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Everything posted by ipiratemedia

  1. A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.
  2. What is Climate Change? Does it affect everyone? A lot of unsavory characters in this world of lies and deception, wants us to think differently...Climate change has been happening since a tyrannosaur babe, ask me out to lunch to have Tea with Rex... Everybody needs to quit farting; it warms up the world! Okay, enough of the silly jokes. Who profits the most from the "global warming" bullshit? I won't take it seriously until these rich assholes do. I'm so tired of politicians and celebrities telling people they have to pay for these carbon taxes when their footprint is miles longer than ours... Talk is cheap, and the double standard is breathtaking. 33 years ago Al Gore said that in 3 decades we'd be out of fossil fuels and California would be underwater. Climate Change is perfectly natural and unavoidable. The left is a bunch of hypocrites. They talk about open borders and allowing all illegals in and none stop immigration, but complain about Global Warming. When you bring a bunch of people into the Country who reproduces much more than Europeans and then complain about Carbon footprints, you might be a Democrat. If your left eye is larger than your right... you might be a Democrat.
  3. Clara! I've got you flowers and lots of hours to spend time watching you... Go and powder your cute little nose. And make up your big beautiful eyes. One can only imagine how delicious you're Pussy must taste, So sweet and tasty, the freshest, without doubt, It turns me on considerably, and if my wishes can all come true, I'll soon be kissing your sweet pussy lips too...Stats your alright, I would party with you both all night - If you let me be with her for an hour, I promise you, she won't be devoured...Joey 😘
  4. As always EuroMike, you always manage to find interesting humorous topics. I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we flicked each other, more often.
  5. I'll tell you this Harley: Nothing remains as it was on RLC. If you feel you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy at VHTV...and with that in mind, why do the most interesting people always leave? It’s not the days in life we remember you, rather the moments. Hope to see you on VHTV, the most comprehensive site available to man...Joey lol
  7. When I open my eyes each day, all I want to see is you, Clara. You’re the only one in my eyes who’s awake, and everything feels like it is, and you forget about all your problems because for now, it’s just you, the world, and me. I sent you hugs and kisses in my thoughts. The best love is the kind that stimulates the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. Enjoy your day... Joey
  8. Excuse me, Ashley, for being too forward but your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like. Now spread your legs and try to tell me all about your day. Spank me. It’s the only way I learn. HeHe...
  9. Breath on me, 'Clara!', spray me thrills. I crave to write anything that dare cross my sight. Wants to write free verse, a promiscuous free verse! I am waves of pure intensity. I'm sincerity, passion, pain, and pleasure with glimpses of clever; quiet and shy, swim into my crystal clear epiphanies bathe in the spring of my sensuality drink and be refreshed by my offering... You'll never grow tired of tasting me Clara, for I am timeless. If I could love you, I’d love you strong with the strength of a million dreams. My rains would flood you with passion. My storms blow every leaf from your tree, leaving you bare so you’d share your soul with me. If I could love you, I’d love you so deeply your heart would beat wildly with my whispers; my desires would fill your every needs your heart would hunger for no one but me. I’d love you with lively colors of rainbows and sunsets and bright skies. My light would bring you to your knees, then maybe I could show you all the beauty in you that I see. I'd show you how to set that beauty free... Closed in my room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out. There are a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called 'fan fiction." Stats, you're a good man, for sharing your love and your best friend... Joey
  10. Hmm. Are you OK BB? Not once, did you mention "My Belle." lol...
  11. Naughty Ashley, you don't have a dirty mind, you have a sexy imagination. You're Never afraid of exploring your sexuality, fantasies, and desires. Embrace them. Love them. Make them yours. They are part of who you are... Spank me; I deserve it...lol
  12. Thank you for telling me how much you have enjoyed reading my poem. I’m so pleased to know that it brightens your day. Only someone, with great taste for words like you Ooopel, could make me feel a sense of style in writing poetry. If only the world was full of wonderful things like you and Clara, I might be able to write even more. Joey
  13. I tried to write a poem, Clara I've been working on it for a while to write how you always seem to make me smile I've tried to tell a story through the medium of rhyme but every time I start to type the words fall out of time it's always been so simple I can write when I feel wrong but it all seems so unnatural now I feel like I belong I don't think I can do it Because I don't know where to start so if I see you in my poems it will mean you stole my heart. Your smile means the world to me, My favorite thing of all to see, you should know your smiling face, indeed is, my happy place
  14. "Wow" Sexy! Alone in her shelter, Ary allows herself to photograph her seductive face with confidence. You are born to be magical, gorgeous and beautiful inside and out. So express your vision and fear not, your beauty is untouchable. I'm NOT able to post my up-close pictures of your lovely face Ary, and I say that with persuasion... I will lay those picture next to my pillow to gaze and to fantasize...Joey 😘
  15. Welcome to the disappointed club Alt0na. A few of us, been there! A person whose house is only open on the west can't see the sunrise at dawn; it's only seen when the sun sets at dusk. If one tries to compare the color and appearance of the two, one will go on arguing forever. The fault lies not with the vision but with the closed windows. If we look out of only one opening until the day we die, we will never see anything new. If we see things as It Is, we will never know what It Is... The difference in one's opinion does not imply a difference in principle. What VHTV offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten and replaced by a new dish. If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once. By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root. You're too strong of a person Alt0na, to let things linger in your mind. Joey
  16. I have to say, IMO. Clara and Stats have a love that is pure and honest is the most beautiful feeling in the world. To be loyal to someone is the heart's innermost desire. Someone who understands you and completes you. Someone who loves you as crazily as you love that someone! It takes someone extraordinary like you Clara to make me forget someone very special. CLARA JB 2018.mp4
  17. Just lite the wood, as the Cowboys did to the Eagle. LOL
  18. Good hack! Have you personally tried it? I did, to no avail.
  19. I could never fine myself mimicking this song... Especially the verse.
  20. Videos yes! Songs, not even close. Too many here have good taste in music. This thread is nothing but great memories for anyone who wishes it... I listen to these songs when I'm in a lustful mood. Mostly Led Zepplin.
  21. Classic rock, psychedelic rock - I like to dig up the old music and see what I can get influenced by and I always wanted to tell the story of how Pearl Jam is the story of lightning striking twice. As well as being the flip side of the classic rock tale where great promise ends in tragedy. This is where tragedy begins great promise. Though I listen and respect other forms of Music, my everyday music is classic rock. It's what I relate to the most. It reminds me of my Dad and where my heart is. FYI: A few of the videos are not great quality. I enhanced the videos the best I can and of course, created it in my own image. Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o3Op6JCAcHereobMZsCv1x3BQn8ebIRq/view?usp=sharing
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