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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. ?????? What is this, Hope? Did you try something different and it didn't work?...
  2. It has all the hallmarks of a French farce, or a play like Boeing Boeing, where one door opens, then another one closes simultaneously and by some miracle none of the wooed and viewed women ever meet!
  3. Just to annoy YOU! But seriously this kind of thing seems to be happening all over the apartments in Europe so must be something they feel compelled to do, for some bizarre reason!
  4. And many other bathrooms I'd suggest...
  5. But not so bold in the regular updates at the top to show that 'Asia has left the project'!
  6. Very natural and very realistic. Don't think anyone can complain about the authenticity of this one. These two know how to co-exist and please one another equally. And Maracuya is very easy on the eye as well. Thanks for sharing your first post as it was a good one, indeed.
  7. Masha doesn't do things by halves, does she! Enjoys her sensual pleasures to the nth degree and just keeps on keeping on, no half measures. Nothing can stop her reaching her goal and we don't see many girls as determined as this one when in full cry! Great video. Many, many thanks and I'm not really a Masha fan either.
  8. One of the best ever scenes I've watched on here and so much variety and staying power. Where do they get the energy from and can they sustain it!
  9. Those two blend in well with the painting. They ought to be in pictures! Rubens, perhaps?
  10. At a stretch I'd say those Beatles tee shirts are designed for girls with a fuller figure!
  11. It's always good to have a desk job....the picture didn't follow the comments, so this post of mine makes less sense. It's John Cleese sitting on a desk with a phone nearby and in cross-dressing mode. He's not necessarily a lumberjack even though he is OK with being in the middle of the forest! He prefers wearing women's clothing and hanging around in bars, but then it takes all kinds!
  12. I think there's a grain of truth in each of those scenarios, an incentive above the usual rate could have been offered as a lure and perhaps one paid-for visit by Paul thrown in, to keep her from going stir crazy. I'm sure living in Prague would beat living in darkest Siberia hands down, but living anywhere without family and friends around you needs considerable resilience and a busy work schedule to keep you occupied when there is only TV and the internet to provide any semblance of human contact and using skype has to be a given. Money must play a big part, too. It's like men living on an oil rig for months at a time, or some other remote location in intense heat or cold, where pay is massive and conditions far from pleasant, but the bank balance grows much, much faster than it otherwise would. Leora makes the most of it, giving full rein to her self-pleasuring instincts and an ongoing enthusiasm for her exhibitionism. Trying to spice things up with as much variety as she can muster, as well. Long may it continue. But for exactly how long, we will need to wait and see and savour every session in the meantime.
  13. Nothing really new here. Paul has always been camera shy and reluctant to perform in full glare of Leora's loyal audience. It's no coincidence that he likes sleeping in the dark whereas she's afraid of the dark and can sleep perfectly well in full artificial lighting. So put two and two together - Leora and Paul that is - and you'll get outcomes like these.
  14. Miss Eva. Miss Miss Eva. Very nice eyeful, that young woman.
  15. Unfortunately despite owning all recommended video players by members of this site was unable to open this latest video clip very kindly supplied by Mitsy once again. As I usually have no issues with clips provided by Mitsy I wonder why that's not the case on this occasion?
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