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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. What truth are you searching for, when the Venom of a snake has blinded your vision? I know we have our own beliefs and opinions Alladino. (cool name) I'm not going to lie, I like to debate. And you know what? I'm good at it. I talk about Mr.Trump and his policies most days, and I'm not afraid to go head-to-head with any minions. What we need, is to stop being controlled by self-minions. (meaning all politicians) Let’s be clear: These aren’t normal times. Reasonable standards of decency don’t apply. Isn't crazy how the USA used to be one landscape. Now we have our own size and shape. I don't think I can take more of the thunder yelling, its loudest roar of the lightning is striking my heart. Since the country continues to split apart, and how many more Kids need to die, I too, wonder why? I wonder how many families cry because the till is filled. We fight for exposure and attention, Civil War in Syria, no American intervention, We want new shoes, followers, and clothes, North Korean leadership, all expression opposed. Teens are smoking dope, while families will miss seventeen Parkland Kids. How about we think twice before we complain; give thanks, rejoice; soon we won't remain. You cannot win a debate with someone who does not want to look beyond their own experience. Each of us makes decisions based on his or her own life experiences, and each of us is limited by what we have and have not experienced. One person’s reality is not the same as another’s. (boy I learn that the HARD way) The best solution to this problem is education. Takes time and most people don’t have the time to educate there Kids or themselves thoroughly. There is no reason why Kids have to die! I can't show you what I've been thru, and I can only show you what I look like. I can't show you what its like to be me, and I can show you what I want. I can only show you. It's up to you what you'll think of me. It's up to you how you'll perceive me. It's up to you what you'll believe. It's up to you. Just know that it's been hard, but I've made it this far. Just remember, we've all been told were equal, yet we've been treated otherwise. We should not fight with our brothers left or right, for we sleep under the same sky. So know. Humanity still has Hope, and no more Kids have to die. Peace Joey
  2. “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” ― Adolf Hitler ! We have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control. In my world, you don’t get to call yourself “pro-life” and be against common-sense gun control, like banning public access to the kind of semiautomatic assault rifle, designed for warfare, that was used recently. No matter how much screening you do of gun applicants, there will always be a shooting somewhere. Not all people are bad you know, but with today's society anything can set anyone off. It could be your best friend! It could be the little old lady down at the bingo hall! It could be a kid who gets bullied at school and his dad has a gun collection! It could be a police officer who has had a bad day! It could be Leora, from RLC! (I have NO clue, why that name pop into my head) It could even be you! And don't say that you would never do it, because let's admit it, in this day and age society can't guarantee anyone's peace of mind. The only way to protect your children, is for once pay attention to their needs and educate them about safety in general. But NO, we are too busy chatting online with our friends. Who gets the blame, Gun owners... Stand up for your children! Don't let them lay down and die because of laziness, help them develop their minds..
  3. I value your opinion, Alladino. But before you start venting, on things you have NO clue ABOUT, I would suggest you start at the beginning of this thread and read and learn and comprehend the true meaning of survival of man. Parties mean Crab to me! I think for myself, NOT from Liberal thinking, or Conservative agendas which are widely spread around the WORLD. Things Democrats Can’t Say - America is not a democracy, and Democrats are not a real political party. This statement has the benefit of being correct, and it’s also forthright, so if you think I'm hyperbolic et cetera, you can feel free to console yourself, or whatever. Listen: I’m still young. In my very first remembered introduction to the world, it was about the Cold War and how people weren’t free in the USSR and were in America. And yet here we are. The fact is, the world didn’t change that fast. American democracy did. We’re not the oldest democracy in the world, even assuming you call the Electoral College a democracy. We’re fairly new. Specifically, American democracy is 50 years old. The new system started in 1968 when we decided that racism was illegal. Of course, things do not work that way. But we pretended they did, and even worse American political parties pretended it worked that way, and a lot of terrible things have happened as a result. American democracy is pretty young, but our political parties are ancient. Throughout the 2016 primary everyone (including me!) was convinced Trump would flame out, because The Party Decides, in some unexplained and unexamined way, that’s how things work okay? The Democratic Party survived a civil war. And afterward, it dusted itself off, shrugged and went back to doing the same stuff in the same way, and it worked, because that’s how parties evolved to deal with our weird pseudo-democracy. Democrats today, look at stuff and laugh. But the fact is that is literally how Democrats set it up, regardless of unpleasant truth. You yell at Republicans but they’re the one group who followed along to do what's right! Hell, I wasn’t alive back then. Maybe people were even right. But when one party is allowed to say what it is and another party isn’t, that’s not a democracy. And it’s not going to change regardless of what happens with Trump. Peace Joey Also, as a disabled US Marine, the VA system, has improve tremendously under Mr.Trumps watch!
