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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. She looks like she should be modeling a pair of pants. But forgot the pants.
  2. Speaking from personal experience I know it's hard to live with a woman who's having a bad menstruation cycle. The best thing you can do is keep your mouth shut and stay out of the way. So that might be what Pete is doing. Unless I missed something, nothing really happened in this apartment. Lexy was perfectly fine until the party happened and thats when she started cramping extremely bad. Pete took over while she rested in the bedroom and did a brilliant job of keeping everyone in check. Even going so far as to deny any guests going into the bedroom where she was laying down and kicking out guests at the end of the night instead of allowing them to stay overnight so Lexy could have peace and quiet. On top of that the dynamic and rules that Lexy and Pete have for each other are quite clear because Pete has not touched Anastasia or even Bree on the night of the party because Lexy wasn't around. So I can't see there being any friction because of stuff like that. But then again I don't watch 24/7 and we don't know what happens when they're out of the apartment. So it could be something else.
  3. For once I'm glad I missed something. From what you guys are saying above it sounds pretty bad. I hope Gloria go out of there safely. Also their realm seems to be down/gone atm.
  4. Lexy is having a very bad monthly visit. She's cramping extremely hard. It hurts her so much she can barely sit down properly and has to either lay down or stand still. It seems to even hurt when she walk around. The other day she tried to sit at the table and eat some food and had to hunch over and then eventually she had to get on her knees and lean over the table to eat. Good news is that it should be over in a couple of days. Hopefully. For Pete's sake.
  5. Ah yes this young lass is Jaqlynn AKA Dustghost AKA PrincessDust AKA AngelDustbaby. Her tumblr is Satanslittleangelbaby and her sisters tumblr is daddiesgirl6688846. Only reason I point out her sisters tumblr is because she looks exactly like her and she also does cam stuff. Oddly the sisters support each other by talking about how hot each other are and getting off to each others vids on their tumblr. Anyway Jaqlynn regularly cams on Myfreecams under any of the names above. Her ex-bf got her hooked on inhalants with her favorite being dust cleaner. Hence the title "Dust" in all her names. She would cam regularlay looking like she just crawled out from behind a dumpster with greasy hair and obviously not having showered in weeks. She would proudly state that she was homeless and talked about digging through dumpsters to find food because she refused to get a job. She was very anti-government and would cam in front of an upside down American flag (For all you non-americans that is a sign of duress in our country. I think it's a universal sign all over the world but I wanted to point it out just in case. Basically its just really offensive and the only people who really do it are anti-establishment Hippy people) and would end every single cam show with "Hail Satan." Also she was a total asshole. Like 100% not worth even joining her room even with an epic rack like she has. Then she disappeared for about a year from the scene and people just assumed she got kicked out of the house she claimed she was being allowed to stay at. Internet sleuths found preggo pictures of her and it soon became evident she had taken a hiatus to have the baby. Then she started camming again and she looked freaking amazing. She cleaned herself up, got some new clothes (She cammed for about 5 years in the EXACT same bra and shirt every night) had a whole new attitude and started camming in a newly revamped room. She was very sweet towards everyone and she eventually revealed the she had broken up with her EX who knocked her up and realized he was toxic. At least that what she said. She claims to be full off all drugs except for smoking cigarettes (She previously would proudly talk about how Meth wasn't as bad as the media is portraying it) and is actually kind of cool to talk to about her past life. Fun Fact: Both she and her sister both have Tattoos on their butt that says "Daddies Playtoy"........Make of that what you will. Also she and her sister had stated they would do a show together if they got enough money. Once again......not exactly right in the head. Sorry for the long wall of text but I just happened to know a lot about this girl from personally talking to her (Over the internet, not actually in person) and what had been revealed before on other sites. I wasn't even actively seeking info out on her, I just kept stumbling across bits and pieces here and there which she later confirmed over Skype (Yeah this goes all the way back to skype days lol) and in her chat on MFC. Also I don't feel bad about giving out her tumblr up there because it's her and her sisters main source of income according to the girls. It's not connected to her personal info in any way shape or form. But she's pretty damn liberal with all of that anyway and regularly gives out her phone number and address over MFC all the time. Her reasoning? She said and I quote "You show up at my door I'm going to blow your goddamn head off and I will absolutely feel no compassion for you dumb motherfucking ass. Hail Satan."
