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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Ah see Bingo here in the U.S. is a bit different here in the U.S. You get a card like this Then someone calls out the letter and number. So if they said "G 60" you would go to the column under G and put a mark on the 60. The first to get 5 in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins and has to yell out BINGO.
  2. ok so it's basically like bingo, but with a shitload of numbers and you have to run 3 cards at once.
  3. Blondy is organizing a game for them. Is she staying the night tonight?
  4. OH YEAH! That whole thing was a total catastrophe that's still ongoing. Meaning the catastrophe is ongoing. The company that built it was shady as hell and cut corners. It was a walkway over a major highway that connected two sections of a university.
  5. You're going to have to be more specific. Our bridges collapse into the swamp all the time. Seems that building solid structures on highly unstable shifting sandbars and ground that liquefies at the slightest rain shower is a bad idea. But then again where else are you going to build Walmart or McDonalds. You might be thinking about the one in Atlanta Georgia though. A bunch of utility trucks being stored under the bridge caught on fire and caused a major thoroughfare to collapse. Now there's no direct route through the city and people have to add damn near 1 1/2 hours to their commute instead of the normal 30 minutes.
  6. It's really strange with how small the world has gotten. I live in Miami Florida and when I read the news this morning my first thought was "Geez I hope no one I know was effected by this." It seems that everything has a 3 degrees of separation type thing going on in this new digital world of ours. Hector, give Marla our love and hold her tight.
  7. I'm glad you two are ok! The news was almost unbelievable. Like something you would see in a movie. If gas mains are ruptured please don't take any chances. If there is even a hint of danger try and find another place to stay for a few nights until they can get it all repaired.
  8. They do, just not on cam unfortunately. But they'll hole up in the apt for about a week lazing around on the couch, then disappear for like 12 hours. Once they were gone for 2 days. But when they return they always have shitloads of stuff with them. It looks like souvenirs of their journey wherever they went. Most of the time it looks like they've come back from a big festival/Carnival or something. They've come in before sunburned like crazy and wearing beads, body paint, holding large what we in the U.S. call "Yardbeers" containers. It's just a large plastic tube that's a yard long you fill with booze. So, yeah they do sit on the couch a lot. But when they go out, they're typically gone for quite some time.
  9. Yeah I get the impression that they feel he's bringing her down or something. I'm definitely not an authority on the subject because I don't really have an opinion of Misty one way or another.
  10. You're absolutely right, I said earlier Kyle hasn't done anything wrong. I was laughing because he kept sticking his head in between Lexy, Pete, and Ana earlier an grinding the night to a halt.
  11. lol that's what I've been saying, its only fair play. But something tells me that Lexy would have just as much fun with Ana as Pete would lmao.
  12. Man, I was really hoping to see Lexy and Anastasia have some fun tonight. Those two get along so well that they're dynamic is like a real couple in themselves.
  13. Also @Lexy&Peteyou guys need to fix your couch bed lol. You guys put it to the test during the house warming party. I think it's time to give it a proper burial.
  14. BUT! Keep in mind that this is all just observations from a third party view. I have no way of knowing what the actual mood of the gang is there. It just seems like that's whats going on.
  15. Well look what's going on right now. Pete and Ana are on the couch. Lexy WAS sitting next to Pete. But she got up to refill her drink and Kyle sprawled out on the couch. So Lexy took up residence on the beanbag on the floor. Basically, Kyle is a massive 3rd wheel right now.
  16. I don't think there's an inherent problem with Kyle from Lexy and petes standpoint. Like I said before he's not really doing anything to get people riled up or being a dick. He's just kind of there and diverting the natural flow of the evening. Like earlier Ana, Lexy and Pete were on the couch making out and doing fun things. Then Kyle shoves his head over and says something. They all kind of stop and then Pete got up and the girls started looking at their phones. Again, he's not doing anything wrong, and they probably consider him a friend. He's just not in the flow. It might be because his GF is passed out in the next room and he's fucked her already tonight.
  17. Oh ok, that makes more sense. I agree with you on that point.
  18. @Lexy&Peteum kind sir, can I get a copy of those pictures? Please?
  19. Lexy went outside to smoke. She's been here all night.
  20. Yo Pete, Take your girl out for a nice meal after this lol. She took one for the team there having to clean that up.
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