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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. My lovely Clara... A world without women would be a pain in the ass because the ass is the face of the soul. I wanna see it. Touch it. Squeeze it. Bite it. Kiss your perfect ass.
  2. Lol... I guess I use to feel the same way about RLC. I've learned to stay away. I will admit, VHTV blows away RLC for sure. We all have our favorites, and one of my favorites is Clara and a few others. I want Clara to be the best that she can be, first for Stats then myself, then for an audience. If I can tell Clara a story that makes her bend over and laugh, that's bigger than anything else. I love to see a smile on her face...If you can't get your Women to bend over, put diamonds on the floor.
  3. Clara helps women who are in sex-deprived marriages or simply wants release. The truth of the matter is far more women receive erotic or sensual massages than the public is aware of. The massage process seduces some women and decides to have an erotic experience then and there while others set out to find a place where they can get a happy ending. Some women present themselves as "ripe and ready" (YUM YUM) for an explicitly erotic experience by indicating their desire through body language and other thinly-veiled alluring behaviors. I know this because I have met a woman like Clara. Her title, a "Sex Positive Pleasure Provider." LOL. She facilitates happy endings for Women for a living. "Business is booming," so she says...Keep up the excellent work Clara; you are an essentially talented Woman. IMHO
  4. There isn't a Woman on earth that isn't an exhibitionist in her sensual ways. There isn't any point in being in this business if you're not an exhibitionist. And, by the way, you can be an exhibitionist and be very shy as well. In my opinion, an exhibition can be engaging, fun and deeply intellectually severe and satisfying. All girls know that they can be anything now. That transformation is one of the most satisfying things here. When a Woman goes out of her comfort zone, and it works there's nothing more satisfying to me.
  5. Love is too beautiful to be hidden in a closet. I personally prefer Woman on Woman...To me, it’s much more sensual at least what I’ve seen. A lot more kissing, a lot more heavy make outs, and it seems like they both enjoy it. Where as straight porn, (IMO) is too fake, too much like gymnastics in terms of positions, and not at all focused on what a woman might want to take part in. So the real question is, since Women are over half the population, where’s the straight porn for women that depicts their hetero fantasies? Fake News wants to know.
  6. Thanks, Dh n" Alt0na for keeping up with one of my favorite people here. Your photographs shouldn't be just a picture; it should be a philosophy. I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought of you yesterday and the day before that too. When the Sun shines on your hair; I wonder what clothes you would wear. When I look at you, I can't help but stare, But this is because you do what most won't dare. I know life may not be fair, But you my dear is something rare. I tend to get loud when speaking my mind. Even a little crazy some of the time.😘
  7. I strongly agree! I too lost my mother and felt remorse for my choice of words, and your right about culture. It includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. IMO, hard times are good in their way too. Because the only way anyone can achieve true happiness is if they experience true sadness as well. It's all about light and shade. Look for a reason to laugh, is necessary. A sense of humor helps you both get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. Today, people look at a person, based on their appearance or the way they are talking or acting, we immediately become a magistrate. The crazy thing is, we have no right to do so. Thanks for the share as always!
  8. Dear Clara, I can’t tell you how much this hits home. But the members here are not wrong. We all form an opinion, and that's our right. Remember your the one who turns on the lights. Thanks for all you do. I only wish I was able to see more of you. Criticism of others Is like walking on freshly fallen snow, the true imprint of your meaning will instantly show. You are lovely, one of a kind, uniquely valuable. Right now, think of your positive qualities, and things you can do better than the average person can. Always remember, you are smarter, more capable, and more significant than you think you are. Joey
  9. Hey guys, hope you’re doing well. IMO, for both of you, the most beautiful thing you could ever experience is finding someone to fall in love, is very easy.. Staying in love is a challenge. Letting go is the hardest part. I will admit, I missed how things used to be. But I can also agree that I accepted the fact that things change. Friends like you both and a few others know how to leave their paw prints on ones heart.
  10. Whether you call it Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day, yesterday holiday churns up a sea of debate that could capsize even the Santa Maria. Columbus never discovered America. If we were to overlook the not-so-minor fact that millions of people were already living in North America in 1492 including all the ethnic groups you pointed out. Columbus never set foot on our shores. October 12th marks the day of his arrival to the Bahamas. He did reach the coasts of what is Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic, as well as explore the Central and South American coasts; he never unfurled a Spanish flag in North America. "The trail of tears." "The story of the Native American has been a story marked mainly by betrayal and sorrow." Ever since those white men from across the ocean set foot onto this land, the Native American has lost almost everything. There ancestral lands, dignity, and even there culture have fallen by the wayside. How interesting it is that the people who came to this land first are the ones who have been shortchanged. If you ask me, Wilmer Flintstones discovered America. Or maybe Leif Eriksson, the first European believed to have sailed to North America, having reached Canada 500 years before Columbus set sail to the west. Either way we're here and history has taught us nothing but the guilt of someones past and present. The rest it's a mystery. (IMHO)
  11. Rammer, my brother..Share with me the good news. I have a smile bigger than any blue state.  

