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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 55 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    Good point Nich, but if you made a separate thread for criticism there would be no need for anything other than a Fan page would there?

    The apartment page is in my mind the general chat about the apartment page, not everyone feels the same about the how things go from day to day which is healthy and leads to a debating forum.

    It ain't broken so don't lets try and mend it. If the lovers and acolytes don't like it let them create a new thread in addition to the " fan " thread.

          The same can be said or considered for those that would rather criticize than comment on matters much otherwise in a thread that is considered more generalized rather than being more appropriate in regards to such comments being made.

  2. 15 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Morning Nich mate, hope all is well with you, nice to see you back.

    In all fairness I know from past comments that you don't appreciate Max's posts irrespective of what he says, but you still have to accept mate that this is still a forum for all opinions positive or negative toward Leora and Paul, and each opinion as long as respectful is as valid as the next.

    The only exception as far as I can see is that the " Leora Fan " thread should be just for what it says, positive remarks about the lady in question, but this " Home activities " thread is open to all comments pertaining to what goes on within the confines of the apartment positive or negative.

    Everyone who pays to watch Leora is entitled to an opinion, and everyone who pays a membership on CC is certainly entitled to express that opinion as far as I'm concerned.

    Disagreements are all part of a forum, no harm in them whatsoever, different opinions generate interest which encourages others to join the debate.

    Long may it continue mate ! 😉

          Greetings to you as well mate and it was a matter that I wanted to once again, point out in regards to the various thread topic listings. After noticing certain comments that seem to get posted in this thread fairly often starting to resume getting done so in a thread topic listing designated as a fans thread, I thought is would be a good time to try to make it known so once again. Additionally, you are correct in pointing out that a thread topic listing listed as a Home thread is probably more appropriate for critizing comments related to either of the residents that live there, but there has always been an available alternative of creating another different thread that had a thread topic listing more related to such criticisms imo. Apparently, there are quite a few others who either choose to ignor such available options to do so, or perhaps do not feel there should be any need to do so, which imo, goes against this websites rules of forum decorum and consideration of others.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:


    Thanks, Big B.  I'm not the pope of the forum. I honestly enjoy hearing other people's opinions and why they think them even if some of them drive me nuts. My chief interest in the Leora forum is after 10 years of watching, how long and where this is going. I really want both Leora and Paul happy when they ride into the sunset, and hope Eva lives to 20. I honestly think, by now like others, she'd have thrown in the towel and go on to a normal life. Like crooks they are becoming institutionalized.

           Your not the pope of anything. Perhaps when you realize as such, you might realize that it doesn't do anyone else any good when someone chooses to criticize someone else's life simply because of something they may be involved in related to something that a subscriber does not care for or like. There is always a choice to not subscribe to anything rather than continue to and to continue to criticize others because of anyones own not so well continually considered choices or decisions.

    • Upvote 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:


    Obviously we have differing opinions. I encourage you to continue to post even if at odds with my personal comments. I honestly like to read what you think. If you don't like mine you can feel free to disagree or ignore them.

          I believe that my comments were in response to some of your most recent comments were doing just that. Although having not been done so in a designated and listed supposed to be fans thread. Although from comments that's been noticed to have been being posted in such a partcular thread for awhile now, I might should consider responding to comments as being such off topic comments in such threads as well.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Well roared lion. In between, I tried several times to de-escalate and to argue objectively - unfortunately that doesn't work. These children don't hear or understand and only ever play a record of stupidity in a continuous loop, the content of their "empty phrases" they obviously don't even know or understand themselves. Then just ignore - I've tried, or "treat like with like" as in homeopathy. sorry

    I don't get any support from others with the ongoing bullying, unfortunately.


          There is a reason that there has never been a political thread started by anyone on this website in regards to the country where you are from, including by you. It likely has to do with the brainwashed, indoctrinated, lying dishonest fascist regime known as the nazis that started where you are from kraut, and once again you lie and bullshit just like so many of the nazi predecessors where you are from that had major influences on what started both world wars, just as you have so many other times on a western originated website, simply because you are obviously nothing more than disgruntled, highly disappointed of your predecessors failures and getting their asses kicked and nearly annilated in the second of two world wars, and yet you continue to be a lying, dishonest, socialist/marxist brainwashed indoctrinated kraut rather than someone who is a naturalized German citizen that was actually educated rather than indoctrinated and obviously brainwashed you lying sorry propagandist kraut excuse of humanity. Get an actual life rather than being an obviously socialist/marxist brainwashed kraut, because it just might save your ridiculous propagandist life someday, since socialism, marxism, or certainly outright communism has never throughout the history of mankind, ever ended up much good for humanity overall. Socialism, Marxism, and communism will one day be eradicated ideologies from common sense and logical thinking as well as common sense and logical believing people of the world.