  6. Looks like Pete is cleaning house. Seems he's kicked the last of the guests out.
  7. Wow, I expect to hear "Mad World" playing while looking at this. She really is gorgeous though.
  8. lol looks like Dan is getting a bit of revenge on Drew there for getting his crotch grabbed
  9. Yeah see, that's gonna be a cockup in the future social gatherings for sure
  10. Not sure if translation didn't fully come across but are you saying that Laurie got punched?
  11. Just to defend Drew a little from something I said earlier. Laurie has been intentionally fucking with him all night. She keeps making sure she's in his line of sight when she bends over or is sitting on that ball with her legs spread. Earlier she was on the couch with her hand down the other guys pants and she kept looking over and smiling at him. That's a recipe for disaster. Someones going to break.
  12. I like Ana a lot I'm glad she moved in with L&P. She's so damn bouncy all the time. Compliments the kids perfectly. I've never seen her in a bad mood or be cross with anyone.
  13. Aaaand he just caused her to get up and everyone left the room. Way to go Drew
  14. Well that's good to know. Lexy and Pete don't normally hang out with assholes so I was assuming he was just a bit buzzed. You know that level where you're still functional but at the same time you think everything you're doing is hilarious? I assumed that was where he was. He seems to have calmed down quite a bit now that Laurie is curled up with her hand down dudes pants on the couch lol.
  15. Drew didn't really do anything just walking around and seemed to annoy people. But now that Jabbath pointed it out I think he may just be trying to be funny around Laurie. But the only kerfuffle of the night was that Richie tried to get into the bedroom where Lexy is sleeping because she's in pain (Possibly cramping really bad) and Pete stood up to him. It ended with them conceding that they were to take the couch. And now Laurie is attempting a stealthy on the couch in front of everyone. Someone should tell them that only works if you have a blanket and not a giant spotlight on you lmao.
  16. Ok to be fair it looks like he's trying to be the "clown" of the party and there might be something missing in translation on my end. But it did look like Pete and Dan were about to drop him earlier lol. Especially Dan, he stood up and took the "bulldog" body stance against him and Drew backed off. But Drew kept coming up and humping Pete and grabbing the other guy's crotches and stuff. But if what you say is true that he has a thing for Laurie, which btw makes sense she's pretty damn hot, then he may be acting out and trying to get her attention. It's amazing how we all revert back to schoolyard rules and act like idiots around people we're attracted too.
  17. Also that dude in the black shirt (Think his name is Drew?) is kind of a douchebag. He keeps getting in peoples faces and crawling all over people laying on the couch or the floor. He was even "faking" like he was going to throw a punch at Pete and Dan.
  18. Just make sure I'm 100% because I couldn't hear well. Was the guy trying to find a place to sleep and decided to sleep in the bedroom? Because it sounded like the argument afterwards was that he was trying to convince Pete to let him sleep on the couch.
  19. Dude, every time you post it pisses me off because I want a fucking cup of coffee and I've been trying to cut back. DAMMIT.
  20. Well if she's cramping up she might be wearing one of those wrist bands that prevent nausea. People wear them when they get on boats and airplanes but I've heard of women sometimes using them during menstrual times. She seems to be ok right now, laughing and joking, but she's leaning on the chair pretty hard. I'm hoping that's all it is and not something more serious. I notice she keeps rubbing her butt like she's either pulled a muscle or taken a hard fall on her booty. And to be honest watching her trying to adjust the projector multiple times I wouldn't be surprised if she did fall on her ass lol. She also can't seem to keep weight on a single foot for longer than a few seconds and she's constantly shifting back and forth.
  21. Yeah I see Lexy in the kitchen now chowing down on sweets and what looks like chicken lol. Also Pink Bikini girl is wanting round 2 it looks like. She's doing the ultimate tease on the couch at the moment.
  22. Ah ok. What a time for that to take place lol. Poor girl. Hope she's not getting too annoyed with all the loud music and revelry.
  23. Oh no! I thought I saw her walking around all stiff and stuff. I hope she's ok.
  24. What about Lexy? Haven't seen her since I joined in the fun.
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