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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. Yes! I got to watch Cloey Kim perform. She was fantastic. One thing for sure, I won't forget Cloey winning the gold in 10 years from now. Who thinks of eating Ice Cream in the middle of winter, "Cloey does" Lol
  2. Lol. I'm just talking trash Ashley, like most Eagles and Cowboys fans do... No point attended.
  3. WHAT! Are you both kidding me.,.,,”@&$?!$# - Sorry, I needed to vent my frustrations.. Keep cool Joey. OK, they sucked this year. Are you happy now? I can’t stand watching Jerry Jones dismantle the greatest football team EVER to play in the NFL. While we Cowboys were wrestling up some Soft tail,👙those pesky Eagles 🦅 have nothing better, but to fly around shitting on heads!!!! A once promising team, caught up in abusive allocations, confrontation, meditation, etc.etc.etc. Which, later on, it turns out to be false. Hopefully a mutual agreement. Congrats!🏄🏽‍♂️ 🏈
  4. I know what you mean about the pain, and you’re right about the knees buckling. I have such a bad attitude at times, because of the pain. I have both insurance, VA and personal. I’m going to try my personal insurance to get this done. I’m might be able to change my attitude for the better. Thanks for the info. My knees feel better already. I receive Rooster shots, twice a year. 4” needles. I Fucking hate it..
  5. It’s somewhat political, greed! Lol
  6. I’m a true Cowboy fan. The last time, I heard anything about the Eagles, beside this Super Bowl, was Nov-19-1978 when my Dad was exiting the stadium and the crowd was in an uproar watching Herman Edwards pick up Larry Czonka fumble with seconds on the clock to win the game. That to me would have been worth witnessing. Did you get watch it?
  7. I’m contemplating about having my knees replaced. The problem, I’m to young for the procedure, that’s what their telling me at the Veterans Clinic. They say, it’s like day and night, after the surgery. Do you agree Ram?
  8. I’m going to add it to my bucket list for next winter Ashley. Great suggestion. I’m going to give it a shot, considering, I have a real bad leg. I’ll probably head right down the slope.
  9. Lol. I’m originally from North Jersey. (Hoboken) I now live were Sharks roam the waters. #1 in shark attacks.. New Smyrna Beach Florida. So you will never catch me above the water, because breaking a leg, is not possible, but losing a leg is. I would hate to witness a couple of teen Sharks, bickering over who’s going to eat me first. I do a lot of Scuba Diving during the summer, I treasure hunt with my Excalibur metal detector. I have to work as subcontractor, under the famous Mel Fisher. (his family have leasing rights.) I personally, would of love being able to Ski, getting back on topic. Do you ski-Ram?
  10. So, you're that Snow skier; everyone talks about when they congregate around the slopes? I was an above average athlete in High School, I excel in everything even in sex educational class, lol. Every year, our school would plan a ski trip. Since I can remember from all the stories that were passed on through time, makes me wonder why would I take that chance in breaking my leg which was my reason not to get involved in something that seems exciting to do and watch. True, every year, someone would break their leg. I can imagine your strength when wrapping your legs around your partner Ashley, and I will never know, if that's what your thinking? Lol.