  6. 22 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Nich, I reflected on this comment and it got me to thinking.  You know what? I can't recall getting an erection watching since Malia left. Rarely then. Just saying. (Yes the plumbing still works)

           So as you claim, you rarely got an erection since then, and only rarely then, so if I believe that if I had been no more interested than that, I would not have claimed that the main interest of subscribing to the site was because of a woman who you have always seemed to comment in regards to much more so than any other participants of that particular website, although more times than not, the comments were related to negativity such as forms of being derogatory in regards to that particular woman. You know, the kind of comments that you and the likes of ddhm seem to post even in threads designated and listed as fans threads for someone in particular, yet neither of the likes of you two seem to mind posting off topic criticizing comments in threads designated and listed as such. I may have not been posting comments nearly as much as I once did, but I have still noticed quite a few comments that have been being posted since I refrained from doing so. I suppose it must be a good thing the plumbing still works though.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Repetition creates boredom. How many times can one see the same movie?

          So why keep subscribing to something that you supposedly was most interested in because of someone you have have consistently been criticizing for quite awhile now. As a matter of fact, why even subscribe to something that you have seemed to have critized since first doing so, in regards to all of the comments regarding the participants age, what she should consider as far as what might be best for as far as her diet in regards to her physical well being, and whether or not she has ever considered her life in the future or not, and if not what kind of life she might have to look forward to. You know, all of the criticisms that those of you and the likes of ddhm have always like to mention, although neither of you have ever had to live that woman's life or to think that just maybe she might just be trying to make it through life the best way she can considering where she is from, nor will either of you.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    No longer need she on video tape in my archive and memory

           Or perhaps could it mean she is no longer excitable in regards to calluses on your penis or hand ? Certainly could be perceived to be that way from some of the comments you've made. By all means, keep on making them, but don't be surprised when such responses are returned to some of the vile comments you've made on this forum.

    • Upvote 4
  9. 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    As always off topic. The article has nothing to do with my contribution - and the addition is unnecessary and only provocation. I don't need a weapon and YOU US-NAZI already have a weapon or an entire arsenal.

    You have already posted on the subject today and I answered that this DiSentis does not have any more sense in his head than Trump, only that he is younger.


          It has seemed quite evident that you don't have any more sense in your head than Lenon, Hitler, or Stalin so go fuck yourself you socialist/marxist brainwashed indoctrinated kraut. Best thing you could do is find another social media forum to try to spread your prooagandism before it backfires on orhers such as yourself and those such as yourself ends uo getting many of the country where you are from nearly annilated and completely destroyed again as it did from your non sensible fascist radical ancestors you propagandist kraut. 

  10. 4 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Whether Paul wanted to or not.  Leora gets low on semen and gets it when she needs it.

    Paul is her reservoir

          It's been noticed that for awhile now, you have been more frequenty commenting on how certain occasions in regards to the one of the couple have seemed to have become mundane and not as interesting as it once may have been. Yet you feel obliged to comment on such occasions as the comment being responded to, that many could care less about since such comments are not so sensible to most who have followed or subscribed long enough to realize why certain occasions occur with participants of the project. It is likely that most who have, had eventually reallized why, and to sum it up, it is related to $. So to claim that a woman needs semen from a man of which both are involved in the project, is actually ludicrous since it is more likely that it was only done for cam attention since it is also likely that the cams of that apartment was receiving much more cam attention and hits when the original occupant of the apartment was there alone, and when she had her friend from home there for awhile as well.

    • Haha 1
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  11. 29 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Joe Bidens "Rede zur Lage der Nation" begeistert Beobachter. Der US-Präsident skizzierte darin auch seine eigene Version von "America First".


    Trotz 80 Jahre ist Joe Biden immer noch in der Lage spontan eine tolle Rede halten auch ohne Manuskript abzulesen. Dem Rep-Führer im Kongress fällt es da schwer Antworten zu finden. Nur Rep-Biden-Hasser können da dumme Witze machen wie in dem msm-Bericht. Tendenzielle Unfug.

