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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Stella and the guy getting it on under covers in bed.
  2. WOW! She took her time, over 34 hours away. That's twice in about a week that she has disappeared for over 30 hours. But maybe it wasn't all in vein. Hopefully she cn start hanging out with this guy on camera too, from now on.
  3. Quite laughable... There was a party at B2 a few days ago, where the twins went back to Gina's to bed before the rest had even gotten in the party mood. Today Gina and Stella came to B4 to have some fun, and the twins are not even parttaking. 🤣 I have to admit I was wrong. When the twins returned, I feared the worse. I felt it threathened the life that I so much wanted to see. Now I see that the bound between Gina and Stella has developed much more, and the friendship between them are actually stronger than the effect of the twins on Gina. And that I'm so glad, and really happy for! I'm optimistic again!
  4. I watched Stella! Stella and Anna are my faavorites these days.
  5. It's halfway scary to watch when he jumps up and down the stairs on one foot though.
  6. Scott! 👍🏻 He gives us all sides of real life. 🦽
  7. Yes. I agree. They are all grown up people, who are fully capable of making their own decissions. I don't understand the people who crititicise that. The only one I think Scott has a particular responsibility for, is Stephie. Obviously. Because there is something more involved there now.
  8. I had been super exciting if this happened abit earlier, back when Tesla and Elian were in crazy party mood. Now I'm just rather disappointed, actually. After that endless truth and dare night with Nana's guy, I'm of the impression that they are doing this almostly for the show-value. It seems to be no different with the new guy tonight. I guess it might still better than alot of other things they do, but it's definitely not what it could have been. Particularily disappointing is it that Tesla has become just like the rest of them. All about making the show. 🎣Clickbaiting🎣
  9. She still use that leg crossing technique, even with the new vibrator. I like it!
  10. Agree. It's enough now.
  11. So. When is Diana getting an apartment? I miss her! 🥺😭😭😭😦😞😠😩😢😬
  12. What? Stephie has never ever laid around with her panties showing in front of Scott before?? I think you need to pay more attention!
  13. No one since she moved in with him in this house. And no one since she became pregnant. That is why this arrangement is so one-sided.
  14. I am a huge fan of you, Scott. I'm only here to watch your lifes, not judge it. But I do have opinions. If you want to hear it. Here it is: My problem is that it is not equal. It is as far from equal as it can get. Stephie might say that it is OK, she is might even have convinced herself that it is OK, but the point is that you have to look at the situation she is in. The woman is pregnant, for fucks sake. Biologically, it is better to have a father, than not have a father at all. That's the situation. The background. To truely show respect, you should look at how she acts. Stephie doesn't live this life. She doesn't want to, and she doesn't have the need to. She lets you do it, even though I'm not so sure she seem to like it very much. Therefore this will never be an equal arrangement. It is bound to cause alot of issues and worry about trust. For her, not for you though. She has everything to loose in this. You have nothing to loose. So no, it is NOT equal. That is a fact that need to be aknowledged, before you can talk about respect. If she is still OK with it, that is great. But I think you should let her know that it is not equal, and you should let her know, often and clearly, how grateful you are for the respect she is giving you. The thing about variety being a necessary thing for you is a lame argument. A selfish argument. When you have made someone pregnant, it is time to grow up and take responsibility. Everyone has urges, but there are times to act on urges, and there are times to not act on your urges. You need to stop thinking that having sex with whomever you want is some kind of necessity. Something you have to do, regardless. Because it is not. It is a good bonus, a gift, that Stephie has granted you. Let that always be clear, and only if that is clear, then maybe this work. That is my opinion. My advise, if you want. But it is your lifes. I'm just a spectator.
  15. I will never understand this. I feel sincerly sorry for Stephie. She deserves so much better. 🥰
  16. I just don't get why they use resources on relocating Sergio for the second time this year. They have also relocated Ken & Barbie fairly recently. They have opened a place for Turbo. Opened a new place for the Teletubbies. Meanwhile, where are all the people who are actually interesting and great to watch? Like Diana? Lyla? Still? It's been half a year since we lost Diana. I am loosing my hope now!
  17. Relocation again? This looks like a major downgrade for them. Not that desrved a better place though. They hardly offer anything to the project anymore.
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