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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. I love reading and writing, but I am very easily distracted. Because my Cat has a scam going. You buy the food, and they eat the food they go away; that's the deal. But my relationships with my Cat has saved me from a deadly pervasive ignorance. I love all animals. I happen to prefer Cats. They're chill, and they love yet not loving. I relate to them, in a way. But sometimes, I think my Cat, is concocting something Evil. KEEP FEEDING THAT ORGANIC CRAP !
  2. Like many here Happyone, the Dark Web holds many secrets. A hidden part of the internet that is much larger than the parts of the web we use everyday. When you're checking your email, shopping online, or Face-booking, you are using what is referred to as the "Surface Web" or "Visible Web." The Visible Web consists of websites that are indexed by normal search engines, like Google or Yahoo. The last time I checked, there were at least 4 plus billion indexed web pages. While this seems huge, a much larger part of the web lurks below the Surface Web and isn't indexed. This part of the web is called the "Deep Web." The easiest way to describe the Deep Web: It's all the data behind firewalls. Think user databases, business intranets, web archives, password - protected websites, etc. Some say, this part of the internet is estimated to be 400 to 500 times as large as the Surface Web. Sometimes you will hear the term Deep Web used interchangeably with "Dark Web," but they aren't really the same thing. The Dark Web - Refers to a set of accessible, albeit anonymously hosted Websites that exist within the Deep Web. Because these Websites are not indexed by normal search engines, you can access them only with special software that disguises your IP address. (like the ones you heard on the Video) The most common Software used to access the the Dark Web is The Onion Browser, referred to as TOR. The Dark Web (which these Videos are aim at) is much smaller than the Deep Web, and it's made up of numerous types of sites. But it's perhaps most popular for its anonymous marketplaces that often sell illegal products like drugs or weapons. Silk Road, was the most successful site back in 2011- Shutdown in 2013 by the FBI. Today they have Agora and Alpha-Bay have taken its place, and business is actually booming. I hope this helps. But like everything, Evil will fine it's way. Look how a lot of these Apartments have become. (IMO - a lot of these people are Good people) But most of them actually believe, they are conversing and being watched by normal people. When we all know, there are a lot of SICK people also. Disguising themselves, making Sick perverted request. And they do it.. (I'm assuming, their just as Sick n' Perverted) NOTHING HERE IS NORMAL! ESPECIALLY, When you have a rooms full of unsavory Characters. I wonder who will be the next VICTIM to stumble across "THE MONKEY HOUSE." Rule 36: There is always more fucked-up shit than what you just saw or heard. Peace Joey
  3. DEEP - DEEP - DEEP - DARK WEB WARNING THIS STORY IS DISTURBING. A True Story, Horrifying Deep Web Story - Why I Quit Hacking... Plus, If you ever think of visiting the Deep Web Watch this presentation. Why you should not go there Folks..And the X Event. WATER!
  4. , and tics meaning blood-sucking parasites. Yes! The “politics” The same etymology joke cited in print since 1988.. There are many citations or quotes since than. In 1992, Larry Hardiman’s posted, "The word Politics is derived from the words poly meaning....etc." Politician Kinky Friedman used the same joke during his unsuccessful 2006 campaign to become Texas governor. The point is, NOT all Politician are Parasites, at least I know my Dad wasn't.
  5. You go, Girl... Maturin is a smart man. (like most here) And he knows the answer to your question Ashley. He's thinking of a way to put it to you Nicely or Charmingly. He won't listen to reason, but he will give you the benefit of the doubt... I respect his views because, like Ridge, Rammer, and Rider, they tend to think outside of the box, and it's a breath of fresh air, especially when it comes from abroad... But like you, I would like to see an answer...Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, misdiagnosing it and applying the wrong remedies. A symptom of man's failure. Our first duty, as a man, should be, think for himself. Do you agree?
  6. Thanks Golfer... The Fifth Element -"PERFECT" - Talk soon Darcie....💜
  7. Dude, interesting Squirrelly Mind - Isn't as small as I thought it to be. Keep it simple - Make it beautiful - Fucking Brilliant Idea. Keep it to yourself, and sale it. I know there are site that does implement your idea, but nothing in what we're thinking.
  8. Only Kidding! Goes to show, anything is possible in America.. Me, Led Zeppelin
  9. on the video. 😟 And yes, you are correct. It sucks. Any decent college professor will tell you that most of their students are unprepared for college. It might have to do with the take-over by the Federal Government, the fact that school vouchers and therefore competition is not allowed, and the continued guaranteed employment of lazy, uneducated teachers which ultimately drag down the good efforts of the excellent teachers. Another factor is that education, which was once considered an important consideration when raising a child, is looked at as a responsibility of the Almighty Nanny State instead of the parents. SAT scores have yet to rise back up to 1972 levels, when the Federal control of school funding took its toll. Everything is working fine on my end Foamy, you need to stop playing with those nuts...lol. "An error occurred," from the Server? All my Videos are Powered by Google..So, it's not a CODEC ISSUE...Or Play Back, Black Screen, Sound.. Anyway, If you have not watched this Video, it's unreal, IMO. I'm not a Michael Moore fan. But this Video, puts things in perceptive, from the people of Europe...I'm amazed, what Constitution they follow.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bjXzDvCy6s5cKAhHQQ9TZjoywB9O_5Rv/view?usp=sharing
  10. The Failure of American Schools - THE SYSTEMATIC CONTROL AND SCHOOLING In America! There is something strange happening folks. What are the roles of our Education institutions today? All of my introductions, the Music holds a special place in my heart, and I hope it does you.