    Im Deutschen Fernsehen findet Biden bei Journalisten breite Zustimmung. Bei phoenix, ein unabhängiger TV-Kanal der ARD werden wichtige Reden auch von ausländischen Politikern mit Übersetzung gesendet.



           Once again a socialist/marxist indoctrinated rather than actually educated dumkopf kraut reveals that he is nothing more than a socialist/marxist propagandist and that the communist influence over much of the population of the country where he is from when much of it was occupied by them, were certainly embedded into the naive and weak minded individuals and passed on to individuals such as himself.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    YOU are the political nobody who believes he knows everything, but in fact knows nothing.

         On the contrare, he is nothing more than a kraut propagandist who's propagandist bullshit is irrelevant to what occurs politicaly in the U.S. To hell with him and whomever his leftist/marxist/communist educators and influencers were. Truth be known, he is likely someone who has profited from such sorry excuses of humanity such as soros.

  13. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    Was weißt DU Narr und Vietnam-Geschädigter über US-Recht ??? Hast DU US-Recht studiert ? Oder bist Du nur Demagoge und Blüffer wie beim Poker ? Reisst Deine Fresse auf aber hast null Ahnung. Ein Paar kann ja reichen.

    Ich habe Recht studiert und kann mich auch in Recht anderer Länder einlesen - und DU bist nur Nusche und berichtest hier nur dummen Müll. Fick Dich Vietnam-US-Wichser. Dich braucht keiner - Looser ! 😁



    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

     Und DU kleine widerliche US-NAZI-Drecksau  hast Waffen zu Hause und wartest auf einen Menschen den Du erschießen kannst. Du bist potentieller Mörder. Der elektrische Stuhl oder Todesspritze wartet auf Dich.

    Keiner wird um Dich weinen. Dein grausamer Tod ala USA ist gerecht für Dich - eine unsere Menschheit weniger vergiftende Ratte weniger. 😁 Scheiß drauf.



    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    Ich lache. Trump ist eine politische Fliege, ein Dummkopf, der hat schon 5 Jahre als Golf spielender Hobby-Us-Präsident kaputt gemacht. Noch einmal dieses politische Hobby-Arschloch als Präsident ??? Gut, ich weiß, Amerikaner sind oft konservativ und kleben ideologisch am 19. Jahrhundert. Doch den Idioten von Trump noch einmal zu wählen ? Für sooo dumm halte ich Amerikaner dann doch nicht. NY-Prozeß hin oder her.



          Obviously, the marxist/communist indoctrinated kraut has continued his bullshit of propagandism. It worked out so well for the feable like minded brainwashed fascist idiots from the country where he is from since they were decisively humiliated in two decisive defeats in the last two world conflicts. He is obviously attempting to bolster such ridiculous leftist ideoligies in the U.S. Just like another ridiculous excuse of humanity known as hitler and george soros has in relation to other allied countries, because of obviously being a piece of dung leftist indoctrinated asshole.

  14. 8 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Sorry Nick...that shit means nothing to me. All I see from this side of the pond is that innocent people, including many kids, are being massacred far too readily...and, sad to say, far too easily. So, from where I'm sitting, there's a serious flaw in your system.

    But I didn't want to discuss this anymore, because it's pointless, so I won't 



          There are those who lose their lives because of firearms in the U.S. much more so in places where those who believe in radically leftist ideologies and have been locally elected by leftist nutjobs. That is a flaw in a system in the U.S. that needs to be reversed.

  15. 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Der Einsatz der Atombomben auf Menschen ist das größte Kriegsverbrechen der USA - und Grund warum USA weltweit Ansehen und Vertrauen verloren hat. Anfang vom Niedergang der USA. Nicht erst durch Bankenkrise von heute. USA hat sich ihr eigens Grab geschaufelt - hinzu kamen 60 militärische Einsätze und Kriege seit 1945. 


            Should have dropped a few on the country where you are from, so possibly others wouldn't have to be subjected to b.s. kraut propagandism such as comes from you.

  16. 23 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

    You too SL...your translation is twisted 🤪. I thought you knew me. I'm from UK and find the US gun crime and gun laws absolutely disgusting. I've commented and challenged several times regarding this topic in the past...but not anymore...It's like banging you head against a brick wall with these US guys who try to justify US their gun laws...

