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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. LMAO! I believe you're in this for the laughs.....
  2. S Such an (not a) eloquently and well-composed response Sir Cum a Lot. Unfortunately, you do yourself, (not yourselves) a disservice by painting with a broad ignorant and condescending brush regarding Mr. Trump voters. It is pretentious elitist eggheads like you that will assure a Mr. Trump victory in 2020... I will apologize for the insults. (profanity) But the FACT is, you do not know anyone here, and yet, you assume you do...And please, don't even try comparing degrees or certification, or how many languages I can speak. And that's not including my service's to my country, which put me out of action permanently. Whats your story pencil pusher?
  3. I believe you're confused! A whore is a Prostitute, in the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment. If you have witnessed these sad atrocities, by all means, share them with us unfortunate... If a man calls a woman a slut it’s him expressing jealousy. I believe adolescent girls being called a slut can be like taking a bullet, they’re emotions are fragile, and they are just discovering their sexuality, but for grown women, it doesn’t matter. If she's secure with who she is, and what she wants, a silly name that makes implications about their life is not going to make a negative impact on her life. It will barely make any impact at all...You all have a FUN weekend, Especially you Megan...
  4. Thanks, I needed that... Moving into a new home, creates a lot of stress... To the point, I'm flying out tomorrow...Hilarious IMO..."
  5. I agree! I love Ary's Dress, tight enough to show, she's a "Sexy Girl." But loose enough to show she's a lady. I offer my congratulations to you both on your extraordinary day! Soon to come... May your wedding be filled with special memories you can treasure forever.
  6. Hi Amy! This is a California band, did you ever get to watch them in person? The song is a eulogy for an android who drinks himself to death...IMO, Saddest robot song ever written. Thanks for the share.
  7. First, don't assume you know me RICE. Because you don't... I DON"T NEED TO LISTEN TO SOMEONE'S BEST GUESS! I gather my information off the net...How obsequiously you are to your Party... Can you think for yourself? The FACT is Liberals need to sit down and eat the Maple and TAKE THE RED PILL! Post something interesting and make my day...Oh look, The Russian bots have taken advantage of these widening differences on Facebook and Twitter in an attempt to drive Americans' opinions further apart. Are you that Russian? Stick to your Liberal belief systems, because here, we are all free thinkers...
  8. Mr Trump, is NOT about War. He was against Mr Bush going into War. He's reasons, "the Money could have repaired Roads, Airports, Bridges, Hospitals, and help the Homeless...LA 60.000 Plus Homeless. (UNDER OBAMA'S WATCH) #WALKAWAY!
  9. Democrats are Falling Down - Falling Down - Falling Down - Democrats are Falling Down - My Fair Soros...George Soros calls Obama ' greatest disappointment,' says he doesn't 'particularly want to be a Democrat. The Democrats Number one Contributor, who started "Black Life Matters," by Funding $3 Million. Now, he realizes what a common person is...Next, "Joseph Crowley is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for New York's 14th congressional district since 2013. He represented the 7th district from 1999 to 2013 and has been Chair of the House Democratic Caucus since 2017"- GONE! He was once, the 4TH most powerful Democrat, in the House...Who defeated him, a SOCIALIST...LMAO - People will never be satisfied with losing. So they get angry, terribly angry, about losing. But the mark of the good loser is that he takes his anger out on himself and not his victorious opponents or his teammates. There's nothing wrong with being a loser; it just depends on how good you are at it. Sometimes it's not about the win; it's about the experience.
  10. Thank you for yesterday Clara...When I opened my eyes this morning, and saw your beautiful face, all sexy and having a fun conversation with a friend, I love that feeling. Lets me know how beautiful of a person you are. A sociable intellectual woman is hard to find..Especially when you know how to stimulate my mind, sexually and intelligently.You are my favorite distraction. Joey 💜
  11. I love it, when you lightly stroke your clit as your finger slides in and out of your wet pussy Clara. It's like an itch, isn't it? You can feel it in your throat. You want to scream for me. IMO, you deserve to be treated like the fucking warrior Goddess you are. Beautiful, Healthy, Perfect. You make me worship your body all night softly, while I imagine pulling your hair back and fuck you till you scream with pleasure over and over. You deserve an equal in life, but a man to dominate you in bed. You deserve the flowers and the fucks. Please, don't wake me up! Stas, I envy you, and so does Clara...💜
  12. For VHTV it doesn't mean that every person is going to like or love their creativity, and they know this. I which they would create something without the drama. If there's one thing I learned by working on a few of my Websites, it's that almost any Cam Design idea, no matter how appallingly bad, can be made usable in the right circumstances, with enough effort. The true ENTREPRENEUR is a risk taker, not an excuse maker. (Nothing has ever been done with the quality of the CAMS) That's why I have a deep-seated aversion to your website. I'm not satisfied with what has already been done, make something better. That is the most significant responsibility and the real freedom of creativity. Do you stop reading a book because you don't want to watch the characters you like turn out to be unlikable, or the ones with which you identify denied the happy ending you believe they deserve? Meaning, the tenants ...
  13. Great picture! Thanks for the Share...When words become unclear, I shall focus on your photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. What I like about this picture is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce such beauty.
