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Clara & Stas - Part #2
ipiratemedia replied to StnCld316's topic in Clara & Stas - (09/25/17 - 09/18/19)
You're not alone Altona. I have tried numerous and even paid translators for translations. It was OK. I decided to take lesson in Russian. First thing out of my mouth, the alphabets..lol - Like you, it looks great on paper on our end, until someone says, WTF.. With Russian, IMO, Punctuation marks is everything. I put Punctuation's in different phrases and guess what, it worked. Anytime I translate a language, I copy and paste, to see how it's phrased. I add Punctuation's, or change a word, it make sense.. Of course I give credit to my Russian teacher. -
Great pictures! An absolute delight to watch your clicks Harley! So lively that it conveys the emotive story behind. I guess you can say; It's just a soothing to the eyes of the beholder! If I may, where exactly is this?
Clara & Stas - Part #2
ipiratemedia replied to StnCld316's topic in Clara & Stas - (09/25/17 - 09/18/19)
Hello Clara, “limited minds, can recognize limitations, only in others.” Jack London - Plus, I enjoyed White fang, and The Spot and Adventure. So many short novels. Oscar Wild, one of my favorites. His Poetry remembered for a diverse literary output, that included his novels and Plays. "The Picture I can resist everything except temptation." IMO, best quotes..."The Picture of Dorian." I too would sell my Soul to be staring into you're lovely eyes Clara. The sad part, despite Mr.Wild being highly celebrated in literary and social circles, he was tried for gross indecency and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. He died in penury in Paris. Atlas Shrugged, is a popular book in Russia. I was introduce to Ayn Rand, by a young beautiful Russian lady, like yourself, who resides on RLC. To bad her heart is hardened... “To each his own,” do you agree? Joey 💜 -
Clara & Stas - Part #2
ipiratemedia replied to StnCld316's topic in Clara & Stas - (09/25/17 - 09/18/19)
Thanks, Clara... Please share with me, your favorite books? I watch you read when I have a chance. Nothing like watching a sexy intellect of a woman, like yourself. I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair, and of course that ASS as much as anyone else here. I didn't know, I was looking for anything, until I saw Clara, Cleo, Ary...☺️ -
Ary & George Part #3
ipiratemedia replied to Coffee94's topic in Ary & George - (12/21/17 - 12/19/20)
Hi Ary, I missed you both...Sexy thoughts and passionate moments are part of every love story. How beautiful you are to share your wild side with us all and of course your lover... I enjoy, how you both stir up each other’s feelings and emotions, and I do appreciate you being candor.. You know you don’t have to be naked to be sexy? There's so many Women walking around naked nowadays, they don't leave room for imagination. Once again, Just my imagination, running away with me. -
Clara & Stas - Part #2
ipiratemedia replied to StnCld316's topic in Clara & Stas - (09/25/17 - 09/18/19)
Hi Clara...Your pussy is so cute. Can I play with it? -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
AND THE WINNER IS - NO ONE! Politics and religion are two things that are based on preferences on a person's sense of right and wrong rather than on facts. Can we all agree? I dropped my end of the rope, and a few here, are still Playing Tug of War, with each side pulling against each other's emotions. Since I dropped my end of the rope, there is no more tension, and the rope, slacks, and no more participation. Did I lose? Maybe. But the point is, why, engage in conversation about debates on issues where we all don't have any control of... We all need to Relax, stop lashing back at each other. We need to respond warmly, communicate. This thread is getting personal: Politics are based mostly on personal values and beliefs, there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong" way of interpreting the issues. If you're having trouble seeing one's point of view, try asking yourself why a rational person would come to such a conclusion. You may still not agree with each other, but the good thing is you don't have to. Just remember to approach any conversation, political or not, with the goal of listening, rather than altering the other person's opinion. Each day in our American lives, we pass flag after flag bearing the stars and stripes. We think we know why; we love our country and so should the world. Because a few of their relatives are already here! Peace Joey -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Amazing how the Democrats BS so much, even Jennifer Lopez, AKA J LO, was taking back from all this. She was ready to use the same photo above that you were so kind enough to share with us feeble minded independent, Conservative thinkers, to ridicule Mr. Trump. Fortunately, that little Girl in the picture, was we her Mother “DUH" http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/06/22/jennifer-lopez-shares-fake-photo-about-border-separation.html Oh No, Minority protesting against Pelosi! "Holy Ashtray" Batman... -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
