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Everything posted by bubbleobillo

  1. Agree. Taking advantage of their good natures. Deserve a few rewards for their loyalty and sound application as genuine real life participants
  2. It's the quick or the dead around here! If they go up while we're asleep by the time we wake up they're gone, unfortunately. Just hope to see them posted during waking hours and be ever ready to snap them up!
  3. It's the quick and the dead around here! Just need to check in almost every few hours or things can be taken down by the relevant authorities!
  4. I suspect that any decision to return to Russia, even if they were tired of the whole Prague experience, which must surely be preferred to living in Siberia, even among some family and friends, would be based on cost, as much as availability of flights. And airline flights are costed at a premium at the present time, which could prove prohibitive to either or both of these residents right now. The tickets could wipe out any savings they might have accumulated from their stay in the Czech Republic. It's also probably safer, covid19 wise, living in Prague, where health restrictions are very strict.
  5. Can't say I blame them, either, especially with Covid still around and hygiene so important.
  6. Have installed Potplayer. Also installed another thing I thought was the one I wanted but seems it could be just an ad for unwanted premium software. Driver reviver or something like that. Hope it won't eat my hard drive! The video of Leora did work once I'd installed Potplayer. But no idea how to update the codec on VLC as I have an installed version and it does not give any options for updating codec from what I can see. Being a techno ignoramus it may be staring me in the face but I'm always wary of these exe files
  7. I'm sure the lady herself will appreciate seeing all these images too. A reminder of her progress and development, not to mention sheer beauty and physical appeal.
  8. Top right Select language as French then select language as English and you'll get a very rough translation thanks to Monsieur Google!
  9. I think her sign may have read, in fact, 'I love you guys!'. Or maybe that was another sign of hers that I happened to see
  10. Very nice Hope. Thanks for your efforts in monitoring and capturing these two ladies, au naturel, going about their day. Very nice to see these candid caps from you.
  11. Didn't someone say it was that time of the month? Not sure if she's been active this weekend, has she?
  12. A master and slave scenario. The 'peel me a grape' syndrome. Control and subjugation writ large, from what I could ascertain.
  13. "In the morning you just messed my bed" Rod Stewart
  14. Watched this live. It was a few days ago but equally rewarding!
  15. So suddenly a number of the apartments have rooms that are opening up to casual visiting viewers, including a bedroom, in one case at least. This apartment is one of them, at least with the living area. Martina as well. I wonder what promoted this move and if it is a short term teaser?
  16. Eva was one of the better ones and she did appear briefly at Masha's but not since. Would be a good replacement for Leora and Malia should they both decide to leave the project.
  17. I have an idea that it is a kind of festival time in Prague and the Czech Republic in general as a friend posted some photos of street parties and celebrations going on with food, wine and music. Mind you, that could happen all summer long in Prague as it's a happening place, but it might have been because some restrictions were lifted and people went out to celebrate!
  18. Next she'll be asking you why you want to learn Russian after all these years! She's naturally suspicious I'd imagine, like most women.
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