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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. You can request all you want and think what you want. At least I'm not one coming into various threads of this forum to attempt to crack on, put down, or flat out insult others posts simply because I don't agree with them or like them as you do there Professor Howard. So you need not concern yourself with my so called babble as you put it, or anyone else's as far as that goes. Oh, and to add one other thing, I could care less if it has so called proper sentence structure for or to "YOU".
  2. It may make no sense to you, and as far as I'm concerned, it's in a good enough sentence structure there Professor of Literature Howard.
  3. In light of it seemingly that someone may have the residence to themselves for awhile, and if so that it may be hoped that it is for a time period for close to what has seemed to usually be the day to themselves whenever the companion is not present there, and that someone will be in good spirits and some moods of perhaps indulging in some thoughts that may lead to activities of sensuality such as some amazing dancing of which someone is so good and talented at or perhaps some other activities of which may not be as available in opportunity for much longer and for awhile thereafter with a multiday holiday being there and a usual visit of a relative coming soon.
  4. It appears that cam #3 has been moved slightly towards the desk in the corner while residence was in UM status, though it seems the cam may have been in a better location where it was. Hopefully they (RLC) had sent someone out that repaired the bathroom faucet as well as it has seemed to have been not working for the residents for quite some time now and could not seem to be repaired by one of them who attempted to do so.
  5. She never seems to offer any sort of sensual pleasure to herself. Is she perhaps a quite different woman, a bit unusual, somewhat odd, or just not quite similar to many other women of that age group ? Whatever the reason, she is quite attractive and it could possibly be quite interesting to observe her in choosing to indulge in such sometimes.
  6. It may be a meaningful curiosity to be curious as to a seemingly absence of personal interests other than residence chores of which were seemingly concentrated on nearly all day yesterday. Surely one may have other interests or desires in a day after so many chores. After so much labor it may be thought that certainly someone would want to take time for their own personal activities or ways of enjoyment.
  7. Her taste and choices in all her attire are nearly impeccable, and the satin and lace garments were certainly no exception.
  8. In times past, there were others that were not referred to as such by anyone because the styles were different, and of different materials other than cotton, but quite sexy on her none the less, as is nearly everything that is chosen to be worn.
  9. Still, curious as to why it has seemed that interest has seemed to have been lost in times of feeling special feelings of extra special outward appearance in placing even more emphasis on getting ones self made up and other feelings of donning any of the satin or lace outfits of attire that one possesses. Could those times have perhaps been just fads in passing ? Possibly, but it can only be hoped not.
  10. IMO, she looks quite good and is certainly quite attractive. A truly gorgeous and well proportioned woman with a down to earth demeanor and outlook on life.
  11. Could have saved the tears and there should have been no worries mate. For though undoubtedly quite interesting, the occurrence was also quite obscure as well in that all was at obscure angles with really nothing much revealed. If had been, could have been even more so quite interesting.
  12. As a national holiday is close there, someone's time and activities will undoubtedly be occupied much more so than usual.
  13. Will there perhaps be any other thoughts of ones own personal desires or urges, or of any admirers, followers, or supporters of that residence ? Or will there not with other thoughts in mind and the residence be again vacated to be empty for another period of time ? Likely the latter unfortunately.
  14. Though it may have seemed that perhaps some afore mentioned thoughts may have been being pondered and considered briefly while watching TV, only seems perhaps to be an after thought now regretfully. As does times past when someone seemed to experience urges or desires to adorn satin and lace at times when similar thoughts may have perhaps been pondered and taken into consideration, or of listening to good music and sometimes getting into some good dancing, or simply just watching music videos on a pc and in different spaces there in the residence and not just one in particular. Seems those urges or desires are no longer relevant or meaningful as they once seemed to be regretfully as well. Time changes all, for the better or not.
  15. It would surely have to be an extraordinarily amazing and special experience to be privileged to be close enough to her to be able to hear her voice, to smell her scent, to smell and touch her hair, and to touch her and feel the texture and softness of her skin amongst some thoughts that comes to mind. I know, wishful thinking, but it's nice to dream as the saying goes.
  16. A good part of the appealing attractiveness and allure that she possesses is being a quite sexy woman with superb taste in various subjects of her life such as her attire, the furnishings and arrangements in her residence, and other objects in her life as well.
  17. Perhaps a quite sensually erotic one as well at times when ever perhaps any urges or desires of intimate satisfaction may course through someone's thoughts.
  18. Curious as to where the most gorgeously attractive and down to earth woman of superb taste of the project may be today.
  19. I believe I must truly Love that woman! Never would have thought or believed that someone could sincerely experience a feeling of Love for someone else by merely some perceptions of observations of views through some lens. is certainly very fond and admirable of her ! Her companion is certainly very fortunate to have her affections. Perhaps there should be a substantial amount of effort made to preserve those affections for as is in many circumstances or situations in life, changes come about or are developed with the passing of time. I know I definitely would attempt to if it were yours truly.
  20. Perhaps there may be some kitty who may desire some attention and perhaps some form of treat so that it can purr with delight in hopes of receiving enough to feel satisfied and contented.
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