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Everything posted by Failscream

  1. It's a bit annoying when you see a new appartment and be like "waaoow finally something new!", to realise its just another constellation of the same old friends who already got 4-5 appartments running..
  2. What have you heard about George and his appartments? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  3. Isnt the tosser the guy who lived there for a week or more now? ๐Ÿ˜
  4. Last nights script was better ๐Ÿ˜”
  5. Truee.. Well atleats this beats when they're playing shitty board games all night and then calling it the night..
  6. Ary is on fire with the girls tonight ๐Ÿ˜ Humping and kissing both of them..
  7. July ๐Ÿ˜‚ So it looks like BS already.
  8. They said appartments from this region would start coming back around 20th, but no exact date.. I believe it when I see it though..
  9. This appartment is lame as fuck, it's literally just sleep, eat, go out.. "2 hot nymphos" btw..
  10. I think people follow this appartment because she's building up suspense by not doing anything.. Like "Is this the day she's finally going to fuck or masturbate? Ohh well shit, maybe tomorrow then.." If you have someone who drops her cloths day 1 it's not exciting because you've seen it 2000 times before.. In this case though I don't think she's into physical sex as much as telephatic sex, so probably we're wasting our time here. We'll see..
  11. I have an idea, maybe we can put cameras in the place Juju goes to 23 hours/day, and we remove the cameras from this place which she only visits 1 hour/day max.. 200 IQ I know..
  12. Yepp, but VHTV probably wont be okey with that so I expect something to happen sooner or later..
  13. Was hoping she'd do some Yoga for us, that could've been some quality content atleast.. ๐Ÿ˜’
  14. Ahh haha.. I thought that was a stereo at first until i looked at the timeline, so didnt think u meant that one.. Idk what it is, maybe some tantric voodoo-thing..
  15. You mean the white ring with a hole in it? That's a selfie lamp
  16. Last night I saw Juju give the hallway camera a kiss. Thats about the most interesting thing I have witnessed here. ๐Ÿ˜
  17. If we dont see a pair of female tits in this appartment within 12h they might aswell pull the plug ๐Ÿ’ฉ Only Alan can pull off a mancave apartment and get away with it.
  18. I thought they were making a seperate website for their dogshit cam- & fakeshow apartments. Has anyone got news on that?
  19. Current Shag: Stephanie Marry: Noone, maybe Ary's friend from the past few nights ๐Ÿ˜ Avoid: Abby Past Shag: Courtney Marry: Anastasia Avoid: Gia (Anthony & Gia)
  20. The more we dont get to see this girl naked, the more I'm craving to see her wtf.. Fucking painful to watch her go to the bathroom 515 times and no chance of a assview
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