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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Although it may be quite good for the intriguing and attractive woman's relationship with her guy to seem to be going as good as ever aside from currently being apart, if the situation were considered to be hypothetical and she was now own her own and single, it would imo be considered quite nice to be in some way privileged to run into her somewhere and to meet her, and to then strike up a conversation enough to become friends with her, and to eventually even become involved in an even closer relationship with the intriguing and attractive woman. It also certainly would be quite nice to have her travel with me, or visit and even stay with me for as long as she wanted. I would certainly do whatever it took to keep her company, yet give her however much personal space she wanted, and would attempt to give her whatever she wanted to feel satisfied. Although it may be highly unlikely, it certainly is nice to dream. But, if there is ever a way of knowing if she ever becomes single and some way to make contact with her, won't say I wouldn't try.
  2. With consideration given to the country where all the residences of the project were stopped and discontinued because of the government, and also taking into consideration the likely constant lower levels of the economy and likely lesser chances of available employment opportunities there due to such, and because of an oppressive national government, I believe that the intelligent, talented, and attractive woman usually referred to in this thread tries to do what she can to get by and survive in a world that seems to be getting more difficult to in some places as time goes by. I also do not believe that there is anything wrong or uncouth in any way that she tries to make her journey in doing so enjoyable to herself and perhaps any others who have become avid admirers over time along the way.
  3. She has seemed to have gotten into moods to engage in some dancing on multiple occasions since her arrival at the current residence my friend jimbo, although perhaps times of duration may have not been quite as lengthy as may have been in the past.
  4. I understand. Perhaps her reasoning for seemingly wanting to stay there in Prague somewhat longer than just on a short term basis which would likely only be 30, 60, or 90 days, or even more so to have success in relocating to reside in Spain for perhaps an even longer period, is based on whether or not the guy would eventually be willing to visit her there and spend some time with her there, because she may be feeling that if he would not, that maybe he is not as serious in caring for her as much as she thought, or at least believed for quite a long period of time. Imo, if that ends up being the case, then he may be delusional not to do so. I personally know I certainly would if I were involved in a relationship with her, because she is certainly an intelligent and attractive woman. As far as her referencing not having family there in her city, she must have been referring to her city as being there now in Prague because she has family back where she is from. Glad you explained it more though. It is appreciated. As far as her not having much of feelings of nostalgia for Russia, it is understandable as to why as far as the government there always trying to oppress the population and therefore the country's economy always being stymied and kept down.
  5. There was recently some dialogue mentioned in this thread referring to part of the intriguing and lovely woman's life and referencing some subject matter and implying that she had no family back in the part of the country from she is from, and also that she is not still involved in a relationship with the guy of which she lived with in the previous residence and of which she had been involved in a relationship with ever since them both joining the project at the same time when they resided in the first residence with the project. I must disagree with the part about her not having family back where she is from because she does, and also find it quite strange and unusual that her and the same guy are still not only texting and calling one another, but have also been video-chatting quite often since her arrival at the new residence on the first day, if they are not still involved in a relationship with one another. Perhaps some things may have been overheard in conversations with a girlfriend during phone calls or video-chats and anyone who knows women, knows that they, like some men, talk of all sorts of things and even sometimes things that may not even be in all actual reality as much as possible hypothetical situations, if other factors of subject matter turn out to be certain ways.
  6. Aside from all other conjecture, speculation, and opinions recently, and quite frankly since the wonderful woman returned to the project, she has only been returned at the new residence for a little over a couple of weeks now. If some of the opinions and speculations of any possible durations of her tenure with the project this time around being even more temporarily short term turn out to be accurate, then there may unfortunately be more of chances that the wonderful woman's time may be limited to only merely 30 or 60 or 90 days, of which will unfortunately seem to pass quite quickly.
  7. Greetings jugg my friend. Although I'm almost always in agreement with just about everything you state in the threads of this forum, I have to respectfully disagree with the reference to watching porn part. Although it may be perceived by some as such, I happen to be one of the some who imo do not see it or perceive it to be as such. Imo along with others as well I am sure, it is merely a situation of an intelligently beautiful and attractive woman, who happens to also be quite sensual in relative to being someone who may enjoy the feelings achieved in reaching sensual ecstasy perhaps more so than others, and perhaps someone whose sensual stimulations may be heightened during fantasy in consideration of thoughts of possibly being observed while being immersed in such. But, that's just my opinion and each to their own I know. I also know that it's been quite a privilege to be allowed to share certain parts of the intriguing and gorgeous woman's life.
