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Foamy T. Squirrel

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Everything posted by Foamy T. Squirrel

  1. Of all the reporting members here, I'm willing to trust you on this Van. But I have not tuned in to see any evidence of these cruel actions, and some reports from some members come off as the usual "fuck this dude, I can out-fuck him; I should be screwing her and she'd love it cuz I have a big dick and she's a pristine princess. And he's a gay pussy junkie." I never trust hearsay evidence when visiting CC. ...Just haven't seen pix of it yet, ol' buddy...All I ask for is more information before I render a judgment...
  2. Don't jump too hastily to this conclusion. They have their usefulness and disabilities. 1. Mitigating factors: They live in a cursed apartment. That place has never worked out for any other couples, either. 2. Mitigating factors: If they are not actors, they have arrived with a huge load of personal issues. 3. To their credit: They offer a good contrast to what we can perceive as "functional relationships." For example, Nora & Kiko don't have sex either -- at least in public rooms -- but we know that they are tightly emotionally bonded and mature. 4. To your credit: Yes, there are absolutely no signs of functional interpersonal communication between Katya & Ruslan. I have not seen it, and that's something that can easily be discerned with even the most distant, casual observation.
  3. Computers still don't clean a house, cook food, or take care of the needs of her man as dutifully as does Alma. And she's a sweet woman. Young, but he is too. Goon Boy is setting himself up for a pig sty and a cold pizza breakfast by dumping her.
  4. I have yet to see ANY video evidence that support these accusations, period. I have seen plenty of evidence that CC folks jump to conclusions whenever a new couple arrives. Until I see some evidence that would support the accusations in a court of English Common Law (forget Roman, Tribal, and Sharia law), I will support tripod2's assertion. If you have witnessed it, capture and post it. Thank you and have a nice day.
  5. On this day in 1988: Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby, the English born Soviet spy, died in the USSR. I just thought you might want to know that. I wonder if he was buddies with Valdimir or Leora's dad... or just a mutually despised traitor?
  6. Now for some fun and harmonizing...
  7. So that would be Leora, right? ;) Whelp, Lora's gone, and there's only one L name left, and it happens to belong to the only female at RLC that doesn't bore the hell out of me...
  8. Re: Falling apart -- perhaps you are confused -- A Lotus does not fall apart just because one touches it. I think you might have trained FSB's who were driving Yugos at the time.
  9. Thank you for the exciting picture. It renews my faith that signing onto RLC to watch the heavy action at N&K's apartment is a worthwhile endeavor afterall. Most thrilling living room scene since Vika left... :D
  10. Here's why RLC won't die yet: her name starts with "L." (Redacted by order of Her Majesty.)
  11. Methinks Nickey is merely thirsty for one of your excellent Mickey Finns. Just slip him one and quit yer bitchin'...
  12. You do realize, good sir, that Foamy is soon to be released from jail, and that he has applied for Squirrel's old job? Watch what you say: that Foamy creature just might be hired, and his squirrely wrath is extreme. I don't know who is Foamy and Squirrely and they don't scare me , ones I knew a man I didn't like his smile poor baster vanish You might consider "coming across." MI5 pays far better than FSB, ol' boy...and we drive splendid automobiles...
  13. I understand Foamy the Squirrel now works for Acorn. He's in 7th Heaven: he's made the big time for the entitlement class and will never need to do an honest day's work again. He's already ordered his new yacht and explains that "Gee, I want to pay more in taxes..."
  14. You do realize, good sir, that Foamy is soon to be released from jail, and that he has applied for Squirrel's old job? Watch what you say: that Foamy creature just might be hired, and his squirrely wrath is extreme.
  15. It is common for CC people to become seriously judgmental when a new couple arrives. If the female is cute, the straight male CC members disparage the male. 'Tis a common occurrence. It's old. I haven't seen any animal abuse, myself, so I too hesitate to render judgment. If you have evidence, post it. Otherwise, I suggest we back off and simply observe.
  16. I suspect it was by design. Hell of a good looking puppy, however. I shall hope that he/she grows to be a good, well-trained, helpful and vicious guard dog.
  17. Goodness gracious me! :o Nick and I agree 100% on something. :o Free drink on me (MI5 expense account) at Old Dude's, if tbg150 will let you in. Just smile like the Joker or a Husky, and he might allow you admittance ... leave you fire-arm and your goons at the door...and bring Leora with you-- 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  18. Nonsense. Half the time the pets are the only excitement, and the only tenants that exhibit any sort of personality. Meerkat, in particular, absolutely rocked. I know Nicky-boy drives everyone nuts around here, but he is somewhat correct about RLC turning into a monastery.
  19. We couldn't do that. You're the only one left on this board who has a furry tail. You've got to do double duty until the replacement squirrel is hired. 8)
  20. I prefer to refer to the pets by a fake name; to protect their privacy. Otherwise, we'd have a bunch of crazed CC members trying to hack into their Facebook accounts... ;D I never did know what Meerkat's real name was. So far, it looks like Qualude is for Maya's dog; Meth belongs to Isabel, Agent Dog was Kiko's for a while, and nobody ever came up with a name for Maya's fish. I'm cool with Scooter for Leora's puppy.
  21. For such short legs, Scooter sure can jump, too. I usually only like well-behaved big dogs (you know, it's a manly thing) but he's kinda cute and Leora loves the hell out of him.
  22. I agree with "C." The younger ones don't even deal with CD's anymore.
  23. I have an antenna. I can watch Jeopardy on my TV. That's about all the TV I need. Now gentlemen, I think I'd better depart before bulgachica and Nick show up denouncing you for being "intolerant." ;)
  24. If feel sorry for myself, too, for having wasted time with this now entirely stupid thread.
  25. and you Pay to watch waste your $$$ keep the pimps happy , I will pay and watch If I see the girls walking naked masturbating doing something Interesting that I don't waist my time , I don't know about you all , if you sit front of computer 24/7 not me they don't deserve one Penny OK, Nick, I'll take the troll bait. If you don't like RLC at all (it's a monesstery, ya know), why do you hang out on CC? Hell, most of us don't care about RLC either. I mean, if you're gonna troll, at least be a fun, warm and fuzzy character. Maybe grow a furry tail -- Pepe's the only member left with a furry tail since Squirrel was killed in that horrible tire commercial filming mishap -- and I'm sure Pepe would like the back up. In fact, we'd all like you to be back up for Pepe. And so would Pepe! Consider yourself hired!
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