  4. All Great points! Here’s why the minority unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low - Though wage gains were meager, the employment picture overall is looking healthy. But how about when you break down the 4.3% unemployment rate by race? Two groups fall below the overall level — with the white unemployment rate at 3.7% and the Asian unemployment rate at 3.5%. Meanwhile, the Hispanic unemployment rate is 5.2% and the black unemployment rate is 7.5% — its lowest level since December 2000. The obvious reason for its decline is the overall strengthening of the labor market, so they say, at The Economic Policy Institute. It’s not an aberration that the unemployment rate for minority is significantly higher, since it’s consistently trended around double that of the overall unemployment rate. However, it’s worth noting the year-over-year change is 0.7% (down to 7.5% from 8.2% last May). The overall unemployment rate has decreased 0.4% during that same period. There are a couple of explanations for the increase in employment among minority. For one thing, data show that minority benefit more when the Economy improves. Meanwhile, minority are least likely to be in disappearing industries (manufacturing, farming, forestry and fishing). We’re moving from terrible times to good. The minority unemployment rate is twice as high in good times and in bad times, but we’re moving from terrible times to good. At least as far as the number of jobs and the unemployment rate are concerned, we’re heading in a very good direction. This means we will see the overall unemployment rate and the minority unemployment rate come down in lockstep. IMO
  5. Good day to you BB - Like I said, stick to what makes your country great! What makes it hard for people to comprehend is, Mr.Trump is a New Yorker, with a New Yorker's attitude. If you have never been in New York, please reframe from thinking one's words and attitude is a convenience for people to assume Mr. Trump is an idiot. Mr. Trump, is a lot smarter, and wealthier than any President in the history of the USA. That my friend is an accomplishment by itself. Since I am originally from the same area, I too possess the same no-nonsense attitude. One BIG reason I'm not as popular as others here, It's because we New Yorker's, (meaning every ethnic groups in NY) will Punch first, and ask question later. The Europeans or their Unions may not like Mr.Trump or the way he is doing things, but that does not mean it dislikes his aims when it comes to trading with China. Virtually no one in Europe wants President Trump to plunge headlong into a trade war with China do they? But nearly everyone thinks that it is time to stand up to China’s closed markets and trade manipulation. But Europe would also like the conflict to go away, fearing the bloc will be caught between the United States, its primary market and second-largest supplier, and China, its principal supplier and second-largest market. The way to make that happen, is to challenge China through negotiations within the existing trading system, avoiding a degenerative tit-for-tat battle that could harm Europe’s relatively vibrant economy. And the ONLY person with BALLS on this Planet, who can accomplish that Moo Goo Gai Pan is Mr.Trump. Also, Mr Trump's new tariffs on imported steel and aluminium did not receive a negative comment from all Europeans. "Eurosceptic" politicians ( a person who is opposed to increasing the powers of the European Union) They welcomed it. Some European leaders already openly embraced Mr. Trump's push for more tariffs. In One year, Mr.Trump has accomplished more then any President. The truth is, Good always Defeats Evil, and if you can't understand that phrase, then you're not the WIZ Kid, you once believed in... Peace Joey
  6. Amazing how foreigners think they know our President. So, they play follow the leader and post Quotes and Pictures of propaganda about how dumb my President is. (He can't be that dumb, considering he's pissing you all off.) Takes a brilliant mind to pull that one off. This past weekend on TV in a Hotel room, I was playing postmaster with a CNN low-level reporter, out of Miami Beach. While she was polishing the knob, I watched Liberals and anti-Trump supporters struggling with ways to interpret Donald Trump's moods, fantastic and hilarious: talking about "moods" and interpreting jokes, once again, as grave pronouncements. It was like watching someone trying to describe their drug trip, but no one else took the same drug. I get it: Trump worries, concerns and scares the media. But rather than step out of this hyperbolic world of pain, they continue to indulge their panic until they are left, in comical exasperation. So, what the remedy? First of all, once you accept that Trump is unique - for better or worse - this is no judgment on greatness or incompetence, just that he's different folks, then you have three options or Groups. 