  11. I enjoy the summer Olympics. Winter Olympics, we really suck! After so many years of disappointments, we gotten worse. IMO. There aren’t enough big Winter Olympic moments. Which moments do you remember most? The Miracle on Ice, if you’re old enough. But what else? Nancy and Tonya was a big moment. There was the Jamaican bobsled team. You probably remember a few big skiing accidents. So outside of the Miracle on Ice, the biggest Winter Olympics moments are… failures? Every Summer Olympics are a veritable One Shining Moment reel of highlights. Michael Phelps slapping on the water, urging his teammates forward. Usain Bolt’s relaxed smile as he breaks the tape in stride. Kerri Strug’s determined grimace as she lands on one leg. You could come up with 15 more summer moments without even trying. Where are the Winter Olympics moments? How many things will happen the next three weeks that will have everyone talking around the water cooler the next day? Will anything? The United States is just better at summer stuff. Bet you don’t need two guesses to figure out who tops the all-time Summer Olympic leaderboard. It’s us, with 2,522 medals. We have more gold medals than anyone else has medals. Suck it, rest of the world. The Summer Olympics are better because we are better at Summer Olympics. No red-blooded American is tuning in to watch us lose a badminton match. We are only addicted to watching swimming and gymnastics because we win. You wouldn’t tune in to watch Katie Ledecky swim laps if she was going to finish sixth. Ever been to the grocery store when there’s snow on the way? It’s like the apocalypse. Americans PANIC at the first sight of winter. We skate on dates and ski when we’re rich. That’s it. We run and swim and play basketball all the time. We’re just better at that crap. What Winter Olympic events are can’t-miss? Maybe an ice skating final? Anything else? Perhaps a hockey gold-medal match? There’s another problem — not enough team sports. Summer Olympics has basketball, volleyball, handball, water polo. Winter Olympics is pretty much just hockey, and we’re not even sending pros anymore so that stinks now, too. The Winter Olympics are sexist. I’m sorry you had to find out this way. There are 53 men’s-only events at the Winter Olympics and only 46 for women. Uhh… anybody ever heard of Title IX?? There are three men’s ski jumping events but just one for women. There’s a thing called Nordic combined that leaves women out altogether. Why can’t women be counted on to ski jump? Are we afraid of breaking their tiny osteoporotic bones? Are we still living in the 1800s? The athletes are less identifiable because they’re buried under 17 layers of clothing. Quick, name three athletes you’re looking forward to watching at the Olympics. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Heck, how many American Winter Olympians can you name ever? You got Shaun White and Apolo Anton Ohno. Who else do you remember from the past couple decades before you start dropping Brian Boitano and Scott Hamilton references? You remember Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, but not because of what they did on the ice. That’s like 25 years of memorable American Winter Olympians in one paragraph. And would you even recognize these folks if you saw them in the supermarket? Or would you need to see them in a sleek bodysuit or a bunch of layers to figure out who they were? The athletes are less identifiable because they just don’t win that much. You know an easy way to recognize Katie Ledecky when you run into her at the mall? By the five gold medals she wears around her neck at all times. Athletes win multiple medals all the time at the Summer Olympics. Our best swimmers are practically drowning in medals. Winter Olympians just don’t win multiple gold medals. Eric Heiden won five golds at Lake Placid. Bonnie Blair won each in ‘92 and ‘94. Irving Jaffee and Jack Shea won two golds each in 1932, probably because Jesse Owens wasn’t allowed on the ice yet. That’s it. Five Americans in history have won multiple golds at one Winter Olympics. No wonder we don’t know them! Wouldn’t you think Shaun White must’ve won like four or five medals in Sochi? Nope. None. He finished fourth in his lone event. The all-time American winter medal leader is Apolo Ohno with eight. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in one week! He has TWENTY-EIGHT medals. Our entire 300-million-person nation won 28 medals last Winter Olympics. At the current rate of climate change, we can’t possibly have more than two, maybe three Winter Olympics left anyway. Can’t say we’ll miss ‘em… Peace Joey
  12. Building a home for my sister, so I don’t have to stress out, thinking about her living arrangements. I’m delegating the work, and signing pay checks, that’s all I can do.. They just got done clearing the lot. Don’t laugh, it took longer than expected. Anyway, how’s your health? I have new videos posted. I hope the best for you and love ones. Peace Joey
  13. Lol.. Nice to see you back Harley..
  14. Who are you addressing Ram Tough? I’m quoting St Cld. I take it you are referring to Rider? Trust me, the last thing I would talk about is religion. Aong with others, we shared enough. I can see how one might feel uncomfortable addressing God, in a forum like Camcap, I too feel the same way any person would - So, I Agee, back to topic. I wish I had your crystal ball, to believe Mr. Trump will be impeached. Give me six players for Wednesday nights NBA games. (Seriously) Peace Joey.
