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Everything posted by gomer

  1. So take the last sentence of my post and remove the first word and the comma. It's all the same to me. Friendship with a hypocrite would not be a good look for me. It was merely a courtesy that was wasted on you.
  2. Limpet? Aren't you doing the very thing you were thrashing the bushes about a few days ago? You have made it well known Malia is not your type. We get it and that's fine. To each his own. But how do you square calling Malia names is OK, but making insinuations regarding Leora is a crime against humanity and should be banned by the mods? Consistent you are not, my friend.
  3. From that bit of gibberish on the previous page, it sounds like it will be plain vanilla and mostly uninteresting. We shall just have to wait and see.
  4. You're doing fine without my interference. I'll just make some popcorn and watch the show.
  5. Can't really tell too well from the fuzzy thumbs, but I think the polar bear is giving the koala one of those fake massages. Haven't seen his left paw for awhile, so who knows where it is. I hope he washes his paws when he's finished.
  6. Yes, I've found a sense of humor around here can be hazardous to one's health, especially when the hormones are sloshing wall to wall.
  7. She was out all night, came home an hour or so ago, ate everything in the kitchen and went to bed. She's there now.
  8. Actually, I never grasped the appeal either. I was just having some fun.
  9. Evidently, the chintzy SOB didn't bother to feed her. She's very hungry.
  10. Now you see why Marc Antony was willing to settle for Caesar's sloppy seconds. (bet her feet weren't too big, though)
  11. "Wid a body like dat, her name just GOT to be Lucille. My sweet Lucille." - Dragline
  12. She'd be perfect.....if only her feet weren't so big.
  13. Couldn't say. Best not to speculate. There be dragons lurking.
  14. She gave us the finger once, so maybe she does read it.
  15. You can always watch Sesame Street. Don't you just love the logic?
  16. Please don't be niggardly about sharing it with the rest of us.
  17. That's why one should never, ever call the cops. They are a box of chocolates.
  18. Your assumptions concerning my speculation may be erroneous.
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