            Yeah, well I suppose that it is too bad that you despise firearm laws in the U.S. naga, since the 2nd amendment of the U.S. constitution was the second amendment because of those in the U.S. at the time had decided they had had enough of tyranny rule from the U.K. So, since it was and is the 2nd amendment of the U.S. constitution, it will never change without there being another so called civil war in the U.S., and god forbid that should happen, since the U.S. has not only been involved in national security measures, but also has financially supported other allied countries including the U.K. since then.

  17. 57 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Interessant - aber falsch. Japan stand kurz vor der Kapitulation. Nur der Stolz des Tenno ließ dies nicht zu. 2 US-Atombomben auf Japan waren Menschen-Verachtung und haben den Ruf der USA beschädigt - eine kriminelle Nation ohne Charakter. Tschüß. Schlimmer als Nazi-Verbrechen. USA, das einzige Land das Atomwaffen gegen Menschen eingesetzt hat - ohne Reue, ohne Entschuldigung - und ohne etwas zu lernen. 


           Once again you prove that you are nothing more than a sorry assed kraut propagandist, because in fact, it is you that are once again wrong you sorry assed excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. Then again, since so many in the country where you are from were so easily influenced and persuaded by the fascist mentally deranged nazi's, it's no wonder you became indoctrinated by nothing more than bullshit leftist ideologies of socialism/marxism/ and even communism since the communists of russia ruled half of your sorry assed country for quite a awhile you sorry assed propagandist kraut. Fear not, it will never happen again.

  18. On 3/25/2023 at 7:52 PM, StarLight28 said:


    Das ist leider Unsinn - diese rechte Szene ist der gefährliche Mob - genau wie in Deutschland. Lange waren hier Polizei und Gerichte auf dem rechten Auge blind und haben nur "linke Gruppen" überwacht. Ein Fehler. Serien-Morde an 9 Bürgern mit Ausländerhintergrund und einer Polizistin wurde von einer rechten geheimen Neo-Nazie begangen - von links nichts.  RAF von links ist 50 Jahre her. Die Gefahr ist nationalistischer Mob - siehe 06. Januar 2021 und so weiter. 


    It is actually unfortunate for those who thought they mught have actually believed in your kraut propagsndist b.s. until they realized that it was nothing more than that.

  19. 8 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    'Stoking the fires': Texas newspaper torches 'bombastic, bullying' Trump over his upcoming Waco rally

    On Thursday, March 23, The Houston Chronicle's editorial board released a piece expressing concern about the upcoming rally scheduled for Saturday, March 25.

    "Go to Waco, we suggest. Go to Waco to take in Baylor football and basketball, and the Armstrong-Browning Library on the Baylor campus," it wrote. "Marvel at a fossil herd of Ice Age mammoths and enjoy a forested municipal park along the banks of the Brazos and Bosque rivers, sample Chip and Joanna Gaines’s ever-expanding Fixer Upper empire. Don’t bother with a bombastic, bullying candidate inclined to incitement and bent on 'retribution.' His appearance is ample reason to stay home."

          If I were those such as yourself, I'd be more inclined to seeking mental help since those such as yourself are exactly why the country is in the current state of decline it is in and has been since 11/20 since the cost of everything has skyrocketed because of record breaking inflation since then combined with the overall national security of the country being much more at risk since then with an installed puppet who has been obviously mentally declining for quite awhile and who has been a corrupt worthless excuse of humanity for decades at the helm that those such as yourself are responsible for being in such a position. Get some help for your TDS so that when you post comments here, it might actually be more believable than the first and last part of the leftist propaganda you decided to try to spread.

  20. 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Artjom Uss soll verbotene US-Technologien an Russland verkauft haben und deswegen von Italien an die USA ausgeliefert werden. Doch am Mittwoch verschwindet der Sohn des Gouverneurs der russischen...


            I notice that you, a kraut propagandist who obviously has nothing better or nothing more interesting to do in your life than to be a kraut propagandist is still continuing to do so. It has seemed that you must have obviously experienced an unfortunate and certainly misguided upbringing and was exposed to quite a bit of socialist/marxist/ and quite possibly communist ideological indoctrination of leftist ideologies rather than actually being educated as to more actual, factual, and honest ways of life and history. My advise is to try discover that in life there involves more than being a propagandist and quite possibly you might discover that there is actually more to life than being so.

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