    1. rammer


      I'm still kicking Joey.  I had a bit of a scare a week ago when I went to chemo and had a blood pressure reading of 63/36.  I also had a huge cut in my head that I had no idea how it happened.  The chemo RNs put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to the trauma unit where they literally saved my life.  Good people.  They also put 11 staples in my head to close the gash and I spent two days in the trauma unit .  i still had a scab in my scalp but I'm all good again.  That's my good news my friend.  It's all good. 

      You seem to be doing well.  The Cowboys are hanging in there but you should really convert to the Eagles.  Listen to Gov't Mule and watch the Eagles.  It works for me.  Take care my friend.  We'll talk again soon.

    2. ipiratemedia


      "I'll bite!" I'm disappointed with my Cowgirls. Mr. Jerry Jones needs to FIRE Jason Garret, and they desperately need two wideouts. Daz Bryant sucks, so I don't miss him at all. What's the point of having a great back and an average QB, without dependable receivers. The reliable ones out there, meaning the receiver that can catch a ball, are mostly on injured reserve with a concussion.

  12. Living through difficult life circumstances is something most don't know if they haven't experienced it themselves. It's not an excuse for passing trauma onto someone else either. This is the choice they decided on when they clicked on, I AGREE. But sadly, "Rudeness" can be found in all corners of the Earth. ( "I'm a hypocrite" - most are Amy) Whether it be intentional or not; there's nothing wrong with anyone's opinion, and it's not a lifetime of disappointments if you let it be just that. Ary and George understand to enjoy their lives and to have fun in this project; one must look on "the other side of the door" to form their opinions... When you speak of tools, to you mean Vibrator, Dildo, Blow up doll? I'm being a smart ass; (lol) I thought it was appropriate for the comment. Like others, I do not condone stupidity and outcries because their favorite Shrine is on the rag. "Oh, I was planning to spank the Monkey all day long." There are great things, bad things, and crazy things said about love. But there are also a ton of hilarious situations that put it all in perspective. Remember, Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think of you, in a deeper voice.
  13. "I felt it move." Keep going Ashley..Lol
  14. I'm not judging you at all Harley... I only asked a question, and you're right about RLC. Let's leave it at that. Peace Joey
  15. Yes, it was Lola. One reason why Megan left in the first place. I'm sorry to hear how you feel about Megan. She has no clue who you are. I have no right to question you Harley, but there is a reason for everything. I don't understand why would a young lady like Megan piss you off? Is it because she has a Boyfriend? I know you like only women and so do I. Do you remember six months ago, in PM? I shared with you how I was Fucked over by someone who pretended to be me, and it turns out to be my ex-girlfriend, and I curse out the Bitch for ruining my reputation on all my social media, and I overreacted by using the same colorful words you posted on this thread? And you humbly told me c'mon Joey no need to talk about someone that way and it will be OK and now its time to move on. I think... if it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts and friends like you Harley. I only know a few people I can call friends here, and Megan happens to be one of them. Not that one will lose sleep over it. Peace Joey
  16. While it is true Harley, they do make some sort of effort to excite their subscribers and fan base; Star is right on this one. Irma could careless being there and Megan. Toss Dana and the other girl into the mix, complete boredom. Irma knows what she needs to do, to gain funds and make RLC happy. Megan's last time out was not her cup tea. She's a grown woman now and carrying the same attitude and confidence. The only difference this time around, "Guido." Sincerely, these girls don't give a damn about the cams. Last night was rare. Megan enjoys the tease, but rather have the Italian stallion. A fake person usually is someone who doesn’t feel comfortable being themselves and they put on a persona around others. The reason they do this is usually to be liked or gain popularity like a few of the Apartments on RLC." (A