1. Spend a lot of time operating with anguished tone and posture, responding to every single thing Trump says as if it's proof of madness or meanness. I've been that guy. So I can see it in others. 2. Spend a lot of time explaining everything he does as a defensive yes-man. I know some of those folks. Still, do, and can feel the sympathetic pull, when you see the president under regular attack by the media. 3. Step back and assess with bemusement this tug of war between both opinions. Give your emotions a rest, and note the unhelpful patterns on either side. You can guess that this third group is the healthier option. I choose it, based on my own experience in the first set, and being around people in the second set. The third set can understand both the first and second, and find some reasonable healthy perspective that isn't going to leave you exasperated on either extreme. The first group makes you crazy; the second one exhausts merely you. Headless-chicken dancing only helps the Russians and others who wish to take advantage of emotional distractions. (Sounds like Obama) Let’s choose an example that employs selecting one of three groups: Recently, at a dinner, Trump said how great it is that the Chinese president can become president for life. The first group would see Trump as seriously and dangerously compliment a tyrant for cementing his power. Then this group will laud itself for predicting that Trump will no doubt pursue the same goals as his Chinese peer. It's just more proof for the anti-Trumpers that they were right all along about Trump, the autocrat. The second group would offer a two-step Trumps plain about the comment: He's joking! Of course, he's kidding! Lighten up, Francis. It was at a lighthearted dinner, where such things are said! And he's joking, also, to rile up all those humorless folks in group one! And their hysterics prove his point! (I found myself landing in this group, often, after breaking free from the first group). The third group avoids the impulse of the first. Because having been there before, an observer realizes it's too emotional and unnecessary (Much like that cliched notion of swatting a fly with a sledgehammer). And he may view group 2 as close to reality. However, he notes that Trump's loose verbosity is "not helpful" to future discourse among quarreling groups. It creates chaos, less order like this thread in sum. Because you can fart in church doesn't mean you should. But Trump might keep farting, so hold your nose. And you know what: a lot of the stuff he's actually doing, as opposed to farting, is pretty good for the country. So, I find myself floating in and out of group 2 and group 3 and I think that's the healthiest way to preserve your sanity, and your country's strength. Headless-chicken dancing (group 1) only helps the Russians, and others who wish to take advantage of emotional distractions. All of this is based on one key point: you don't need to and shouldn't have to sit so close to the political stage. Do not turn your life into some interior play-by-play of political events. There is a better way. It's called LIFE. As I stated numerous of time. Trump is taking care of the Veterans and most Veterans appreciate it, regardless of parties. Trump kept his word! In the past, it took MOST Veterans, three to six months to see a Doctor. Now, I have appointments five days a week. What's the difference, (SIMPLE.) He gave the Veterans a choice to decide if we wanted to outsource. Finally, relief! The madness of waiting to treat your conditions are over... But to a lot of Liberals, they don't give a rats ass what happens to Veterans. They live in a society, who thinks of nothing but THEMSELVES, HATE, DISSATISFACTION, DEATH. I have friends, who I love genuinely in every party that I fought with and a lot of them are gone. I don't believe politics can ever bring them back! So, I would appreciated it, if one day, you look in the mirror and see how perfect you are and how lucky you are to live in a country were you have Devil Dogs Guarding your families and our Country. (Liberal politician thinking, "Lets put a Red light on the porch, so people will know their are NO WEAPONS in this home." God help us.....