  11. I get violently ill just looking at it. Which you are aware of. It's a choice, and I Know it's one of many courses to all diseases. (including the Heart) Moderately would be my only suggestion, if your going to continue. I will admit, I do have favorite foods, growing up. I will eat a dish from my heritage. Foods from the Caribbeans, describe with Aura and Passion. Some Foods is like sex. When you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good...
  12. LMAO... (Takes a Brain the sizes of a Squirrel, To think that one up - Compliment) - Hey, I don't have anything against free Enterprise or Mexicans. And the answer to your question is yes, Mexican workers, known as Braceros - Mexican laborer allowed into the US for a limited time as seasonal workers. (generally for agricultural) So, you see, the system does work when it's done legally. I paid them - feed them - Send them home... They spent there share of Taxes.. which I looked into personally with my accountants...The wages are more than fair, for the workers, and I don't eat Tacos. IMO, Great humble people. They follow directions and they delegate responsibility on their behave... No complaints...
  13. You're going to need it, after the purchase of a Storage facility. Good luck with that venture... Lucky bastard! I'm talking about the price... Even though they went up a few Thousand, you're still getting a Whopping deal. IMO.
  14. Please, let me know if you need any assistance. I have an extensive network of Veterans and Civilians. Our secret to happiness is helping others. People with needs, Homeless Veterans and Animal Shelters. We do not accept donations. These groups are successful business minded people. Who like me, we instead keep to ourselves. This is what I have been doing ever since a young lady open my eyes to the cruelty of Animals. I didn't stop there. I organize a Group in helping our 100% disabled Veterans. This isn't about Boosting or Pride. It's about helping those in need. I'm sure a few here understand...
  15. I'll take the Truck and the Corvette. You keep THE MEAT. Love the Truck..
  16. If it wasn't for a few Baby Boomers, I would have a hard time experiencing laughter. I spit out my Green Juice. When I saw this post. I remember you talking about a Scooter, nothing prepared me for this. LMAO. Can you pop a wheelie?
  17. I did manage to sneak in the words immigration. lol
  18. Great captured Just-In... (surprise) Finally, someone, that can hold a note...I would be honored to hear Anni, belt one out - without the nervousness. Beautiful rendition indeed. What about a duet - Anni n' Ary? Or the Four Seasons... Just a thought. Thanks for the share...
  19. AltOna, Great shots as always. Thanks for the share. IMO, There’s No one who knows how to pleasure themselves like Clara. Clara, was it good for you as it was for me...Talk soon Gorgeous.. Joey 🐈
  20. LEFT BREAKDOWN - ONLY MY OPINION - ONLY MY OPINION - ONLY MY OPINION An opinion is a reality that cannot currently be infringed. So yes, at least now everyone is indeed entitled to their views. An opinion can also be a delusion if it can be proven false. Conversely, an opinion can also be right, if it can be determined. So, entitlement (opinion) to judgment is not also entitlement (opinion) to the truth. Do you agree? My Dad was a Democratic Politician in the Great State of NJ. We discussed politics during dinner, because most of the time, my Dad wasn't around. I would ask my Dad questions at an early age to try to understand politics... And every time, I received the same answers. The Republican is for the rich. (Singular) I missed my Dad; unfortunately, he was wrong.. I enjoy my Independence, NOT Right or Left, though, I would vote for a Moderate Liberal Politician. Why, a Liberal is just a Conservative that hasn't been mugged yet...
  21. Don't waste your time Foamy. Unfortunately, everyone 's minds are made up...No room for understanding the obvious... This debate isn’t working out anymore. I think it’s time for a few Liberals to go their separate ways and start making other people miserable, only if it pertains to politics. If they need space, there’s always NASA to take them to the Moon...
  22. Alway a PLEASUR waking up For Clouding out loud = Thanks 4 The Share! Always a Pleasure, waking up to such a beautiful Kitty...Reality is, Hope and Despair lie in the same places. And they're just a matter of perspective. What changed my perspective, was you, and I thank you for that Clara. You look great!
  23. Sad, isn't it? A disease is a choice. It's NOT inherited, and you can't catch it. What we all need to realize; there are CURES for every known disease. The problem, people instead run to the Doctors, and for what, to be treated not Cured? Fuck up when a Doctor sends you home to die, and most listen... When in fact, there is a 65% successful rate in Nutrition. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Thank you for those kind words SPY.
  24. The Secret To Finding Truth Your mind is the most powerful thing in this Universe. But most of us don't realize that fact, because we find ourselves experiencing limitation and we haven't known why. However, this information is now available for anyone with an open mind, and willing to reason, it gives you the tools to overcome all limitations an debates... But only if you desire to. As it turns, desire is the key to absolutely everything including all debates. A person will believe only that which they desire to believe. This is Truth of absolutely every person, without exception. However, there is one factor that divides all of humanity into two categories, which are poles apart. And here's why. All human beings belong to one of these two categories: 1) Those who desire Truth. 2) Those who desire Truth to be what they desire Truth to be. This world is quite literally a temporary classroom that was created for the sole purpose of teaching us to desire Truth rather than anything less. Whoever is careless with the Truth (meaning fake news) in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. Remember, only Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth ... T/R “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” ― Mark Twain
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