LOL. People just want to be heard Rammer, It's a preference! I just broke up with my Girlfriend, and she was highly educated, she even writes. Something we had in common. But she too never used the space bar, and it didn't make her any dumber. Not cool to judge people on their education. I possess two degrees and four certifications. I speak three languages fluently, and I'm learning two new languages Chinese and Russian. Over a year now. Too bad, I don't eat Chinese food, but IMHO, Asian Women have such a milky smooth Ass, with the BEST CLEAN Tasting Pussy on the Planet. I don't care for the moaning thought. Sound like they lost their pet. I know, I'm not perfect when it comes to posting words. Maturin was right. I'll try my best.. -
Привет, Дарси, я прочитал свой пост на вашем языке. Я говорю, переводчик сосет! Я поговорю с вами на вашем языке. Если все в порядке. Я хочу, чтобы ты меня понял. Хосе...💜
No apologies needed Darcie, ever! Because one day you're NOT going to like what someone here might post. Hopefully, you don't get to witness such rudeness. Confidently by that time, the MODS Should have already removed the post. Stick to what matters, and what makes you happy when reading a post. That's all it takes. And if someone here decided to be a bad boy, well, they have to deal with the community of CC and believe me, a lot of these sound "fellows" know how to push the right buttons. I instead close my eyes and lose myself into imagining my tongue on your dripping wet pussy. The thought of that alone makes people hard. Nice to know you are aware of us PERVERTS!..
IMHO, I don't think there is anything wrong with JUSTIN Eyes. Is more of you NOT liking the Video or maybe in you're opinion, she does NOT look like Darcie. We all have our own ways of Fantasizing Apricot (SWEET) That's what matters, and I believe JUSTIN is having fun doing it! Creating Videos can define the mood of a person, they can also create a specific aura or energy in the atmosphere. Good job JUSTIN...
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
IMO, The Left can no longer be allowed to have influence. And they won't leave out of good conscience. So what alternative is there but Rage, a short-term emotion. Since the media, can't stop lying about Mr. Trump, why don't you Liberals expand your thinking and search ALL public records...And find out how much you're precious life, is worth to you. NOTHING! People don't matter. When it comes to power. We have to choose what's right from wrong, and the people chose Mr. Trump a NON POLITICIAN - GET OVER IT! This isn't about parties; this is all about Hate, Confusion, Dissatisfaction, Greed, Bias and of course NOT GETTING YOUR WAY. The DEVIL himself sits back and laughs how we mere mortal are nothing more but a mistake created by GOD! If you can't recognize the obvious, then your nothing more then a certified TROLL! To think or feel Mr. Trump is going to be in POWER for LIFE! (that's my impression) I voted for who's going to take care of me. And for the first time, I am proud to admit, that I am happy as much as other Veterans and Americans. I will admit, when my Dallas Cowboys lose, I want to BOMB that fucking state that beat us! (sorry, that's how we Devil Dogs feel) Why, because I can admit I am a sore LOSER when in reality I'm NOT! (It's just a GAME) It was all in my head. The Devil made me do it; maybe it was that Philly fan Ashley who brought me to my knees, when it should have been the other way around.. he he. Trump won! That's a FACT! He's NOT going to rule Europe, even though it would be in your interest IF HE DOES while in power. People are tired of the BS regiment of the Democratic party end of conversation. We Americans are okay with our country at the moment, Money coming in, Property value going up, Majority, meaning Blacks, Hispanic, Asian, etc., are being employed at an alarming rate. I don't think TRUMP HATERS are aware of this, because a lot of those people can't think for themselves, so they rather listen to someone else's best guess. A place where FEAR has NO boundaries! Such is LIFE isn't it, not knowing the truth while walking the Earth Spiritually Blind. -
Gia & Anthony Part 1 - Florida
ipiratemedia replied to Voyeur House TV's topic in Gia & Anthony - (06/19/18 - 03/12/19)
