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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So theoretically then if a friend or relative of yours died you could use their names and addresses and vote several times?
  2. But is it illegal for poll workers to ask you for ID? Democrats want to make that illegal.
  3. The language of the superior Arian race, right? Seems I heard that before .
  4. Why does no one on here talk about what is happening in Sweden right now with covid-19 compared to the rest of Europe and the rest of the world? Maybe because Sweden's new infections and hospitalization rates are much lower than those other places? What is happening in Sweden doesn't fit the prevailing agenda, so we must not talk about it.
  5. And why do they tolerate your insults? Also, your translations of my comments are terrible. Many times they don't even make sense.
  6. You are the one who brought your father into this conversation. You help to remind me why my ancestors left Germany in the early 1900 hundreds.
  7. Plus, in many states the voter rolls have not been purged for years, so there are people who have died or who have moved who are still on those voter lists. And voter registration rolls are public information.
  8. In the 2020 primary elections 33.4 million mail-in votes were cast across 23 states. Of the 33.4 million ballots 534,000 were rejected for errors and other reasons. If 80 million mail-in votes are cast in the general, I can just imagine the legal battles taking place to allow rejected votes to be counted or not be counted. It will be a legal zoo.
  9. Exactly. So why do you think Democrats are in favor of no ID voting?
  10. In those Democrat run states poll workers are legally not allowed to ask to see an ID before allowing someone to vote. So they have no way to verify that the person voting is the same person on their registration list.
  11. That's pretty much the same as the voting process here, except that some Democrat run states allow registering and voting at the same time and have made it illegal to require a voter to show ID before voting or registering. Democrats claim requiring an ID is suppression of a person's voting rights.
  12. Voting regulations are determined by each individual state. So Democrat run states are pushing mail-in voting for all voters and Republican run states want mail-in voting limited to people who are unable to go to the polling sites. Unfortunately, many of the Democrat controlled states are battleground states where the presidential race and several key senate races will be determined.
  13. I fear massive mail-in voting in place of in person voting will cause chaos in our electoral process. Democrat leaders are in favor of massive mail-in voting and Republican leaders oppose massive mail-in voting. Now do you understand what I am saying?
  14. It's the Democrats who are pushing mass mail-in voting, not the Republicans.
  15. Mass mail-in voting will make election night media coverage of the election meaningless, since the final results will not be known until days, weeks, or months after election day. Not only the results for the presidential race will not be known for days, weeks, or months, but the results for Senate, Congressional, Gubernatorial races and other contests on the ballot will also not be known. I predict there will be total chaos throughout our electoral process as numerous lawsuits are filed to contest the results and judges end up deciding elections. Unfortunately,that chaos will probably spill out into the streets of America. Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea will love the chaos created by mass mail-in voting.
  16. So if Biden is elected does that mean I will be sent to a reeducation camp like the Chinese Communist Government does do dissenters in China?
  17. So some Trump hating interviewer knows more about me than I do? I feared the Democratic Party long before Trump ever considered being a presidential candidate. He was the first Republican candidate for president since Ronald Reagan who had enough guts to fight back against the Democrats and the news media. That fact plus his political policies is why I support President Trump.
  18. I still consider the Democratic Party a bigger threat to the future of this country than the covid virus.
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