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Everything posted by Failscream

  1. I prefer this girl for some reason, has she done anything sexual in this appartment before?
  2. If you feel like sharing anything with Irma Girl/girl or boy/girl I'd be very happy with a PM ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks
  3. Seems to me the girl was camera shy.. From what i could see she only revealed herself nude when it was dark.. Maybe she'll come around. But yea they probably need something extra to keep the appartment going.
  4. Shame we couldn't see very much but I like the initiative
  5. Please tell me there is a longer version of this, if not can someone please make one? I really want to see more of Irma.. Thanks!
  6. Yea she's been at Helena's.. Showered a couple of times I think, thats why I know I want to see more of her.
  7. This girl is cute as fuck.. If Ian, Deborah, Thomas, Helena or anyone else in this crew reads this forum you should convince her to join VHTV ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Are they not interested in working for VHTV? Or it's not possible?
  9. Side cameras feels a bit far away & useless, hope they can get them closer somehow.
  10. Stesha(?) looks like Mary, if I didn't know any better I'd guess it was her sister lol.
  11. Yep it is.. Unpredictable Alan strikes again ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Atleast Aria looks like Anabel from Anabel and Efim ๐Ÿ˜
  13. A winning concept for RLC would be to bring in more bi/lesbian girls like Demira.. I dont watch a lot right now but from what i can see when checking the top replays of the day its pretty damn dead and not much action going on in Barca.. Zznoozzzeer
  14. This makes me so annoyed.. Been waiting 1-2 week for a new house and this is what we get. Another cam studio that nobody will watch..
  15. Hahah, a new level of stupidity. This appartment will be off soon.
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