  15. Goes to show, how one thinks. If it makes you happy, you can pay for your own road. The city you live in is responsible for the streets. (NOT THE PRESIDENT) If they can't pay for the roads, talk to your politician in your district, and don't be surprised if they tell you the reason they can't. "We can't fix the roads because we need the money to pay for the GI Joe with the Kung Fu crip." Fact! Get Over It!!! Listen up, Impeach Trump crowd: President Donald Trump, won't be impeached. "Let me repeat myself, Mr. Trump, " WILL NEVER GET IMPEACHED! He won’t. So let it go. Move on and take your MoveOn.org money with you. Trump will finish his term, and at this rate, with all the off-the-walls howling that’s been interrupting the few sane mouths left in Washington, D.C., and in the media, be happily on his way to a second. Why is this assured? Because there, is no impeachable offense, only B/S at this point. Larry Flynt may be floating $10 million to anyone who can bring the dirt that will finally impeach Trump. Yawn. Not only is that a minuscule amount for the porn kingpin, but it’s a tiny amount he knows he won’t have to spend. Fact is, the left has been crowing for Trump’s impeachment before he even took the oath of office. If impeachable offenses were looming in the background, trust on this, they would’ve been brought to the forefront long ago. “Will Trump Be Impeached, Removed Via the 25th Amendment or Resign?” blasted a Newsweek headline, just a couple days ago. The left has been on a constant march to create a frenzy of talk of impeachment since November using one of its most successful tools of the partisan trade, delusion. Those on the left, already cloudy of mind because of all the deception they peddle, truly believe that if they say something often enough, it becomes truth. That’s how Barack Obama sold Obamacare, for instance, on the wing and deceptive prayer of a mantra that said, “you can keep your doctor.” (FACT!) That’s the underlying strategy behind the Impeach Trump movement. It goes like this folks: First, call for impeachment. Rep. Maxine Waters served as the left’s handy, useful idiot on this score, taking the lead in calling for Trump’s ouster, preemptively, before he’d even had time to serve. But she set the stage nicely for Step Two, send in the media hounds. The media has done an excellent hatchet job of taking this crazy impeachment talk and running with it as if it’s credible news. A reputable media outlet would either ignore the calls or put them in context and explain how ridiculous they are. That’s not happened. Instead, the media has used a couple of loon calls for impeachment as the platform to spring a long-running cycle of impeachment talk, with each day’s stories serving to fuel even more. That’s how, in just a few short months, talk of Trump’s impeachment has moved from the realm of ridiculous and fringe, from the lips of say, Waters to the covers of mainstream media magazines and focus of mainstream media broadcasts. Look at the Newsweek piece, which reads in part: “How is the Trump presidency likely to end? It is a question that has been asked more frequently by more people about President Donald Trump than about any other commander in chief in modern history. This past week has again seen musings thrust back to the forefront about how the most unorthodox, unpredictable and unpopular president in modern history could exit the White House. For some, his impeachment should already be on the table. ”That’s because the media has entirely willingly put it on the table. The media has created this impeachment frenzy, then stepped back and feigned casual observer, unbiased reporter, balanced recorder of history. It’s a lie, abominable deceit. And the American people aren’t buying. Trump, won’t be impeached. In fact, the more the left calls for his impeachment, the more complicit the media becomes in this impeachment call, the better for conservatives. It’s just opening the doors for more Republican seats in 2018 — another Trump term in 2020. Peace iPirate
  16. Hey beautiful! There is something I want to tell you, you are the most charming version of you, and no one should make you feel otherwise. Your personality and your smile define you, not the size of your waist. I know that many of us try to make people understand that life isn’t about being fat or skinny, instead it is a choice between being healthy or unhealthy. If you are being commented on or being judged by others for your looks, fuck them! Stupid is a permanent genetic malfunction! I know it gets a bit exhausting for you to deal with such annoying situations, that's why their are good people here making sure, that bad behavior shouldn't be ignored. So ladies, stay just the way you are, stay healthy and stay fab! Peace iPirate
  17. I don’t see much of any Apt. But I will take your word for it, considering you know more then most of us here. She’s is sexy, that’s for sure. “Wow” That many partners? Are you really keeping count Golfer? I just hope she not doing it bareback. Nice pictures. Joey
  18. Lol, did you get emotional when she wanted to tag along with the guys to Norway? I have to confess, to me, she is an unbelievable Actor, IMO. iPirate
  19. I can tell she’s somewhat sad.. Please smile, I love it when you do Patty. That’s my girl, smiling will bring laughter into your heart.
  20. “Wow” she rubs her delicious mans cave with passion. The stories are true, you are an exceptional cute loving woman Patty and of course Ary, too. Kisses to you both. Now, I have a reason to spoil her...
  21. Life is straightforward, but we insist on making it complicated to gross misinterpretation.
  22. I would rather be known in life, as an honest sinner, than a lying hypocrite. Ary you have a remarkable ASS!
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