Guy's friends all were telling him he looked bad even though he felt fine.
So many told him that he decided to have a doctor check him out just in case something was wrong.
Told the doc, "People say I look bad, but I feel good."
Doctor flipped through his medical books muttering "looks bad, feels good, looks bad, feels good"
"Ah, here it is!" the doctor said, "you are a vagina."
I was hooked watching her putter around the first apartment in a pair of blue panties.
Of course, that first apartment was full of mirrors, so a trip around took 9 hours for her to complete.
No battle necessary if you just say to yourself, "There's another one screwed in the head" and scroll on by.
If you go ballistic over every dog turd on the trail, expect to find more dog turds to be deposited just for the show.
Consider that a reference to cellulite may be for your expected response and not necessarily a slur on the tenant.
Everyone here loves the girls or they would not be here to begin with. The hysterical responses to "trolls" is just something to entertain while waiting for the next porn show.
Everyone's a Karen these days.
Watch if you like what you see. Don't watch if you don't like what you see.
Don't insist that all the spectators see it the same way you do. Being a dick won't change anyone's mind about anything.
You venture into turbulent waters. They will come for you with large, bold typeface and playground insults for such transgressions.
But I think you know that.
Cheeky devil.