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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Well she has never been convicted of anything because being a horrible person isn't illegal, but Donald on the other hand........I'm sure he will look lovely in orange in his near future!
  2. Give it time! The hearings will take place and the witnesses will come forward.
  3. Read it again! When he is found guilty they can bar him from ever standing for an elected position again! And by the way he doesn't have to be still in office for impeachment proceedings to take place.
  4. That you are an idiot? Oh sorry that would mean you facing reality, which of course you never do!
  5. The US House of Representatives has impeached President Donald Trump for "incitement of insurrection" at last week's Capitol riot. Ten Republicans sided with Democrats to impeach the president by 232-197. He is the first president in US history to be impeached twice, or charged with crimes by Congress. Mr Trump, a Republican, will now face a trial in the Senate, where if convicted he could face being barred from ever holding office again.
  6. Getting to be one of the most boring couples on VH!
  7. Sorry, I respect people's privacy even though Trump doesn't!
  8. Be interesting to see if the cabinet do invoke the 25th Amendment on the grounds of mental impairment!
  9. If you think that then why did you want another 4 years of the king of liars? Hadn't you learned anything? That guy told more lies in his 1st year than the other 2 managed in 8 years!
  10. At least we are not stupid enough to elect somebody like Trump!
  11. No, the majority face the truth and criticize Trump when necessary unlike you who only seeks to defend him regardless of what he has done, seemingly working on the assumption that if you parrot his lies often enough people will believe you. It doesn't work for him and it will not work for you. A narcissistic liar always lies!
  12. If Leora is the best we can hope for, then the virus may as well take us all now!
  13. If she showed any enthusiasm or even interest then that might be real!
  14. If she actually played with Malia instead of pretending I would agree with you but their performances are so bad it is not even funny!
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