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Everything posted by Failscream

  1. Is there a name on the girl who was molsted day 1 of their last appartment?
  2. She moved to a blindspot when she was changing cloths. I dont think she got the right mindset to join this project.
  3. Seems like it. If she was with George obviously Alan wouldn't go to bed with her. I'm guessing she thought George and her had something going until George made it clear she was meant to be with Alan. Then she started crying in the bedroom because of it.
  4. Nothing hot will happen as long as pantless Gollum roams around free in this place.. This girl is really nice though, but she doesnt seem to like the cameras very much sadly.
  5. Wouldn't mind if Gias mom came over, she had nice juggs ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Reacting to the name or person? ๐Ÿ˜
  7. Yea I never watch all these camhouses, unless it's someone really hot. Kiki was kinda hot, but unfortunately Raul ruined this place for everyone. Edit: seems like they're up again
  8. ahh, I gotta disagree then ๐Ÿ˜„ I prefer the other one.. Havent seen her in a few days though
  9. Where is the other one of the original girls? I miss her ๐Ÿ˜ž
  10. It's been said before but this house is dead. The tenants are not intresting to watch, and also the house is too big which makes the cameras feel very far away. VHTV should put an end to this house to save some money.
  11. So good to see Serena again.. Was hoping she'd get a VH-appartment on her own, but I don't know the story behind her leaving so maybe she was tired of the cameras.
  12. Would rather get a show in bad light than no show at all
  13. I guess thats likely, just pray that the water didn't enter to many cracks
  14. Again the twitter guy fucks up, what the hell really.. So disrespectful. If he/she doesn't know who lives there, better not tweet at all.
  15. Considering they might read all this I think some of you should calm down with your comments on her looks. Seems a bit rude.
  16. First impressions, they need some carpets.. The couple itself could be interesting even though I wish she didn't have a russian/eastern european accent.
  17. Aye I look at their twitter from time to time to see if they got something new going, it's mostly the shows that was shown on VHTV I miss though. Lucky their archive is still there.
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