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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. The idea of the impeachment is to stop a dangerous idiot doing even more damage and to show nobody is above paying for the damage they deliberately cause!
  2. This could be a stock picture from any day in this place!
  3. We know, you only care about how far you can get up Trumps ass!
  4. We don't really care, Trump has diminished the influence the USA used to have in the world so he is just another Head of State now with probably less effective influence that the EU has!
  5. I didn't know we had a choice in who gets an apartment, I certainly would not have voted for them because I just find the pair of them as boring as fuck (and that has nothing to do with how they fuck occasionally)!
  6. We never thought Lisa would have a 3some or Melissa would fuck another guy on camera but it happened!
  7. She'd get a better education in the bedroom with these "classmates"
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