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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Can someone post a screeshot of the kitchen real quick? I'm away from the PC and have no means to do so. I'm curious if anyone can identify the fruit they have on the cutting board.
  2. lol it seems they're adapting to their environment finally. Like that line from the original Jurassic Park "They're learning"
  3. LOL You're playing with fire @Lexy&Peteremember last time. Lexy fell on her booty.
  4. Joanna Bliss, Milena Velba, Nadine Jansen and Dana Benn
  5. Yes absolutely love Marvel! They're doing comic book movies right!!!! I can't wait to see how they end the Infinity War with Thanos. They deviated from the comic a bit but it's ok because the movies are amazing!! But they're building to some amazing things! The end of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 after the credits hinted at Adam Warlock and the end of the Avengers you just saw after the credits hinted at Captain Marvel!!!! I'm extremely excited.
  6. Ah I know this one. This is Yulia Nova. Russian model who was discovered by a Japanese photographer. Doesn't do anything except cheesecake shots. No pussy shots or anything more hardcore than what you see here. She has a bunch of videos that have sold extremely well in Japan including two that are "cosplay" of her in various outfits like French Maid, Harem Girl, Milk Maid, etc etc. She's long since retired and last update stated she's happily married.
  7. @Lexy&PeteWhat did you think about that ending to the Avengers? Pretty crazy right?
  8. jesus that poor dog. It was like "Oh shit.....shiiiiit........ok I'm out of here OH SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT!"
  9. The twitter feed says "Lexy and Pete fell in love" yeah buddy, I think that happened a long time ago. Just look at the post by @jabbath1987 Not many couples blow each other kisses much less even have interest in each other once they get done fucking lol. These two love each other so much.
  10. lmao poor Lexy fell on her ass trying to turn the projector off.
  11. lmao blonde guest just body checked Pete into the floor.
  12. Cool, I'd like to check it out. Keep us updated on its release.
  13. Oh wicked! What's the name of it? I'll keep an eye out for it.
  14. Oh shit, Hector and Marla are playing Dungeons and Dragons? Nice!!! *edit* Looking at the map on the table I think that's Westeros. So this is a tabletop version of Game of Thrones.
  15. You know, I hope that Pete gets double downed on by these girls. As much as I love seeing Lexy in action, it'd be nice to see Pete getting a bit of the ol' rumble once in a while.
  16. Yesterday and day before Lexy was watching Comedy specials and laughing her ass off. Later on she was trying to tell Pete about them and couldn't tell the joke because she was laughing so hard. Pete started making fun of her and she started laughing even harder. Then he was doing a comedy bit with the bathroom door and Lexy could barely breath. I've said it before but Lexy and Pete are one of the most real couples I've seen on this site. They act like how a couple would really act behind closed doors. All the other couples seem like they're just "Doing a job" for the cameras, but Lexy and Pete actually feel like they're living their lives and the cameras just "HAPPEN" to be there.
  17. Video is also in Leora's Guest room. The guest room is notoriously quieter than the rest of the house. Even with volume cranked all the way up you typically won't hear anything until the little yapper starts barking or Leora starts moaning. So scrub through the vid near the end where she starts moaning while orgasming and make sure your volume is at max.
  18. Whom ever placed this spotlight knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
  19. Wow, I don't think I've heard Lexy moan like that before. Yeah she's been loud, but not with that amount of passion. Very Nice.
  20. I'm assuming they're offline for maintenance at the moment?
  21. lol yeah she eventually went in and became the Lexy we know and love. But the way she paced around for a bit made it look like she was upset about something. Just guessing but I think she may have been upset over how much they had to drink and the broken glass. Then after that Pete went and got a big bag of booze out of the bedroom. Seemed like Lexy was giving him the "You've had enough" eyes.
  22. Man, Lexy is not into this at all. She's doing everything in her power to not walk into the bedroom. Piddling around, picking up a bit of trash here and there, walking out into the Loggia, coming back in and walking around a bit.
  23. Holy fuck, Pete just pulled out 3 bottles of wine, a box of wine, and a bigass bottle of Vodka. On TOP of what they've been drinking tonight.
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