  14. This coming season, two Guarantee wins, over the Eagles. We have the Defense now..
  15. Let me guess; you live close to I dream of Jeanie? I'm glad a few of you here gets it! Most people here are at the age of, I don't give a Crab attitude and they have every right to feel that way. Sad when the truth is right in front of us, and still people are selfish not to inform or SHARE this information, including my Health Videos with there love ones. "I Love my Family," "Really" yeah Right! Everyday, I call my Sister to remind her to lock her Doors, Windows, and be aware of her surroundings. She hates when I do this, but I'm not going to stop. Like a few here, I've lost my entire family, I don't want to lose the only thing that matters to me. I never leave my home without my weapons, and I am aware of my surroundings, and I don't take anything for granted. If you were in the Military or Law Enforcement, then you know what to look for. I'm in Ormond Beach. I will be relocating this Monday to my new home, in Orange City. Inspection is holding things up... I'm only residing there for a year, (VA - Policy) Then hand over the keys to my Sister. Then back to Oceanfront living...I'm so exhausted, that at this point, I'm willing to participate in The Monkey House. Death by Masturbation. Yes TBG, and if you are not married, join me and my friends on a Treasure hunting exhibition off Wabasso Beach. 17 Shipwrecks. They expect more discoveries to come, with $400 million in coins still undiscovered in a coastal area stretching from Melbourne to Fort Pierce, known as Florida's Treasure Coast. I'll forward a few more Videos in PM - After the move....Peace Joey
  16. “Dream On” The Cowboys rule! Last season was a fluke for the immigrants.🦅
  17. I love reading and writing, but I am very easily distracted. Because my Cat has a scam going. You buy the food, and they eat the food they go away; that's the deal. But my relationships with my Cat has saved me from a deadly pervasive ignorance. I love all animals. I happen to prefer Cats. They're chill, and they love yet not loving. I relate to them, in a way. But sometimes, I think my Cat, is concocting something Evil. KEEP FEEDING THAT ORGANIC CRAP !
  18. Like many here Happyone, the Dark Web holds many secrets. A hidden part of the internet that is much larger than the parts of the web we use everyday. When you're checking your email, shopping online, or Face-booking, you are using what is referred to as the "Surface Web" or "Visible Web." The Visible Web consists of websites that are indexed by normal search engines, like Google or Yahoo. The last time I checked, there were at least 4 plus billion indexed web pages. While this seems huge, a much larger part of the web lurks below the Surface Web and isn't indexed. This part of the web is called the "Deep Web." The easiest way to describe the Deep Web: It's all the data behind firewalls. Think user databases, business intranets, web archives, password - protected websites, etc. Some say, this part of the internet is estimated to be 400 to 500 times as large as the Surface Web. Sometimes you will hear the term Deep Web used interchangeably with "Dark Web," but they aren't really the same thing. The Dark Web - Refers to a set of accessible, albeit anonymously hosted Websites that exist within the Deep Web. Because these Websites are not indexed by normal search engines, you can access them only with special software that disguises your IP address. (like the ones you heard on the Video) The most common Software used to access the the Dark Web is The Onion Browser, referred to as TOR. The Dark Web (which these Videos are aim at) is much smaller than the Deep Web, and it's made up of numerous types of sites. But it's perhaps most popular for its anonymous marketplaces that often sell illegal products like drugs or weapons. Silk Road, was the most successful site back in 2011- Shutdown in 2013 by the FBI. Today they have Agora and Alpha-Bay have taken its place, and business is actually booming. I hope this helps. But like everything, Evil will fine it's way. Look how a lot of these Apartments have become. (IMO - a lot of these people are Good people) But most of them actually believe, they are conversing and being watched by normal people. When we all know, there are a lot of SICK people also. Disguising themselves, making Sick perverted request. And they do it.. (I'm assuming, their just as Sick n' Perverted) NOTHING HERE IS NORMAL! ESPECIALLY, When you have a rooms full of unsavory Characters. I wonder who will be the next VICTIM to stumble across "THE MONKEY HOUSE." Rule 36: There is always more fucked-up shit than what you just saw or heard. Peace Joey
  19. DEEP - DEEP - DEEP - DARK WEB WARNING THIS STORY IS DISTURBING. A True Story, Horrifying Deep Web Story - Why I Quit Hacking... Plus, If you ever think of visiting the Deep Web Watch this presentation. Why you should not go there Folks..And the X Event. WATER!
  20. , and tics meaning blood-sucking parasites. Yes! The “politics” The same etymology joke cited in print since 1988.. There are many citations or quotes since than. In 1992, Larry Hardiman’s posted, "The word Politics is derived from the words poly meaning....etc." Politician Kinky Friedman used the same joke during his unsuccessful 2006 campaign to become Texas governor. The point is, NOT all Politician are Parasites, at least I know my Dad wasn't.
  21. You go, Girl... Maturin is a smart man. (like most here) And he knows the answer to your question Ashley. He's thinking of a way to put it to you Nicely or Charmingly. He won't listen to reason, but he will give you the benefit of the doubt... I respect his views because, like Ridge, Rammer, and Rider, they tend to think outside of the box, and it's a breath of fresh air, especially when it comes from abroad... But like you, I would like to see an answer...Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, misdiagnosing it and applying the wrong remedies. A symptom of man's failure. Our first duty, as a man, should be, think for himself. Do you agree?
  22. Thanks Golfer... The Fifth Element -"PERFECT" - Talk soon Darcie....💜
  23. Dude, interesting Squirrelly Mind - Isn't as small as I thought it to be. Keep it simple - Make it beautiful - Fucking Brilliant Idea. Keep it to yourself, and sale it. I know there are site that does implement your idea, but nothing in what we're thinking.
  24. Only Kidding! Goes to show, anything is possible in America.. Me, Led Zeppelin
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