FEW") Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people don't give a shit. And these young ladies don't give a shit. Megan smiling was a rare treat and it wasn't even Halloween. I will admit Harley, your right about a lot of things, but IMO, I don't think RLC is smart enough also to create such a scheme. The only thing they're good at is ripping off their Subscribers. Peace Joey PS: Was that you who posted in Spanish? Did you copied n' paste? I read the post and I was impressed with each sentence. (not that anyone here would care) I think Professor Bean, who is a member here would also be impressed if he were to read Spanish. (I can be wrong) It's people like you and a few others Harley, that keeps me coming back. Hey, you up for a Soccer game. he he
  17. I found Treasures in places I did not care to search. I've been hearing wisdom from a tongue I did not want to hear. But I found beauty where I did not want to look, in old Jessica's, Irma's nook. Forgive me Megan; for I have been closing my ears and eyes for too long.. Your beauty is witnessed by only those who can see no wrong through all of life's illusions.
  18. BREAKING NEWS - LIBERALS ATTAINED A GIF ON KAVANAUGH collusion... Too many parties have finally caught up with Ms. Ford, the ultimate party girl. CNN reports..
  19. I like you to become the next PM of "Old Canada" Cld. By far you are the most honest, sincere person, who carries no grudges or pride in how one lives and one makes...I will email Canada's Parliament to submit your name in this upcoming Elections...Though, I find your views somewhat funny when it comes to USA politics. But, that's who you are, always instigating and stirring things up... So pass out the joints, and inform the 4:20 participants, "vote for me, and I'll set you free, rap on brother, rap-on."
  20. No, he's done running. Now, he needs to hide. Another corrupted politician like Bush, who have nothing better but to hate Trump. It's down too, Good vs. Evil! As we speak Anon is checking out his finances.. Big news. But 4Chan pull the post. Still posted on Deep and Dark web. It sounds credible without the aid of a prewritten program. These aren't people who downloads scripts for an exploit to understand the technology. There in it to expose the Deep State..
  21. NOTE: CAM CAPS IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OF MY POST. Yes, and the cost is FREE! The Military... Mr. Trump was approached three years ago by a group of generals and told that Donald Trump had been recruited by U.S. military intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential elections, and subsequently help remove corrupt Deep State officials from positions of power. The claims that QAnon represents the same group of senior military intelligence officials who are exposing the Deep State corruption and officials involved in a history of treasonous actions against the U.S. Republic. They are the ones who asked Trump to run for President. I cannot share with you the rest. To view Declassified Docs, you need to go to the Dark Web. After downloading the 10 MB file, installing the software takes a couple of minutes barely and requires minimal computer skills. Then you enter a previously hidden online world where you can find resources such as a portal to accessing pirated copies of books, games, movies, music, software, TV series and much more.
  22. True! But there are other reasons far beyond human comprehension why he was elected. October is the month for emptying the Swamp!!!!!! The truth will be revealed for the world to witness the Calm and the Storm...Q
  23. AMERICA WAS AND WILL BE THE GREATEST COUNTRY AGAIN! I love AMERICA more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. “Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious” ― Oscar Wilde 1st Video - IMO - The Greatest 4 Minutes in Television history. 2nd Video - Trump Making AMERICA Great Again - 3rd installment - The truth behind the Clintons wealth... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FDAgONruwnv6bxPZhQyEXRvhAnG4au1L/view?usp=sharing
  24. Lingerie is my next love after clothing; (IMO) I think it is what is worn underneath that really inspires a woman to feel beautiful in her clothes, that inner, secret glamour. The fact that it's black transforms it. I wonder if you have lingerie, matching the color of your kitchen. Thanks for sharing with us your beauty..
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