  8. Some perceptions well put bubble, and of which I agree with much of.
  9. It was quite nice as well as interesting to have been privileged to notice that the intriguingly interesting and quite attractive woman had returned to the project and had seemed to become as intriguingly interesting and certainly quite amazing to have privilege to observe. She was undoubtedly missed by a number of subscribers including myself while not at the project. She is a quite wonderful, down to earth, and attractive woman imo.
  10. Although quite intriguing and interesting, she is certainly a gorgeously attractive woman.
  11. It is always certainly quite good to observe her seemingly feeling good and dancing.
  12. The cams in the new residence are not located and angled as good as the cams in the previous residence were unfortunately. The views on a majority of the cams in the new residence are quite a distance away to showcase the appealing attractiveness of the wonderful woman as much. It seems that out of the nine cams in the residence, that only the two cams in the BR, and cam five in the Bthrm are the only cams that have close enough views to be able to substantially enjoy any views of her appealing attractiveness. Although the cams in the LR and GR are sufficient depending on what location of the couches she chooses to rest upon, as are the KIT cam and cam four in the Bthrm, they are not as good in views as the three previously mentioned.
  13. The lovely woman' s appeal of her attractiveness has certainly increased since first becoming a tenant of the project. A vision of her is quite visually appealing and pleasing.
  14. It was certainly quite interesting to notice that it has seemed that someone has now acquired another little friend in the new location. It was certainly a good decision, as having a little friend available when certain urges and desires may seem to arise, should certainly assist in achieving some higher levels of sensual fulfillment and satisfaction. It has also been noticed that although a certain kitty in the residence has seemed to have been receiving some attention at times, it has seemed that the kitty's next door neighbor has not been receiving much of attention, although it had seemed in the past, that the kitty's next door neighbor had at times desired attention perhaps as much as the kitty. Perhaps some consideration could be given to giving the kitty's neighbor some more in the way of attention at times, such as perhaps introducing the kitty's neighbor to the new little friend. The kitty's neighbor may very well enjoy being introduced to, as well as receiving stimulating interaction with the new little friend.
  15. Agreed. Perhaps someone was trying to make a point that there is another tenant who has been noticed on some quite interesting occasions of which that tenant had been mentioned on several occasions in the Gen. Chat Topic of the previous residence of the intriguing and quite attractive tenant of which this thread was established for and is supposed to be about. Several mentions of other tenants interesting occasions in a Gen. Chat. Topic is one thing, but this is not the Gen. Chat Topic and caps. of other tenants should be in the thread that relates to them imo.
  16. I've never denied being part lesbian myself and I'm not a female. 😎
  17. Would certainly be something quite interesting, convenient, and nice if there were some local novelty shop nearby that the gorgeous woman was made aware of somehow and decided to visit the location sometime soon or in the near future, and while there noticed some interesting and desirable little friends to her of which she chose to acquire to have available at the residence and sometimes spend some time with whenever some urges or desires of additional sensual massage or stimulation may come over her, since additional feelings of sensual massage or stimulation almost always increase's the intensity of those feelings and ultimately substantially increase's any feelings of gratification and sensual satisfaction afterwards.
  18. I'm certainly glad you did then ! What took so long ? Been missing her for several months now. lol And why didn't you bring Scrappy-Doo along also ? She liked to fly as much as Snoopy. lol
  19. Me too ! lol A balloon would take too long ! lol
  20. Don't recall seeing any conditioning oil look better on someone other than it does on her gorgeous body.
  21. Well that definitely certainly would be quite a long distance to take a train trip. She likely flew then.
  22. I must certainly agree with your book then "e".
  23. The Gen. Chat Threads of The One and Only Leora, you gotta luv it. I believe I do. lol
  24. Although that is an interesting point New my friend, and likely highly probable if she indeed flew and did not take some other form of transportation with perhaps somewhat less stringent security as is flying such as perhaps a train, still it seems it may be even somewhat less difficult to acquire something such as her little friends there where she is now, than perhaps back where she came from or is from. Certainly a good point to take into consideration though.
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