LMAO! Mile High Stadium! -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
"To whom it may concern" Rammer... Hope your feeling well. Sincerely. -
Gia & Anthony Part 1 - Florida
ipiratemedia replied to Voyeur House TV's topic in Gia & Anthony - (06/19/18 - 03/12/19)
I happen to check my email, and VHTV notified me, about the Miami Project... I peak in, and it was disappointing. Most Miami Apartments are BEAUTIFUL folks! This apartment is hard on the eyes. I do understand that's their choice. I wish you both fun n" success. A few of us here live near you. t -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
LMAO! Com'on, if you're going to be that dumb, and delusional about Fox News, when in FACT the Liberal Media - Meaning TV, Newspapers, surpasses any Conservative platform by 99%... But Yet, The people have spoken. You all live in the Fantasy Island re-runs... "Da Plane Da Plane." If you aren't a good example, then you'll have to be a horrible warning. I rather you all plagiarize the truth. -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
"Allo guvnor, 'ow do you do? Can I interest you in some Marmite crisps? Grand, innit?" You're the Parrot Maturin! No one is going to bow down or listen to your complete utterness. I'm tired of your virtue-signaling as signs of supposedly high intelligence, and lack of interest in any form of severe morality or amelioration. These people here are good people, many compassionate by temperament. (IMO) It seems two-dimensional, as you believe that being a nice guy, or a well-socialized person who holds the correct political views is all there is, and there is nothing else to talk about. Bullshit! "Stick to a Cup of Tea or Watch the Tele." In all regards, I do value your opinion Maturin and I appreciate your intellect.. I hope one day we all can understand, "arguing isn't communication, it's noise!" -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
That’s the point! You don't understand anything other then your own post... I know blogs are meant to be short.. So, maybe you can understand, appreciate, assimilate, discern, envision, fathom, grasp these simple words. -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Cut the CRAB! The ONLY thing you're displaying is HATE, your beliefs and you're a sore loser. Your post has Nothing to do with immigration, just BIAS REMARKS. Pure and simple! Like a little kid who Doesn’t get his way. So, they go crying to their mommies "I WANT THAT!" How anyone can comprehend such Evil, to express in an opinionated form, that my President is being compared to a man like Hitler. I don't know, who or where you're from, but I know, you're an Evil man, with a Capital E. The obvious, is you have NO LOVE, NO CARE for others, but yourself... People don't need to believe in TRUMP. TRUMP believes in the people! It is a choice we all have, whether it is in your favor or not, to feel GREAT once again. You may not experience the same feelings, and not understanding our beliefs. (Thank GOD!) (Yes, there is a GOD and I"M NOT HIM!) But most Americans did not feel the same way about Liberals either. The results, Cry Babies were BORN! An example would be Tax Cuts. When Six University students were asked about Bernie Sanders Tax Cuts when in reality it was Mr. Trump who created these CUTS. They all Agreed with all the questions. When told it was Trumps Idea, they became like typical Liberals, CONFUSED!!! Why? I give you one reason, BIAS! Any man in power, deserves respect. But, when a Man abuses his ability to do whats RIGHT for ALL MANKIND -Then I will stand alongside you. Selfish to think otherwise. HOW DEMOCRATS LOST THERE WAY TO IMMIGRATION - AUDIO FILE: Nattered by a Liberal... FYI: IT'S VIRUS FREE ! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iDYRLoLpTcNj0SZEr560BId7lcCt2-UE/view?usp=sharing -
President Trump showed this video to Kim Jong Un Peace is a part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed. As Einstein once said, "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” Pictures tell a thousand untold stories of history will be like or not, for its people of a country and what path to take, when the road divides ahead, the right path or the wrong path only the unforeseen future will know and time to tell an untold story yet to be spoken. I give North Korea two years before they're sucking down Big Mac's wearing Jeans and drinking Coke! North Korea will most likely use this to obtain security treaties with the US and already having a guarantee from China will secure its position, it will most likely open up in special areas, like China did increasing its economy and really just ensuring the Kim regime will survive for generations, good move from them.
