it sometimes is, but definitely Leora got to the full orgasm stage. But then she seemed to return soon after finishing and appeared to be thinking about doing something more, before thinking better of it, as if not completely satisfied. Interesting.
  11. Watched it live. Thanks for posting, Howard, as my feed was lagging. Surprised to see Leora getting the place to herself on a Sunday afternoon. She did seem bothered by the heat, so maybe it was not planned to use the GR up to this time.
  12. I'd rather not! A depressing note on which to move to another apartment to find something less distressing to ponder over!
  13. Switched immediately to the bedroom so we may most of us miss out after all...
  14. Nelly hard at it on the sofa right now. A pleasant surprise for us all...
  15. Great work from The Dude to get the video up so soon and the link worked perfectly. Simple instructions and no technical knowledge needed so very much appreciated. Haven't come across this programme before, but it appears to be very satisfactory indeed. Very fast too.
  16. Leora always delivers! If it's a Premium members show one day we can be sure the plebs will get their chance the next! But I wonder what she'll do with the pooch once she finds what Eva has done during her rapture! Top show, Leora. One of your best and most intense. The dildo certainly does the trick on these occasions! Sorting out the dog may be another matter. Love and discipline. An uneasy balance with Eva and Leora never exactly in perfect synch.
  17. Actually they probably have more parties at their place than any other couples on the site. You must have been away at the time. Not partner-swapping parties, just social drinking and games parties, but they are the ideal hosts and I'm sure a few new tenants have come out of their parties down the years, most of whom have proven good for the site.
  18. Why does life have to be so complicated?...…….not everybody has a technical brain. The boffins no doubt enjoy and even revel in these challenges. Others just shrug their shoulders in total incomprehension. Making things simple doesn't mean everyone is a simpleton. They're just wired differently.
  19. Forgot to use my airbridge for this one. I'm sure it was an oversight and yes the ad after ad was quite painful, wasn't it!
  20. Or instantaneous arousal, thanks chiefly to KY Jelly! Either way it means it's a one-way engagement, which women these days in most parts of the world won't accept. Perhaps masturbation is seen as enough for them, though I doubt it in the long term. Perhaps, even, they don't want to expose the full gamut of their emotional attachments to their partners when live to air and will keep their true intimacy separate, for times when not under constant camera scrutiny. All the same, your theory of modern day couples seeing it as an activity first and emotional second may well be on the money, though I'm sure that's been happening for a few decades already in some unfulfilled relationships.
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