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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Yes, I understand much better than you do. if it is to be solved by politics why has it not been solved? Almost everyone of the cities where these police brutality events take place have been run by liberal progressive Democrats for 50 years or more. In many of those cities the mayors, city council members and police chiefs are Black.
  2. How would I know the true reason for your post when I saw no connection between the "Essential Guide" and Berensen's book? As far as I knew "Essential Guide" was a different book written by someone other than Berensen. As far as Amazon, I have never bought anything there and I never will as long as Jeff Bezos is the CEO, so I know nothing about their web page.
  3. You need to ask the African-American population that question. It's sort of an out dated term. In the 1950s colored people was the PC term, but not anymore.
  4. Last weekend in Chicago 85 people were shot and 24 killed. Why no protests over that?
  5. Alex Berensen's book is entitled " Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns" not the "Essential Guide".
  6. You are a liar. I deleted nothing. And in your original comment there was a referral to future predictions for deaths in the USA from covid. You are most likely the one who deleted that portion of your comment. You are one of the most intellectually dishonest people I have ever encountered.
  7. So why did the Black mayor of Washington DC just have Black Lives Matter painted down the center of a major street in the city? And why did she name a plaza in the city Black Lives Matter?
  8. I think you need to reread what I said. Show me where I ever said Black was racist.
  9. If you used the term colored in the U.S. to describe a Black person they would definitely call you a racist bigot.
  10. If you said that about her over here the news media would call you a racist bigot.
  11. It's beginning to change. That is why Democrats are in such a panic. In 2008 John McCain received 4% of the Black vote. In 2012 Romney received 6% of the Black vote, and in 2016 Trump received 8% of the Black vote. The latest Rasmussen poll (June 5) shows President Trump with a 40% approval rating with Black voters.
  12. I know, the fools in the Democratic Party run almost all our major cities, and that's where the vast majority of our crime and race problems are located.
  13. Yeh, we need more predictions from the fools at the Imperial College of London. Their original prediction for deaths in the U.S. was only off by 2 million+, just a small rounding error. LMAO
  14. Wonder if CNN and MSNBC will report on the violent protests?
  15. The Democrats have been trying that for almost four years.
  16. Thank God the Imperial College of London and University of Washington computer modelers weren't doing the mathematical calculations for our Spacex program; otherwise, the space capsule and the astronauts would now probably be somewhere at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
  17. How many times are experts allowed to be wrong until they are no longer considered to be experts?
  18. The reason they are leaving is because the Washington, D.C. mayor does not want them in the city. If she wanted them they would stay.
  19. Makes sense to me, but I bet they vote for the same people. They've done it for 50+ years in all the major American cities.
  20. They have voted numerous times in Minneapolis. That's why liberal progressive Democrats control every political office in the city. How has that worked out?
  21. In Minneapolis there were White kids burning Black owned businesses in the name of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.
  22. Keep imagining and keep paying. That will keep RLC very happy.
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