LMAO! Alladino, "With every sneer, you Liberals just make Mr. Trump stronger." You seem obsessed with attacking Mr. Trump. Yes, Opinions matter, but there are A LOT of Liberals, taking it a little bit to seriously. Calling Mr Trump a "vulgar, foul-mouthed, meat-faced, 71-year-old redneck buffoon?" "Also, he is a fossil-fuel guzzling, Big Mac-eating, pussy-grabbing, racist dick." All the above phrases are culled ( obtain from a variety of sources.) from a brief Google scan on the current American president. They reflect a melange of National Shame, Liberal Trauma, Snobbery and Class Hatred. They extend across the Atlantic and around the world. Liberals assume two things. One is that Mr. Trump is so appalling it is inconceivable he could win a second term in office. The other is that deploying the same language as he did to win office is the best way to send him packing. What you need to understand, we Thrive on the Venom of Liberal tormentors. The old maxim should apply: "think what your enemy most wants you to do, and do the opposite." Tolerating Mr. Trump may stick in the craw, but it must be counter-productive to feed his paranoia, to behave exactly as his lieutenants want his critics to behave, like the Liberal Snobs that obsess him. We are Trump supporters, some may be Basement dweller = internet subculture = 4chan = Pepe (Etymologically) = Alt-Right = Trump supporter!
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
LMAO! Good to see you in rare form RAM! I Don't want to create stress, on my part. Nevertheless, welcome back. -
Thoughts on Illegal immigration?
ipiratemedia replied to itsme's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Hi Amy...(HUG) I can feel your frustration, all the way in Florida. I do NOT disagree with you. But we are talking about a part of Mexico, where you happen to be living near. Mexico has struggled with corruption for a long, long time. The crime will continue as long as the Cartels do exist in that part of Mexico. Evil has its roots not in any particular culture or history, but in human nature. It is present in some form in every community and every country. But where corruption permeates all levels of the state, as it does in Mexico, it creates an environment in which other forms of crime can thrive. This is particularly true when it comes to organized crime, (something I'm familiar with) which if left unchecked can start a cycle of bribery and impunity. The sheer magnitude of illicit funds that major criminal organizations accrue allows them to bribe susceptible public authorities readily; this, in turn, gives them near-free reign for illegal activities such as drug trafficking, pimping, and extortion, all of which raise more money. Here’s the problem with the current immigration debate: Neither side revealed the whole picture. Trump (I'm a Trump Guy) might cite my work, but he overlooks my findings that the influx of immigrants can potentially be a net good for the nation, increasing the total wealth of the population. Clinton ignored the hard truth that not everyone benefits when immigrants arrive. For many Americans, the influx of immigrants hurts their prospects significantly. This second message might be hard for many Americans to process, but anyone who tells you that immigration doesn’t have any adverse effects doesn’t understand how it works. When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent.(Do the Math) Even after the economy has fully adjusted, those skill groups that received the most immigrants will still offer lower pay relative to those that received fewer immigrants. Both low- and high-skilled Americans are affected by the influx of immigrants. But because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many Minorities, who have suffered most from this wage dip. The monetary loss is sizable. The typical high school dropout earns about $25,000 annually. According to census data, immigrants admitted - "in the past two decades lacking a high school diploma have increased the size of the low-skilled workforce by roughly 25 percent. As a result, the earnings of this particularly vulnerable group dropped by between $800 and $1,500 each year." When we look at the overall value of immigration, there’s one more complicating factor: Immigrants receive government assistance at higher rates than Americans. The higher cost of all the services provided to immigrants and the lower taxes they pay (because they have lower earnings) inevitably implies that on a year-to-year basis immigration creates a fiscal hole of at least $50 billion. A burden that falls on the American population. So, you see, I do agree with you. Illegals need NOT cross, in the name of NOT paying for all their shit...