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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. They turn the lights off, I turn the apartment off! Easy!
  2. It must be love if he trusts her with his most prized possession!
  3. Definitely a different game I'd be playing!
  4. He hasn't even noticed she has stopped sucking him off!
  5. Ken is in heaven, he has his boys and his Playstation! Who could ever wish for more!
  6. Counting words are you Harley? At least @ddhm explains himself instead of just spouting biased rubbish!
  7. He definitely doesn't seem to appreciate what he has got! I think he would be more upset if his games console broke that if Barbie left him!
  8. This girl is crazy, one minute running around screaming, throwing things, trying to get out of the windows, the next sitting quietly talking and laughing!
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