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Everything posted by gomer

  1. As long as the folks in the nudist colony are playing volleyball or swimming while smiling for the camera, that's exhibitionism. (of course, you're still dirty and shameful for watching it with your member in your hand.) When those folks engage in sexual self gratification for the audience...well, now, that's porn. (and yes, you're still dirty and shameful for watching.)
  2. Don't think I've ever seen shoppers masturbating in the mall fountain or the middle of the concourse. But if they do and get paid for it, that's a porn production.
  3. My ex told me she was at her horniest while riding the cotton pony, so we would put the plastic sheets on the bed and stampede the herd. Learned that the hard way after absolutely ruining a mattress. Looked like the scene of an axe murder.
  4. Mixing remuneration into the equation throws a monkey wrench into your rationalization, Nick. The gal on the bus flashing her panties at you and smiling is kinky. If she gets paid to do it, it's porn.
  5. There you have it, sports fans. Now hie thee back to La Mancha and let the rest of us enjoy the sex show. Shhhh...here comes the part where she picks up a dime without using her hands.
  6. Genitals + remuneration + cameras + audience = porn. Whether it's wall to wall scrogging or poke and tickle, slap and giggle. You're all sick, depraved, dirty, shameful window peeping pole yankers. But not me. I only watch for home decorating ideas and deep, philosophical discussion.
  7. Same at Lowe's, Home Depot, Sam's, McDonalds, probably many others as well. Those are just the ones I've tried. I sometimes use their wifi to download movies (still requires a workaround) when I approach the data cap on my DSL service.
  8. Sir! Aye, sir! And when the private is finished, it will still be a porn site. As an indicator, go to Walmart, log into their wifi and try to visit RLC. You will be told that porn sites are forbidden on their wifi.
  9. Yes, Nick, it's a porn site. RLC knows it. The girls know it. Most of the lecherous old creeps who frequent it know it. The rest are in denial to preserve their facade of dignity.
  10. Complaint is poverty and gratitude is riches and the worst I ever had was wonderful. -- Brother Dave
  11. Nasty and hurtful is never my intent. Accurate and truthful observation is. As I said, if accurate and truthful observation sounds nasty and hurtful, perhaps a reassessment is necessary. If pretending a donkey is a unicorn is your thing, have at it. But hold your invective for those who see a donkey.
  12. I like strip shows and naked, lewd women. I just don't insist on finding Sister Bertrille in there so I can fool myself into thinking I'm there for any other reason.
  13. "Decent human beings" don't frequent strip clubs and donkey shows. What would your mama say if she knew?
  14. I see we've reached the bottom of rational debate and have resorted to the predictable juvenile ad hominem. Well, so's your old man! (am I doing it right?)
  15. If an accurate and truthful description of your behavior is hurtful and insulting, maybe you should take a moment to consider what you're doing. A donkey is a donkey whether he likes it or not. Pretending he's a unicorn changes nothing.
  16. If she was your little sister, what would you call it? This need to assign non-existent saintly virtue to sex workers is fascinating. A psychologist would have a field say with some of you tightly wound head cases. If she didn't look the way she looks, you would not be here jacking your joke over her inner beauty and intellectual acumen.
  17. "Mommy, what did you do before I came along?" Career day at the kid's school will be a real hoot.
  18. Why does it take 5 PMSing women to change a light bulb?
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