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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Yeah that's medicine he's been huffing for the past two weeks. Poor guy has been sick as fuck. He's been shoving nasal decongestant up his nose and puffing on that medicine. I think it must be some hardcore stuff though because every time he takes it he kind of sits there and stares off into space for about 5 minutes. I know over here in the U.S. they pulled a lot of that type of medication in the early 00's because it would get you high as a kite super quick. But I'm not sure that Russia/Ukrain/Hell even Europe as a whole has such regulations. I've noticed that Paul has been careful not to kiss Leora on the mouth or share a drink/food with her. I had also suspected that he had been on home on sick leave or taken vacation days instead of losing his job as some had suggested here. But who knows. For all we know he could have used his vacation days to try and recover.
  2. @Lexy&PeteIf I might make a suggestion. "Strip" Charades is so much more fun. Loser have to remove an article of clothing every time.
  3. I love how excited Lexy gets when she gets one right. She laughs hysterically and claps her hands and starts jumping up and down. It's hilarious. Her laugh is crazy infectious.
  4. Lmao "Window Shopper" baffled them. Looks like Blondie isn't cut out as an actor.
  5. Give @Lexy&Peteenough time and they'll crack even the toughest of shells. Love these two. They're just an amazing couple.
  6. The good news though is that Blondie is following the rules of the game and seems to be loosening up quite a bit. She's much less reserved than she was a even a few hours ago.
  7. Ha ha that's the problem when you start out at the top. People expect it all the time. Also, Pete is cheating at Jenga. He stopped the tower from falling over and steadied it lmao.
  8. lol Lexy complaining to Pete "You call that a lapdance?"
  9. Well dammit, I step out to go get a pizza and miss all this awesomeness going down. Hope they keep the night rolling.
  10. That was definitely one of the worst to happen in our state but they were referring to this one right here. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-bridge-collapse-fiu-florida-state-university-project-behind-schedule-over-budget-updates-2018-03-20/ The company building the bridge had a major design change halfway through it's construction and didn't change the supports to accommodate it. At least thats the story so far as it's still developing. I'm not sure how much is getting out past our local news because these stories tend to get buried amongst the bigger worldwide news, but the investigation is unveiling some major corners were cut and standard safety protocols were basically just ignored. But the biggest issue of this bridge collapse was that the bridge was built over a traffic signal. So when it collapsed there were a bunch of cars below it waiting for the light to turn green. It's a miracle more weren't killed in the incident.
  11. Das a nice booty. Ah yes, birthplace of Mongolian beef. Gods gift to mankind.
  12. While I agree that Money is the universal sign of love, I think maybe the thought is that a gift would feel more personal? I.E. if you use my example above with Lexy and a French Maid outfit you can think to yourself "Oh yeah I bought her that" every time she wears it. But if it was a tipping thing they'd probably use it for everyday usages like buying groceries or paying the electric bill. I'm just shooting from the hip there but that's the immediate thought anyway.
  13. Out of curiosity, how would you get blacklisted from RLC? There's not really much interaction with the site to get black listed for is there?
  14. lol well ok then. I guess this is a thing now.
  15. On one hand I'm apprehensive about buying presents for people I'll never meet or really interact with. But on the other.........I would not mind seeing Lexy in a French Maid outfit. Yo @StnCld316if you've got the connections can you see if this is legit? I'm always apprehensive that someone is using popular services to set up a intricate scam.
  16. Lovely Lexy doesn't look like she's feeling it tonight. Seems kind of distant.
  17. Lmao I like that her hair gets frizzier and frizzier with every drink.
  18. Looks like Blondy is loosened up a bit now. She seems to finally have relaxed and let herself get comfortable.
  19. Its weird, sometimes friends like to talk to each other and seek comfort from one another.
  20. Hey @Lexy&PeteWhat flavor do you guys prefer to smoke in your Hookah?
  21. lol I completely agree. We used to do "Shots" bingo back in my college days. You had to mark the cards with empty shot glasses. So if your number is called, you did a shot and put the shotglass on the card where it goes. Many Bingo games ended up in drunken orgies.
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