  7. Young Ladies are enjoying masturbating for the Cameras. Calloused fingertips trace the silhouettes of smooth, contrasting thighs. They navigation rounded hips with familiar fascination. Inhalations whisper of longing. The breaths catch. While fingers, orchestrate an exhaled symphony of moans. These lassies have a way of making any man or women Cum.. For these young naughty Girls, It's always hard to resist a Bad Boy when you're a Good Man. I keep my circle small if you're lucky enough to be in it. Don't lose your spot by being a shady motherfucker.
  8. In my opinion Amy, I honestly feel that the person who referred to you in a disappointing manner used a word that can be tricky, especially when people here are correctly not aware on how to address Transgender, etc. As transgender lives and experiences increasingly come into the public sphere, conversations about gender are getting more complicated. And with those conversations comes the realization that we don't always know what to say when describing trans identities. See wisdom that can only come from having to fight for your right to be recognized as female, a raw strength that comes from unabashedly asserting your right to be feminine in an inhospitable world. It's easy to fictionalize an issue when you're not aware of the many ways in which you are privileged by it. IMHO, I enjoy who you are, as many here do. That's is all that matters to me. Sometimes it feels better inside the heart to forgive does few, who really meant know harm...
  9. Ella will not be another flower, picked and left to die. She was wild and will be difficult to replace, and impossible to forget. When she smiled, my mind went blank. You might miss Ella for a variety of reasons. We will all miss your voice and your beautiful face. There will be an empty place in our hearts where you used to be.
  10. Is George getting the pink slip? I hope not! Right about now, I would slip in between them.... I want you to strap her down, lick her hard and show Anni who’s in charge...It’s not that I’m horny all the time. It’s just that you’re both fucking sexy...
  11. George has a peculiar way of farting, even Anni can smell it. "Ooooh that smell Can't you smell that smell ..LOL Sorry, I had no time to edit Video,,,,,,
  12. Threesomes call us to confront jealousy, insecurity, fear of rejection, and a host of of other dark seeds inside ourselves. Three-ways can be huge growth experiences that encourage us to drop our insecurities and discover how wholly lovable we really are. Personally, Couples seducing a third will find it’s much easier to get a three-way started if the woman takes the lead. Works 4 me...When it comes to sex, at my age I like threesomes. In case one of us dies...
  13. itsme, Great Shot! Now, that's 3D
  14. LMAO.! I knew you wasn't a Drug dealer.. hehe
  15. Hi Ary, Wish I could copy and paste you into my bed :)
  16. While lying in bed, he seems jealous. He kept stretching, his neck like a Giraffe, to capture a glimps of her CELLPHONE... She's beautiful, most are!. It's impossible to keep up with all of these Apartments. I have no complaints, as far as the women goes. I cannot tell you in words, how beautiful the Ass, these young ladies posses..
  17. Hi Grace, I don't get to watch many Apartments. I have to say, you are fucking Awesome!
  18. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me RICH. (some what) Hey Anni, I'm breathless. I'm looking straight into your eyes as you finger and squeeze your nipples and rub your swollen clit. That was great, keep up the good work...
  19. What standards do you speak of Legionnaire? The question does NOT make sense, at least to me. Don't they already have a guest room with a Cam or was it shut down, because of the kids living in it? Thanks...
  20. Anni is going to love you now Ary, slow and sweet tasting. But when she cums, Anni is going to f*** you the way you need to be fuck. (even though George is doing his job) The way you've been dreaming about since the moment you laid eyes on each other. Thank You... I guess, I call myself "Sir Cum- Alot"
  21. Figures! Once in awhile, I have day to myself and shit happens. I'll keep my mouth shut!
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