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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. In that respect he is in the same boat as Paul with Leora who he often failed to satisfy despite a loving relationship. Energy drained too soon and putting his own needs first is the short answer.
  2. He still has far more stamina than I do and wish I could turn the clock back to his age or thereabouts, but meeting someone like Martina and seeing a lot of her would be no easy task. She's a bit special.
  3. Holly being a bit cheeky at the moment, baring plenty in the kitchen and occasionally flashing from the front. A real tease that one!
  4. Looks like a good one, all the same. Quite a classic, both really up for it and relishing the opportunity.
  5. Must have heard you as they stopped so she could take a quick shower I think. Breaks the spontaneity but does help in other hygienic ways of course
  6. Thanks so much Ulysses for your excellent contributions and of course first time on the couch is appreciated and we don't expect to see first time in the bedroom from anyone as they would only be subscribers, who wouldn't risk being banned for posting anything from those rooms
  7. As for the frozen pizza, pity about that, as frozen pizzas are about as tasteless as anything, compared to fresh ones and one can only conclude that when they put them in the oven for a fast fix they're too inebriated to taste or experience the difference. They do say those with covid lose all their taste, so have to wonder if these inhabitants are all suffering from covid, unknowingly!
  8. She wore it in the kitchen earlier on along with others dressed up for some kind of cosplay or similar. Huge witches' hat mainly. Others were less flamboyant
  9. Or because Leora is afraid of the dark, as has been pointed out many time in the past
  10. Remarkable how much one can learn on these forums isn't it? An education in itself!
  11. Their apartment is closed, but they may return later, it seems from the RLC update just now. That's at least some information worth having, plus another new couple in the Eliska and Pepik place, so it's not all bad news.
  12. Good music taste, with the Bob Marley catalogue a sure sign of a sophisticated music lover in this household.
  13. Not everyone understood Eric Cantona when he spoke of trawlers and fish some years ago when playing in Manchester United colours! It was seen as a mysterious philosophical observation. But I'm sure it was well intentioned by the great footballer
  14. There's a difference between mild scepticism and blatant cynicism. While not everyone believes every word to be always accurate, assumptions of translations being reasonably well-intended should be made, as a matter of faith. We lost a lot when we lost the Russian translator and that was also a matter of great regret.
  15. ????? What precipitated this sudden withdrawal, Omedo? I didn't see any criticism of you or your findings from anyone. Have the couple themselves asked you not to provide any further information via translation, or otherwise, to protect their privacy? I thought you were pretty discreet with your translating and gave away few intimate details, if any.
  16. I was speaking from experience, but sorry I'm unable to offer any other explanations. Will leave it to the experts to find a solution for you!
  17. It's about capturing the moment. Sure it's not difficult to do, rather just knowing the right time to do it. I doubt there would be any need for wetting the finger. I'm sure Martina would have been copiously self-lubricated by then!
  18. Or maybe he just has a heavy cold? Sniffing and sneezing a lot. Definitely under the weather but how upset he is could be related to not feeling too good.
  19. There is another more sombre possibility. That it's an online funeral for one of his family or friends in Russia and he's having a private moment watching it. No idea what's on the screen, just a wild guess. This happens a lot during these sad covid19 times. Zoom farewells.
  20. I'm sure you'll get an answer on that one! Could he be at the crossroads in his life and wondering which way to turn next? I very much doubt that he has any plans that don't include Nelly. They are always on good terms with one another and no shortage of intimacy between them. Or more likely he's just an insomniac, as we've seen him up and about numerous times in the middle of the night and it's just that there's nobody else around to keep him company so he goes online, which is hardly earth-shattering.
  21. Very nice outfit Luna is wearing. She wears it well! BTW once I put in French language and change to English I get everything in English page after page, including everything written in French, so seems easy to accomplish.
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